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时间:2023-02-26 21:57:06浏览次数:35  
标签:kingdom king his 英语 opposition new was 背单词


write a short story with the following words:

premise, oppose, chariot,

bracket, parenthesis, mileage, pessimist, network,

involve, ironic, puppet, mourn, priest,

environment, khaki, fireplace, electronics, brute

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a pessimistic king who believed that his environment was filled with only brutes and that no one could be trusted. He had a vast network of spies who reported every move of the opposition to him. The king believed that every person was a puppet and only acted according to their self-interest.

One day, the opposition party made a surprising announcement. They proposed a new premise for the kingdom - to embrace technology and electronics and move towards progress. They suggested starting a network to connect people and increase communication. The king was shocked and, at first, opposed the idea, but the opposition party convinced him otherwise.

The king sent his chariot to bring the opposition leaders to his palace to discuss the new proposal. The opposition party arrived, and they all sat down for a meeting. The king listened carefully to their ideas and finally agreed to involve himself in the project. He even made an ironic comment, saying that he was looking forward to using electronics in his palace's fireplace.

The opposition party was pleasantly surprised by the king's change of heart, and they all left the palace with a newfound sense of hope. In the end, the kingdom progressed with the new proposal, and even the pessimistic king mourned his previous way of thinking. The people of the kingdom worked together, leaving behind their differences and embracing each other like a parenthesis in a bracket. The mileage of the kingdom's progress was measured by their newfound connectivity, and the king was happy to see that his khaki kingdom was no longer left behind. A priest even blessed the new era of the kingdom, and everyone was filled with hope for the future.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/17157857.html


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