<sql id="toolCaseVo">
a.id AS "id",
a.tool_code AS "toolCode",
a.dept_id AS "deptId",
c.dept_name AS "deptName",
a.material_id AS "materialId",
a.material_id AS "material.id",
b.code AS "material.code",
b.name AS "material.name",
b.invspec AS "material.invspec",
b.unit AS "material.unit",
b.factory AS "material.factory",
b.invtype AS "material.invtype",
b.picture AS "material.picture",
a.rfid AS "rfid",
a.last_check_time AS "lastCheckTime",
a.next_check_time AS "nextCheckTime",
a.check_cycle_days AS "checkCycleDays",
a.del_flag AS "delFlag",
a.create_by AS "createBy",
a.create_time AS "createTime",
a.update_by AS "updateBy",
a.update_time AS "updateTime",
a.remark AS "remark"
<sql id="toolCaseJoins">
LEFT JOIN sh_material b on b.id = a.material_id and b.del_flag = '0'
LEFT JOIN sys_dept c on c.dept_id = a.dept_id and c.del_flag = '0'
<select id="selectExpireToolCaseList" resultType="com.ruoyi.station.domain.ToolCase">
<include refid="toolCaseVo"/>
FROM sh_tool_case a
<include refid="toolCaseJoins"/>
a.del_flag = '0'
and a.next_check_time <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{nextCheckTime}
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Code-Rain/p/16469757.html