<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>标签:Mapper,code,name,记录,item,source,org,格式,id From:
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="">
<resultMap type="DetialView" id="DetialViewResult">
<result property="orgId" column="org_id" />
<result property="orgName" column="org_name" />
<result property="barcodeId" column="barcode_id" />
<result property="isStocked" column="is_stocked" />
<result property="itemCode" column="item_code" />
<result property="itemName" column="item_name" />
<result property="itemId" column="item_id" />
<result property="sourceBill" column="source_bill" />
<result property="sourceId" column="source_id" />
<result property="sourceLineNo" column="source_line_no" />
<result property="batchNumber" column="batch_number" />
<result property="baseUnit" column="base_unit" />
<result property="qty" column="qty" />
<result property="boxCode" column="box_code" />
<result property="warehouseName" column="warehouse_name" />
<result property="warehouseCode" column="warehouse_code" />
<result property="locationCode" column="location_code" />
<result property="locationName" column="location_name" />
<result property="areaName" column="area_name" />
<result property="areaCode" column="area_code" />
<sql id="selectDetialViewVo">
select org_id,org_name, barcode_id, is_stocked, item_code, item_name, item_id, source_bill, source_id, source_line_no, batch_number, base_unit, qty,box_code, warehouse_name, warehouse_code, location_code, location_name, area_name, area_code from wm_stock_detail_view
<sql id="selectDetialView">
select org_id,org_name, barcode_id, is_stocked, item_code, item_name, item_id, source_bill, source_id, source_line_no, batch_number, base_unit, qty,box_code, warehouse_name, warehouse_code, location_code, location_name, area_name, area_code from detial_view
<!--库存现有量 仓库-->
<select id="selectDetialViewList" parameterType="DetialView" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
<include refid="selectDetialViewVo"/>
<if test="orgId != null and orgId != ''"> and org_id = #{orgId}</if>
<if test="orgName != null and orgName != ''"> and org_name like concat('%', #{orgName}, '%')</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null and barcodeId != ''"> and barcode_id = #{barcodeId}</if>
<if test="isStocked != null and isStocked != ''"> and is_stocked = #{isStocked}</if>
<if test="itemCode != null and itemCode != ''"> and item_code like concat('%', #{itemCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like concat('%', #{itemName}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemId != null and itemId != ''"> and item_id = #{itemId}</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null and sourceBill != ''"> and source_bill = #{sourceBill}</if>
<if test="sourceId != null and sourceId != ''"> and source_id = #{sourceId}</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null and sourceLineNo != ''"> and source_line_no = #{sourceLineNo}</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''"> and batch_number like concat('%', #{batchNumber}, '%')</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null and baseUnit != ''"> and base_unit = #{baseUnit}</if>
<if test="qty != null and qty != ''"> and qty = #{qty}</if>
<if test="boxCode != null and boxCode != ''"> and box_code = #{boxCode}</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null and warehouseName != ''"> and warehouse_name like concat('%', #{warehouseName}, '%')</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''"> and warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode}</if>
<if test="locationCode != null and locationCode != ''"> and location_code = #{locationCode}</if>
<if test="locationName != null and locationName != ''"> and location_name like concat('%', #{locationName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaName != null and areaName != ''"> and area_name like concat('%', #{areaName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaCode != null and areaCode != ''"> and area_code = #{areaCode} </if>
<select id="DetialList" parameterType="DetialView" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
<include refid="selectDetialView"/>
<if test="orgId != null and orgId != ''"> and org_id = #{orgId}</if>
<if test="orgName != null and orgName != ''"> and org_name like concat('%', #{orgName}, '%')</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null and barcodeId != ''"> and barcode_id = #{barcodeId}</if>
<if test="isStocked != null and isStocked != ''"> and is_stocked = #{isStocked}</if>
<if test="itemCode != null and itemCode != ''"> and item_code = #{itemCode}</if>
<if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like concat('%', #{itemName}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemId != null and itemId != ''"> and item_id = #{itemId}</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null and sourceBill != ''"> and source_bill = #{sourceBill}</if>
<if test="sourceId != null and sourceId != ''"> and source_id = #{sourceId}</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null and sourceLineNo != ''"> and source_line_no = #{sourceLineNo}</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''"> and batch_number = #{batchNumber}</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null and baseUnit != ''"> and base_unit = #{baseUnit}</if>
<if test="qty != null and qty != ''"> and qty = #{qty}</if>
<if test="boxCode != null and boxCode != ''"> and box_code = #{boxCode}</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null and warehouseName != ''"> and warehouse_name like concat('%', #{warehouseName}, '%')</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''"> and warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode}</if>
<if test="locationCode != null and locationCode != ''"> and location_code = #{locationCode}</if>
<if test="locationName != null and locationName != ''"> and location_name like concat('%', #{locationName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaName != null and areaName != ''"> and area_name like concat('%', #{areaName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaCode != null and areaCode != ''"> and area_code = #{areaCode}</if>
<!--按最大的箱序号优先排序 批次号(生产订单号)=日期+3位流水-->
<select id="selectDetialList" parameterType="DetialView" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
select org_id,org_name, barcode_id, is_stocked, item_code, item_name, item_id, source_bill, source_id, source_line_no, batch_number, base_unit, qty,box_code, warehouse_name, warehouse_code, location_code, location_name, area_name, area_code from wm_stock_detail_view
where area_code != 'R' and area_code != 'CH'
group by area_code
ORDER BY box_code desc
<select id="selectDetialItemList" parameterType="DetialView" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
select org_id,org_name, barcode_id, is_stocked, item_code, item_name, item_id, source_bill, source_id, source_line_no, batch_number, base_unit, sum(qty) as qty, warehouse_name, warehouse_code, location_code, location_name, area_name, area_code from wm_stock_detail_view
<if test="orgId != null and orgId != ''"> and org_id = #{orgId}</if>
<if test="orgName != null and orgName != ''"> and org_name like concat('%', #{orgName}, '%')</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null and barcodeId != ''"> and barcode_id = #{barcodeId}</if>
<if test="isStocked != null and isStocked != ''"> and is_stocked = #{isStocked}</if>
<if test="itemCode != null and itemCode != ''"> and item_code = #{itemCode}</if>
<if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like concat('%', #{itemName}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemId != null and itemId != ''"> and item_id = #{itemId}</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null and sourceBill != ''"> and source_bill = #{sourceBill}</if>
<if test="sourceId != null and sourceId != ''"> and source_id = #{sourceId}</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null and sourceLineNo != ''"> and source_line_no = #{sourceLineNo}</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''"> and batch_number = #{batchNumber}</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null and baseUnit != ''"> and base_unit = #{baseUnit}</if>
<if test="qty != null and qty != ''"> and qty = #{qty}</if>
<if test="boxCode != null and boxCode != ''"> and box_code = #{boxCode}</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null and warehouseName != ''"> and warehouse_name like concat('%', #{warehouseName}, '%')</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''"> and warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode}</if>
<if test="locationCode != null and locationCode != ''"> and location_code = #{locationCode}</if>
<if test="locationName != null and locationName != ''"> and location_name like concat('%', #{locationName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaName != null and areaName != ''"> and area_name like concat('%', #{areaName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaCode != null and areaCode != ''"> and area_code != R</if>
group by item_code,org_id
order by item_code asc
<select id="selectDetialNumList" parameterType="DetialView" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
select org_id,org_name, barcode_id, is_stocked, item_code, item_name, item_id, source_bill, source_id, source_line_no, batch_number, base_unit, sum(qty) as qty, warehouse_name, warehouse_code, location_code, location_name, area_name, area_code from wm_stock_detail_view
<if test="orgId != null and orgId != ''"> and org_id = #{orgId}</if>
<if test="orgName != null and orgName != ''"> and org_name like concat('%', #{orgName}, '%')</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null and barcodeId != ''"> and barcode_id = #{barcodeId}</if>
<if test="isStocked != null and isStocked != ''"> and is_stocked = #{isStocked}</if>
<if test="itemCode != null and itemCode != ''"> and item_code = #{itemCode}</if>
<if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''"> and item_name like concat('%', #{itemName}, '%')</if>
<if test="itemId != null and itemId != ''"> and item_id = #{itemId}</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null and sourceBill != ''"> and source_bill = #{sourceBill}</if>
<if test="sourceId != null and sourceId != ''"> and source_id = #{sourceId}</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null and sourceLineNo != ''"> and source_line_no = #{sourceLineNo}</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''"> and batch_number = #{batchNumber}</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null and baseUnit != ''"> and base_unit = #{baseUnit}</if>
<if test="qty != null and qty != ''"> and qty = #{qty}</if>
<if test="boxCode != null and boxCode != ''"> and box_code = #{boxCode}</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null and warehouseName != ''"> and warehouse_name like concat('%', #{warehouseName}, '%')</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null and warehouseCode != ''"> and warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode}</if>
<if test="locationCode != null and locationCode != ''"> and location_code = #{locationCode}</if>
<if test="locationName != null and locationName != ''"> and location_name like concat('%', #{locationName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaName != null and areaName != ''"> and area_name like concat('%', #{areaName}, '%')</if>
<if test="areaCode != null and areaCode != ''"> and area_code = #{areaCode}</if>
group by org_id,item_code,batch_number,area_code
<select id="selectDetialViewByOrgId" parameterType="String" resultMap="DetialViewResult">
<include refid="selectDetialViewVo"/>
where org_id = #{orgId}
<insert id="insertDetialView" parameterType="DetialView">
insert into detial_view
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="orgId != null">org_id,</if>
<if test="orgName != null">org_name,</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null">barcode_id,</if>
<if test="isStocked != null">is_stocked,</if>
<if test="itemCode != null">item_code,</if>
<if test="itemName != null">item_name,</if>
<if test="itemId != null">item_id,</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null">source_bill,</if>
<if test="sourceId != null">source_id,</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null">source_line_no,</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null">batch_number,</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null">base_unit,</if>
<if test="qty != null">qty,</if>
<if test="boxCode != null">box_code,</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null">warehouse_name,</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null">warehouse_code,</if>
<if test="locationCode != null">location_code,</if>
<if test="locationName != null">location_name,</if>
<if test="areaName != null">area_name,</if>
<if test="areaCode != null">area_code,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="orgId != null">#{orgId},</if>
<if test="orgName != null">#{orgName},</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null">#{barcodeId},</if>
<if test="isStocked != null">#{isStocked},</if>
<if test="itemCode != null">#{itemCode},</if>
<if test="itemName != null">#{itemName},</if>
<if test="itemId != null">#{itemId},</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null">#{sourceBill},</if>
<if test="sourceId != null">#{sourceId},</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null">#{sourceLineNo},</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null">#{batchNumber},</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null">#{baseUnit},</if>
<if test="qty != null">#{qty},</if>
<if test="boxCode != null">#{boxCode},</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null">#{warehouseName},</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null">#{warehouseCode},</if>
<if test="locationCode != null">#{locationCode},</if>
<if test="locationName != null">#{locationName},</if>
<if test="areaName != null">#{areaName},</if>
<if test="areaCode != null">#{areaCode},</if>
<update id="updateDetialView" parameterType="DetialView">
update detial_view
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="orgName != null">org_name = #{orgName},</if>
<if test="barcodeId != null">barcode_id = #{barcodeId},</if>
<if test="isStocked != null">is_stocked = #{isStocked},</if>
<if test="itemCode != null">item_code = #{itemCode},</if>
<if test="itemName != null">item_name = #{itemName},</if>
<if test="itemId != null">item_id = #{itemId},</if>
<if test="sourceBill != null">source_bill = #{sourceBill},</if>
<if test="sourceId != null">source_id = #{sourceId},</if>
<if test="sourceLineNo != null">source_line_no = #{sourceLineNo},</if>
<if test="batchNumber != null">batch_number = #{batchNumber},</if>
<if test="baseUnit != null">base_unit = #{baseUnit},</if>
<if test="qty != null">qty = #{qty},</if>
<if test="boxCode != null">box_code = #{boxCode},</if>
<if test="warehouseName != null">warehouse_name = #{warehouseName},</if>
<if test="warehouseCode != null">warehouse_code = #{warehouseCode},</if>
<if test="locationCode != null">location_code = #{locationCode},</if>
<if test="locationName != null">location_name = #{locationName},</if>
<if test="areaName != null">area_name = #{areaName},</if>
<if test="areaCode != null">area_code = #{areaCode},</if>
where org_id = #{orgId}
<delete id="deleteDetialViewByOrgId" parameterType="String">
delete from detial_view
<delete id="deleteDetialViewByOrgIds" parameterType="String">
delete from detial_view where org_id in
<foreach item="orgId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")">