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[Typescript Challenges] 4. Easy - First of Array

时间:2022-09-02 01:45:28浏览次数:51  
标签:Typescript _____________ expect Challenges Expect Array type First

Implement a generic First<T> that takes an Array T and returns it's first element's type.

type arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
type arr2 = [3, 2, 1]

type head1 = First<arr1> // expected to be 'a'
type head2 = First<arr2> // expected to be 3


/* _____________ Your Code Here _____________ */

type First<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer F, ...(infer RT)] ? F: never

/* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */
import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'

type cases = [
  Expect<Equal<First<[3, 2, 1]>, 3>>,
  Expect<Equal<First<[() => 123, { a: string }]>, () => 123>>,
  Expect<Equal<First<[]>, never>>,
  Expect<Equal<First<[undefined]>, undefined>>,

type errors = [
  // @ts-expect-error
  // @ts-expect-error
  First<{ 0: 'arrayLike' }>,


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/16648387.html
