首页 > 其他分享 >I am 23 years old. What can I do now that will change my life forever?

I am 23 years old. What can I do now that will change my life forever?

时间:2023-03-07 16:55:23浏览次数:58  
标签:do What old get 23 people what will

  1. Save money, don’t spend it. If you don’t need it don’t buy it. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ONE ENOUGH.
  2. Travel cheap and often. Traveling is harder as you go from only you to bringing a family.
  3. Don’t get caught up in useless drama. The girl or guy you are with may or may not be the one for you, so don’t get all twisted emotionally over something that was never going to work. (Especially if you are following #2)
  4. Find out WHO you are. Not what you do, not what you are, or where you want to be. It took me way too long to realize who I am and what I want out of life. Explore and push your boundaries. Try new things and learn what you like. Meet new people, challenge your own beliefs and understanding, walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, and then share your knowledge with others. Become YOU.
  5. Worry less about failing. Try shit, fail, and get back up and try again. You are still young and “failing” now is the best education you can get.
  6. Fuck what people think. Some people won’t like you, some people will hate you, and some will actually hope to see you dead. Don’t get caught up in trying to make everyone happy, because it is an impossible task. Built a close network of people you trust and be mindful of their view from the outside looking in. Sometimes the people we love know us better than ourselves.

This is stuff I wished I had known at 23 or even 33 for that matter.

Original resource:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaobangliu/p/17188657.html


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