第22章 优化可传参脚本
21.1 起点
代码清单22.1 起点:Get-DiskInventory.ps1
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
$computername = 'localhost',
$drivetype = 3
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
PS C:\>.\Get-DiskInventory | Format-Table
PS C:\>.\Get-DiskInventory | Export-CSV disk.csv
22.2 让PowerShell去做最难的工作
代码清单22.2 将Get-DiskInventory.ps1变为高级脚本
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
$computername = 'localhost',
$drivetype = 3
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
22.3 将参数定义为强制化参数
代码清单22.3 为Get-DiskInventory.ps1添加一个强制参数
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
[string]$computername = 'localhost',
[int]$drivetype = 3
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
22.4 添加参数别名
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
[string]$computername = 'localhost',
[int]$drivetype = 3
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
PS C:\>.\Get-DiskInventory -host SERVER2
22.5 验证输入的参数
代码清单22.5 Get-DiskInventory.ps1添加参数验证
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
[string]$computername = 'localhost',
[int]$drivetype = 3
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
22.6 通过添加详细输出获得易用性体验
代码清单22.6 为Get-DiskInventory.ps1添加详细输出
Get-DiskInventory retrieves logical disk information from one or more computers.
Get-DiskInventory uses WMI to retrieve the Win32_LogicalDisk instance from one or more computers.It displays each disk's drvie letter,free space,total size,and percentage fo free space.
.PARAMETER computername
The computer name,or names to query.Default:Localhost.
Get-DiskInventory -computername SERVER-R2 -drivetype 3
param (
[string]$computername = 'localhost',
[int]$drivetype = 3
Write-Verbose "Connecting to $computername"
Write-Verbose "Looking for drive type $drivetype"
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -computer $computername `
-filter "drivetype=$drivetype" |
Sort-Object -property DeviceID |
Select-Object -property DeviceID,
@{label='FreeSpace(MB)';expression={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]}},
@{label='Size(GB)';expression={$_.Size / 1GB -as [int]}},
@{label='%Free';expression={$_.FreeSpace / $_.Size * 100 -as [int]}}
Write-Verbose "Finished running command"
PS C:\>.\Get-DiskInventory -computername localhost
PS C:\>.\Get-DiskInventory -computername localhost -verbose