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代码链接: https://github.com/oreillymedia/Learning-OpenCV-3_examples
1 人手一手机;
2 互联网和搜索引擎聚合图像视频大数据;
3 计算更加廉价;
4 图像算法更成熟。
【作者没有在这里提及工业 军事等经典运用,而是强调移动互联 大数据 以及深度学习等方面是图像处理未来发展的趋势,观点鲜明】
1 OpenCV函数文档;
2 给读者对于图像处理过程的直观认识;
3 让读者知晓什么时候该用什么方面的算法,还有如何使用这些算法;
4 提供图像处理和机器学习方面的代码,能够立刻入门和提高;
5 ……
【多次将“ 图像处理和机器学习”放在同一个等级上面,证明作者认为,已经不能仅仅考虑图像处理问题,必须和训练练习在一起考虑 】
专家和企业雇员 对于这些在实际工作中需要专业的/能够快速开发的图像处理系统人员来说,sample code是一个很好的开始。我们的简介能够让读者迅速知道算法和模型如何使用。……
In the first edition (Learning OpenCV) I singled out some of the great teachers who
helped me reach the point where a work like this would be possible. In the interven‐
ing years, the value of the guidance received from each of them has only grown more
clear. My many thanks go out to each of them. I would like to add to this list of extra‐
ordinary mentors Tom Tombrello, to whom I owe a great debt, and in whose mem‐
ory I would like to dedicate my contribution to this book. He was a man of
exceptional intelligence and deep wisdom, and I am honored to have been given the
opportunity to follow in his footsteps. Finally, deep thanks are due the OpenCV com‐
munity, for welcoming the first edition of this book and for your patience through
the many exciting, but perhaps distracting, endeavors that have transpired while this
edition was being written.
This edition of the book has been a long time coming. During those intervening
years, I have had the fortune to work with dozens of different companies advising,
consulting, and helping them build their technology. As a board member, advisory
board member, technical fellow, consultant, technical contributor, and founder, I
have had the fortune to see and love every dimension of the technology development
process. Many of those years were spent with Applied Minds, Inc., building and run‐
ning our robotics division there, or at Applied Invention corporation, a spinout of
Applied Minds, as a Fellow there. I was constantly pleased to find OpenCV at the
heart of outstanding projects along the way, ranging from health care and agriculture
to aviation, defense, and national security. I have been equally pleased to find the first
edition of this book on people’s desks in almost every institution along the way. The
technology that Gary and I used to build Stanley has become integral to countless
projects since, not the least of which are the many self-driving car projects now under
way—any one of which, or perhaps all of which, stand ready to change and improve
daily life for countless people. What a joy it is to be part of all of this! The number of
incredible minds that I have encountered over the years—who have told me what
benefit the first edition was to them in the classes they took, the classes they taught,
the careers they built, and the great accomplishments that they completed—has been
a continuous source of happiness and wonder. I am hopeful that this new edition of
the book will continue to serve you all, as well as to inspire and enable a new genera‐
tion of scientists, engineers, and inventors.
As the last chapter of this book closes, we start new chapters in our lives working in
robotics, AI, vision, and beyond. Personally, I am deeply grateful for all of the people
who have contributed the many works that have enabled this next step in my own
life: teachers, mentors, and writers of books. I hope that this new edition of our book
will enable others to make the next important step in their own lives, and I hope to
see you there!
I founded OpenCV in 1999 with the goal to accelerate computer vision and artificial
intelligence and give everyone the infrastructure to work with that I saw at only the
top labs at the time. So few goals actually work out as intended in life, and I’m thank‐
ful this goal did work out 17 (!) years later. Much of the credit for accomplishing that
goal was due to the help, over the years, of many friends and contributors too numer‐
ous to mention.2 But I will single out the original Russian group I started working
with at Intel, who ran a successful computer vision company (Itseez.com) that was
eventually bought back into Intel; we started out as coworkers but have since become
deep friends.
With three teenagers at home, my wife, Sonya Bradski, put in more work to enable
this book than I did. Many thanks and love to her. The teenagers I love, but I can’t
say they accelerated the book. :)
This version of the book was started back at the former startup I helped found,
Industrial Perception Inc., which sold to Google in 2013. Work continued in fits and
starts on random weekends and late nights ever since. Somehow it’s now 2016—time
flies when you are overwhelmed! Some of the speculation that I do toward the end of
Chapter 23 was inspired by the nature of robot minds that I experienced with the
PR2, a two-armed robot built by Willow Garage, and with the Stanley project at Stan‐
ford—the robot that won the $2 million DARPA Grand Challenge.
As we close the writing of this book, we hope to see you in startups, research labs,
academic sites, conferences, workshops, VC offices, and cool company projects down
the road. Feel free to say hello and chat about cool new stuff that you’re doing. I
started OpenCV to support and accelerate computer vision and AI for the common
good; what’s left is your part. We live in a creative universe where someone can create
a pot, the next person turns that pot into a drum, and so on. Create! Use OpenCV to
create something uncommonly good for us all!
标签:前言,edition,work,OpenCV,book,图像处理,was From: https://blog.51cto.com/jsxyhelu2017/5972867