合宙的 ESP32-C3 CORE 开发板有 经典版(含CH343转串口芯片)和简约版(USB直接拉通芯片),设备管理器中显示的串口号不同:
下载2个版本的线路图,D4-GPIO12,D5-GPIO13 LED灯,KEY-GPIO19按键 标上注记,可以看出经典版走 CH343-GPIO20/21,简约版走 USB-GPIO18/19
找到 blink.py 稍作修改,就能亮灯。
保存 + 执行 blink_input_ESP32-C3.py,D4/ D5 j交替亮灯,SHELL窗口显示BOOT按键值 key_boot: 1 ,key_boot: 0
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 合宙CORE ESP32-C3 核心板板载2颗LED + 16MB Flash(原4MB) # D4(GPIO12) 高电平有效 # D5(GPIO13) 高电平有效 import time from machine import Pin ledD4=Pin(12, Pin.OUT, value=0) #create LED object from pin12,Set Pin12 to output ledD5=Pin(13, Pin.OUT, value=0) #create LED object from pin13,Set Pin13 to output key_boot = Pin(9, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # GPIO9/ KEY-BOOT_active0 print("key_boot:", key_boot()) while True: ledD4.value(1) #turn on ledD5.value(0) #turn off time.sleep(0.5) print("key_boot:", key_boot()) ledD4(0) #turn off ledD5(1) #turn on time.sleep(0.5) print("key_boot:", key_boot())
测试所有GPIO口的输入上下拉 与 输出特性:
把GPIO口依序填入 ps[ ] 并执行测试。
ps = [2,3,10,6,7,11,5,4,8,9,0,1,12,13,18,19] #ESP32-C3 CH343 ,20,21
保存 + 执行 GPIOtest_ESP32-C3_CH343.py
SHELL窗口报错,无法使用,例如正在通信的 CH343-GPIO20/21
# 合宙CORE ESP32-C 核心板板载2颗LED + 16MB Flash(原4MB) # D4(GPIO12) 高电平有效 # D5(GPIO13) 高电平有效 from machine import Pin import time ps = [2,3,10,6,7,11,5,4,8,9,0,1,12,13,18,19] #ESP32-C3 CH343 ,20,21 for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.IN,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN) if(pi() == 1): print(p,pi(),"mode in with pulldown FAIL") for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.IN,pull = Pin.PULL_UP) if(pi() == 0): print(p,pi(),"mode in with pullup") for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN) pi(1) if(pi() == 0): print(p,pi(),"out 1 FAIL") pi(0) if(pi() == 1): print(p,pi(),"out 0 FAIL") led_d4 = Pin(12,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN,value = 1) # D4 on led_d5 = Pin(13,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN,value = 0) # D5 off while True: time.sleep_ms(500) led_d4(0) led_d5(1) # D5 on time.sleep_ms(500) led_d4(1) led_d5(0) # D5 off
把GPIO口依序填入 ps[ ] 并执行测试。
ps = [2,3,10,6,7,11,5,4,8,9,0,1,12,13,20,21] #ESP32-C3 USB ,18,19
保存 + 执行 GPIOtest_ESP32-C3_USB.py
# 合宙CORE ESP32-C 核心板板载2颗LED + 16MB Flash(原4MB) # D4(GPIO12) 高电平有效 # D5(GPIO13) 高电平有效 from machine import Pin import time ps = [2,3,10,6,7,11,5,4,8,9,0,1,12,13,20,21] #ESP32-C3 USB ,18,19 for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.IN,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN) if(pi() == 1): print(p,pi(),"mode in with pulldown FAIL") for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.IN,pull = Pin.PULL_UP) if(pi() == 0): print(p,pi(),"mode in with pullup") for p in ps: pi = Pin(p,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN) pi(1) if(pi() == 0): print(p,pi(),"out 1 FAIL") pi(0) if(pi() == 1): print(p,pi(),"out 0 FAIL") led_d4 = Pin(12,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN,value = 1) # D4 on led_d5 = Pin(13,Pin.OUT,pull = Pin.PULL_DOWN,value = 0) # D5 off while True: time.sleep_ms(500) led_d4(0) led_d5(1) # D5 on time.sleep_ms(500) led_d4(1) led_d5(0) # D5 off
- ps = [2,3] 可以一个一个的将GPIO数填入,马上做测试,不能用的GPIO口会报错或者无法正常执行
- 点亮 led_d4 能有多种写法:led_d4(1),led_d4.value(1)。有一种写法,这里不适用 led_d4.high()
- Tonny IDE 切换串口很容易,测试2个板子不费劲
- 试错在 micropython 里真的很方便,学习上更有效率
标签:CORE,led,Pin,ps,ESP32,开发板,PULL,pi From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zmq-2023/p/17041266.html