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[Typescript] Function overload: Data hook problem

时间:2023-02-02 16:01:57浏览次数:43  
标签:Function Typescript overload initialData params fetchData getData data useData

Requirement is if pass in initialData, then return type should not contain undefined, otherwise, it should.

import { it } from "vitest";
import { Equal, Expect } from "../helpers/type-utils";

// You'll need to use function overloads to figure this out!
function useData<T>(params: { fetchData: () => Promise<T>; }): {
  getData: () => T | undefined;
function useData<T>(params: { fetchData: () => Promise<T>; initialData: T }): {
  getData: () => T;
function useData<T>(params: { fetchData: () => Promise<T>; initialData?: T }): {
  getData: () => T | undefined;
} {
  let data = params.initialData;

  params.fetchData().then((d) => {
    data = d;

  return {
    getData: () => data,

it("Should return undefined if no initial data is passed", () => {
  const numData = useData({
    fetchData: () => Promise.resolve(1),

  const data = numData.getData();

  type Test1 = Expect<Equal<typeof data, number | undefined>>;

it("Should NOT return undefined if initial data is passed", () => {
  const numData = useData({
    fetchData: () => Promise.resolve(1),
    initialData: 2,

  const data = numData.getData();

  type Test1 = Expect<Equal<typeof data, number>>;


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/17086297.html


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