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Appropriation and Appreciation------learning journals 4

时间:2023-03-25 22:15:15浏览次数:42  
标签:Canada people culture but Appreciation cultural Appropriation ------ respect

       There are many cultures in this world, but some cultures are rarely known, even if they are known to a certain extent, leading to the existence of stereotypes, which is why cultural appropriation and appreciation are born.

      Of course, there is still a difference between the two. The former refers to the use of something that is superficially known to dress or use before knowing a culture. This is disrespectful to people who belong to this culture. For example, on Halloween, someone used feathers to dress himself up as an Indian in a movie or TV series. He thought it was very interesting, but he had little knowledge of Indian culture, which led to the Indians chasing him three streets when they saw him, because he felt that it did not respect his culture。

      The latter refers to respecting and appreciating each culture, even striving to learn to consult information to understand this culture, giving him twelve points of respect, striving to learn the language, and having fun and understanding local customs in the past. For example, I have a friend's sister who wants to immigrate to Canada, but she doesn't understand Canadian customs, so she spent six months learning about everything about Canada. According to friends, her sister-in-law is now appreciated by many people in Canada because she shows respect and affection for their culture.

      Of course, there are also similarities between the two. In essence, all of these are just to explore some issues and stereotypes about propaganda culture. After all, some things are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but sometimes people do not respect and appreciate them, but they rarely have or understand these things and things in their lives. However, this also reversely indicates that cultural propaganda still needs to be strengthened, which is an urgent issue to be addressed.

Overall,cultural appropriation and culture appreciation is a very important problem for human.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cquc/p/17255722.html


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