Here's a function called returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1(t: unknown): unknown {
if (t === 1) {
return 2;
return t;
When I pass in anything other than 1
, the function should return what I pass in (as the name suggests).
For example, if I pass in a
, b
, or c
, the function should return a
, b
, or c
However, when I pass in 1
, the result should be of type 2
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1(t: 1): 2;
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<T>(t: T): T;
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<T1, T2>(t: T1): T2;
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1(t: unknown): unknown {
if (t === 1) {
return 2;
return t;
So for the frist one:
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1(t: 1): 2;
it('Should return the type 2 when you pass in 1', () => {
const result = returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1(1);
type test1 = Expect<Equal<typeof result, 2>>;
For the second one:
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<T>(t: T): T;
it('Otherwise, should return what you pass in', () => {
const a = returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1('a');
const b = returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1('b');
const c = returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1('c');
type tests = [
Expect<Equal<typeof a, 'a'>>,
Expect<Equal<typeof b, 'b'>>,
Expect<Equal<typeof c, 'c'>>
For the third one:
function returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<T1, T2>(t: T1): T2;
it('Should accepts two generic slot, pass T1 return T2', () => {
const d = returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<'a', 'd'>('a');
type tests = [Expect<Equal<typeof d, 'd'>>];
So function overload, it able to tell which overload to use when you give generic type returnWhatIPassInExceptFor1<'a', 'd'>
标签:Function,function,Typescript,return,Overloads,pass,const,type,returnWhatIPassInE From: