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Processing Unit

时间:2023-03-09 16:25:00浏览次数:71  
标签:processing Processing Unit CPU unit 处理器

Abbreviation English full name 中文
APU Accelerated Processing Unit 加速处理器
BPU Brain Processing Unit 大脑处理器
CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器
DPU Deep learning Processing Unit 深度学习处理器
EPU Emotion Processing Unit 情感处理器
FPU Floating-point Unit 浮点运算器
GPU Graphics Processing Unit 图形处理器
HPU Holographics Processing Unit 全息图像处理器
IPU Intelligence Processing Unit 智能处理器
KPU Knowledge Processing Unit 知识处理器
MPU Mind / Mobile / Motion Processing Unit 意念/移动/运动处理器
NPU Neural network Processing Unit 神经网络处理器
OPU Optical-Flow Processing Unit 光流处理器
PPU Physical Processing Unit 物理处理器
QPU Quantum Processing Unit 量子处理器
RPU Resistive Processing Unit 阻抗处理单元
SPU Streaming / Space Processing Unit 流/空间处理器
TPU Tensor Processing Unit 张量处理器
VPU Vector Processing Unit 矢量处理器

APU - Accelerated Processing Unit

​ An accelerated processing unit (APU) is a microprocessor that combines the central processing unit (CPU) with the graphics processing unit (GPU) on a single computer chip.

​ AMD created APU (accelerated processing unit) processors in 2011. They refer to AMD CPUs that have integrated graphics. While APU sounds like any normal computer chip, it actually is solely used by AMD like the brand name of the CPU/GPU combo chips they manufacture.

BPU - Brain Processing Unit

​ The BPU(Brain Processing Unit) is an embedded artificial intelligence processor architecture proposed by Horizon Technology.


CPU - Central Processing Unit

​ The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the primary component of a computer that acts as its “control center.” The CPU, also referred to as the “central” or “main” processor, is a complex set of electronic circuitry that runs the machine’s operating system and apps. The CPU interprets, processes and executes instructions, most often from the hardware and software programs running on the device.

​ The CPU performs arithmetic, logic, and other operations to transform data input into more usable information output. While the CPU must contain at least one processing core, many contain multiple cores. A server with two hexa-core CPUs.

Architecture Of A Cpu Von Neuman Architecture

DPU - Deep learning Processing Unit

​ The deep-learning processor unit (DPU) is a programmable engine optimized for deep neural networks.

​ The DPU is released with the Vitis AI specialized instruction set, thus facilitating the efficient implementation of deep learning networks.



FPU - Floating-point unit

​ In general-purpose computer architectures, one or more FPUs may be integrated as execution units within the central processing unit.

GPU - Graphics Processing Unit

​ A graphics processing unit (GPU) is an electronic circuit designed to process images and accelerate the rendering of 3D computer graphics on consumer devices.






NPU - Neural network Processing Unit

​ A neural processing unit (NPU) is a microprocessor that specializes in the acceleration of machine learning algorithms, typically by operating on predictive models such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) or random forests (RFs). It is, also, known as neural processor.



QPU - Quantum Processing Unit

​ A quantum processing unit (QPU), also referred to as a quantum chip, is a physical (fabricated) chip that contains a number of interconnected qubits. It is the foundational component of a full quantum computer, which includes the housing environment for the QPU, the control electronics, and many other components.



TPU - Tensor Processing Unit

​ Tensor Processing Units are Google's ASIC for machine learning. TPUs are specifically used for deep learning to solve complex matrix and vector operations. TPUs are streamlined to solve matrix and vector operations at ultra-high speeds but must be paired with a CPU to give and execute instructions. TPUs may only be used with Google's TensorFlow or TensorFlow Lite platform, whether through cloud computing or its lite version on local hardware.


VPU - Vector Processing Unit

​ Vector processing units (VPUs) perform the actual work of computing a SIMD vector operation in parallel.

​ Many of today's server-class Intel processors, including those on Stampede2, are equipped with two VPUs per core.







What is an Accelerated Processing Unit?

Control Processing Unit (CPU)

Architecture of a CPU

Deep-Learning Processor Unit - 3.0 English - Xilinx

What is Neural processing unit (NPU)?

The Quantum Processing Unit (QPU)

What Is a TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) and What Is It Used For?

Vectorization: Vector Processing Units

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ining/p/17198902.html


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