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文献学习-Proofs for Satisfiability Problems

时间:2022-08-30 23:00:55浏览次数:47  
标签:Proofs Satisfiability clausal Problems proof solvers proofs resolution SAT

Proofs for Satisfiability Problems

Marijn J.H. Heule and Armin Biere

1 The University of Texas at Austin, United States

2 Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria


1 Introduction


Satisfiability (SAT) solvers have become powerful tools to solve a wide range of applications. In case SAT problems are satisfiable, it is easy to validate a witness. However, if SAT problems have no solutions, a proof of unsatisfiability is required to validate that result. Apart from validation, proofs of unsatisfiability are useful in several applications, such as interpolation [64] and extracting a minimal unsatisfiable set (MUS[49] and in tools that use SAT solvers such as theorem provers [4,65,66,67].



Since the beginning of validating the results of SAT solvers, proof logging of unsatisfiability claims was based on two approaches: resolution proofs and clausal proofs. Resolution proofs, discussed in zChaff in 2003 [69], require for learned clauses (lemmas) a list of antecedents. On the other hand, for clausal proofs, as described in Berkmin in 2003 [32], the proof checker needs to find the antecedents for lemmas. Consequently, resolution proofs are much larger than clausal proofs, while resolution proofs are easier and faster to validate than clausal proofs






Both proof approaches are used in different settings. Resolution proofs are often required in applications like interpolation [47] or in advanced techniques for MUS extraction [50]. Clausal proofs are more popular in the context of validating results of SAT solvers, for example during the SAT Competitions or recently for the proof of Erd˝os Discrepancy Theorem [41]. Recent works also use clausal proofs for interpolation [33] and MUS extraction [11].


Proof logging support became widespread in state-of-the-art solvers, such as Lingeling [13], Glucose [7], and CryptoMiniSAT [57], since SAT Competition 2013 made unsatisfiability proofs mandatory for solvers participating in the unsatisfiability tracks. About half the solvers that participated in recent SAT Competitions can emit clausal proofs, including the strongest solvers around, for example the three solvers mentioned above. However, very few solvers support emitting resolution proofs.



The lack of support for resolution proofs is due to the difficulty to represent some techniques used in contemporary SAT solvers in terms of resolution. One such technique is conflict clause minimization [58], which requires several modifications of the solver in order to express it using resolution steps [62]. In contrast, emitting a clausal proof from SAT solvers such as MiniSAT [28] and Glucose requires only small changes to the code3 .



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/16641283.html
