首页 > 其他分享 >Cesium+vue 制作风流场【转】

Cesium+vue 制作风流场【转】

时间:2022-12-22 18:13:45浏览次数:40  
标签:function vue 风流 self var 风场 extent Cesium null



export var CanvasWindy = function (json, params) {
  this.windData = json;
  this.viewer = params.viewer;
  this.canvas = params.canvas;
  this.extent = params.extent || []; //风场绘制时的地图范围,范围不应该大于风场数据的范围,顺序:west/east/south/north,有正负区分,如:[110,120,30,36]
  this.canvasContext = params.canvas.getContext("2d"); //canvas上下文
  this.canvasWidth = params.canvasWidth || 300; //画板宽度
  this.canvasHeight = params.canvasHeight || 180; //画板高度
  this.speedRate = params.speedRate || 100; //风前进速率,意思是将当前风场横向纵向分成100份,再乘以风速就能得到移动位置,无论地图缩放到哪一级别都是一样的速度,可以用该数值控制线流动的快慢,值越大,越慢,
  this.particlesNumber = params.particlesNumber || 20000; //初始粒子总数,根据实际需要进行调节
  this.maxAge = params.maxAge || 120; //每个粒子的最大生存周期
  this.frameTime = 1000 / (params.frameRate || 10); //每秒刷新次数,因为requestAnimationFrame固定每秒60次的渲染,所以如果不想这么快,就把该数值调小一些
  this.color = params.color || "#ffffff"; //线颜色,提供几个示例颜色['#14208e','#3ac32b','#e0761a']
  this.lineWidth = params.lineWidth || 1; //线宽度
  this.initExtent = []; //风场初始范围
  this.calc_speedRate = [0, 0]; //根据speedRate参数计算经纬度步进长度
  this.windField = null;
  this.particles = [];
  this.animateFrame = null; //requestAnimationFrame事件句柄,用来清除操作
  this.isdistory = false; //是否销毁,进行删除操作
CanvasWindy.prototype = {
  constructor: CanvasWindy,
  _init: function () {
    var self = this;
    // 创建风场网格
    this.windField = this.createField();
    this.initExtent = [
    if (this.extent.length != 0) {
      this.extent = [
        Math.max(this.initExtent[0], this.extent[0]),
        Math.min(this.initExtent[1], this.extent[1]),
        Math.max(this.initExtent[2], this.extent[2]),
        Math.min(this.initExtent[3], this.extent[3]),
    // console.log(this.extent);
    // 创建风场粒子
    for (var i = 0; i < this.particlesNumber; i++) {
      this.particles.push(this.randomParticle(new CanvasParticle()));
    this.canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)";
    this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.6;
    var then = Date.now();
    (function frame() {
      if (!self.isdistory) {
        self.animateFrame = requestAnimationFrame(frame);
        var now = Date.now();
        var delta = now - then;
        if (delta > self.frameTime) {
          then = now - (delta % self.frameTime);
      } else {
  _calcStep: function () {
    var isextent = this.extent.length != 0;
    var calcExtent = isextent ? this.extent : this.initExtent;
    var calcSpeed = this.speedRate;
    this.calc_speedRate = [
      (calcExtent[1] - calcExtent[0]) / calcSpeed,
      (calcExtent[3] - calcExtent[2]) / calcSpeed,
  redraw: function () {
    this.particles = [];
  createField: function () {
    var data = this._parseWindJson();
    return new CanvasWindField(data);
  animate: function () {
    var self = this,
      field = self.windField;
    var nextLng = null,
      nextLat = null,
      uv = null;
    self.particles.forEach(function (particle) {
      if (particle.age <= 0) {
      if (particle.age > 0) {
        var x = particle.x,
          y = particle.y,
          tlng = particle.tlng,
          tlat = particle.tlat;
        var gridpos = self._togrid(tlng, tlat);
        var tx = gridpos[0];
        var ty = gridpos[1];
        if (!self.isInExtent(tlng, tlat)) {
          particle.age = 0;
        } else {
          uv = field.getIn(tx, ty);
          nextLng = tlng + self.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0];
          nextLat = tlat + self.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1];
          particle.lng = tlng;
          particle.lat = tlat;
          particle.x = tx;
          particle.y = ty;
          particle.tlng = nextLng;
          particle.tlat = nextLat;
    if (self.particles.length <= 0) this.removeLines();
  isInExtent: function (lng, lat) {
    var calcExtent = this.initExtent;
    if (
      lng >= calcExtent[0] &&
      lng <= calcExtent[1] &&
      lat >= calcExtent[2] &&
      lat <= calcExtent[3]
      return true;
    return false;
  _resize: function (width, height) {
    this.canvasWidth = width;
    this.canvasHeight = height;
  _parseWindJson: function () {
    var uComponent = null,
      vComponent = null,
      header = null;
    this.windData.forEach(function (record) {
      var type =
        record.header.parameterCategory + "," + record.header.parameterNumber;
      switch (type) {
        case "2,2":
          uComponent = record["data"];
          header = record["header"];
        case "2,3":
          vComponent = record["data"];
    return {
      header: header,
      uComponent: uComponent,
      vComponent: vComponent,
  removeLines: function () {
    this.isdistory = true;
    this.canvas.width = 1;
  _tomap: function (lng, lat, particle) {
    var ct3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lng, lat, 0);
    // 判断当前点是否在地球可见端
    var isVisible = new Cesium.EllipsoidalOccluder(
    var pos = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(
    if (!isVisible) {
      particle.age = 0;
    // console.log(pos);
    return pos ? [pos.x, pos.y] : null;
  _togrid: function (lng, lat) {
    var field = this.windField;
    var x =
      ((lng - this.initExtent[0]) / (this.initExtent[1] - this.initExtent[0])) *
      (field.cols - 1);
    var y =
      ((this.initExtent[3] - lat) / (this.initExtent[3] - this.initExtent[2])) *
      (field.rows - 1);
    return [x, y];
  _drawLines: function () {
    var self = this;
    var particles = this.particles;
    this.canvasContext.lineWidth = self.lineWidth;
    this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";
    this.canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight);
    this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; //重叠部分的颜色会被重新计算
    this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.9;
    this.canvasContext.strokeStyle = this.color;
    particles.forEach(function (particle) {
      var movetopos = self._tomap(particle.lng, particle.lat, particle);
      var linetopos = self._tomap(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, particle);
      // console.log(movetopos,linetopos);
      if (movetopos != null && linetopos != null) {
        self.canvasContext.moveTo(movetopos[0], movetopos[1]);
        self.canvasContext.lineTo(linetopos[0], linetopos[1]);
  fRandomByfloat: function (under, over) {
    return under + Math.random() * (over - under);
  fRandomBy: function (under, over) {
    switch (arguments.length) {
      case 1:
        return parseInt(Math.random() * under + 1);
      case 2:
        return parseInt(Math.random() * (over - under + 1) + under);
        return 0;
  randomParticle: function (particle) {
    var safe = 30,
      x = -1,
      y = -1,
      lng = null,
      lat = null;
    var hasextent = this.extent.length != 0;
    var calc_extent = hasextent ? this.extent : this.initExtent;
    do {
      try {
        if (hasextent) {
          var pos_x = this.fRandomBy(0, this.canvasWidth);
          var pos_y = this.fRandomBy(0, this.canvasHeight);
          var cartesian = this.viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(
            new Cesium.Cartesian2(pos_x, pos_y),
          var cartographic =
          if (cartographic) {
            lng = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude);
            lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude);
        } else {
          lng = this.fRandomByfloat(calc_extent[0], calc_extent[1]);
          lat = this.fRandomByfloat(calc_extent[2], calc_extent[3]);
      } catch (e) {}
      if (lng) {
        var gridpos = this._togrid(lng, lat);
        x = gridpos[0];
        y = gridpos[1];
    } while (this.windField.getIn(x, y)[2] <= 0 && safe++ < 30);
    var field = this.windField;
    var uv = field.getIn(x, y);
    var nextLng = lng + this.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0];
    var nextLat = lat + this.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1];
    particle.lng = lng;
    particle.lat = lat;
    particle.x = x;
    particle.y = y;
    particle.tlng = nextLng;
    particle.tlat = nextLat;
    particle.speed = uv[2];
    particle.age = Math.round(Math.random() * this.maxAge); //每一次生成都不一样
    return particle;
var CanvasWindField = function (obj) {
  this.west = null;
  this.east = null;
  this.south = null;
  this.north = null;
  this.rows = null;
  this.cols = null;
  this.dx = null;
  this.dy = null;
  this.unit = null;
  this.date = null;
  this.grid = null;
CanvasWindField.prototype = {
  constructor: CanvasWindField,
  _init: function (obj) {
    var header = obj.header,
      uComponent = obj["uComponent"],
      vComponent = obj["vComponent"];
    // debugger;
    this.west = +header["lo1"];
    this.east = +header["lo2"];
    this.south = +header["la2"];
    this.north = +header["la1"];
    this.rows = +header["ny"];
    this.cols = +header["nx"];
    this.dx = +header["dx"];
    this.dy = +header["dy"];
    this.unit = header["parameterUnit"];
    this.date = header["refTime"];
    this.grid = [];
    var k = 0,
      rows = null,
      uv = null;
    for (var j = 0; j < this.rows; j++) {
      rows = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < this.cols; i++, k++) {
        uv = this._calcUV(uComponent[k], vComponent[k]);
  _calcUV: function (u, v) {
    return [+u, +v, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)];
  _bilinearInterpolation: function (x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) {
    var rx = 1 - x;
    var ry = 1 - y;
    var a = rx * ry,
      b = x * ry,
      c = rx * y,
      d = x * y;
    var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d;
    var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d;
    return this._calcUV(u, v);
  getIn: function (x, y) {
    if (x < 0 || x >= 359 || y >= 180) {
      return [0, 0, 0];
    var x0 = Math.floor(x),
      y0 = Math.floor(y),
    if (x0 === x && y0 === y) return this.grid[y][x];
    x1 = x0 + 1;
    y1 = y0 + 1;
    var g00 = this.getIn(x0, y0),
      g10 = this.getIn(x1, y0),
      g01 = this.getIn(x0, y1),
      g11 = this.getIn(x1, y1);
    var result = null;
    try {
      result = this._bilinearInterpolation(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(x, y);
    return result;
  isInBound: function (x, y) {
    if (x >= 0 && x < this.cols - 1 && y >= 0 && y < this.rows - 1) return true;
    return false;
var CanvasParticle = function () {
  this.lng = null; //粒子初始经度
  this.lat = null; //粒子初始纬度
  this.x = null; //粒子初始x位置(相对于棋盘网格,比如x方向有360个格,x取值就是0-360,这个是初始化时随机生成的)
  this.y = null; //粒子初始y位置(同上)
  this.tlng = null; //粒子下一步将要移动的经度,这个需要计算得来
  this.tlat = null; //粒子下一步将要移动的y纬度,这个需要计算得来
  this.age = null; //粒子生命周期计时器,每次-1
  this.speed = null; //粒子移动速度,可以根据速度渲染不同颜色


const showWindy = function () {
const hideWindy = function () {
const initWindy = (windy) => {
  var globalExtent = [];
  var getCesiumExtent = function () {
    var canvaswidth = window.innerWidth,
      canvasheight = window.innerHeight - 50;
    var left_top_pt = new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, 0);
    var left_bottom_pt = new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, canvasheight);
    var right_top_pt = new Cesium.Cartesian2(canvaswidth, 0);
    var right_bottom_pt = new Cesium.Cartesian2(canvaswidth, canvasheight);
    var pick1 = viewer.scene.globe.pick(viewer.camera.getPickRay(left_top_pt), viewer.scene);
    var pick2 = viewer.scene.globe.pick(viewer.camera.getPickRay(left_bottom_pt), viewer.scene);
    var pick3 = viewer.scene.globe.pick(viewer.camera.getPickRay(right_top_pt), viewer.scene);
    var pick4 = viewer.scene.globe.pick(viewer.camera.getPickRay(right_bottom_pt), viewer.scene);
    if (pick1 && pick2 && pick3 && pick4) {
      var geoPt1 = viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(pick2);
      var geoPt2 = viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(pick3);
      var point1 = [geoPt1.longitude / Math.PI * 180, geoPt1.latitude / Math.PI * 180];
      var point2 = [geoPt2.longitude / Math.PI * 180, geoPt2.latitude / Math.PI * 180];
      // console.log(point1,point2);
      if (point1[0] > point2[0]) {
        globalExtent = [point1[0], 180, point1[1], point2[1], -180, point2[0], point1[1], point2[1]];
      } else {
        globalExtent = [point1[0], point2[0], point1[1], point2[1]];
    } else {
      globalExtent = [];
  // 开启监听器--无论对当前地球做的任何操作都会监听到
  let postRender = viewer.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => {
  var refreshTimer = -1;
  var mouse_down = false;
  var mouse_move = false;
  var handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.scene.canvas);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    // hideWindy();
    setTimeout(function () {
      windy.extent = globalExtent;
    }, 200);
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.WHEEL);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    mouse_down = true;
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOWN);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    mouse_down = true;
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_DOWN);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    if (mouse_down) {
      // hideWindy();
      mouse_move = true;
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    if (mouse_down && mouse_move) {
      windy.extent = globalExtent;
    mouse_down = false;
    mouse_move = false;
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_UP);
  handler.setInputAction(function (e) {
    if (mouse_down && mouse_move) {
      windy.extent = globalExtent;
    mouse_down = false;
    mouse_move = false;
  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_UP);
const resizeCanvas = function (windy) {
  if (windycanvas == null) {
  windycanvas.width = window.innerWidth;
  windycanvas.height = window.innerHeight;
  console.log(windycanvas.width, windycanvas.height);
  if (windy) {
    windy._resize(windycanvas.width, windycanvas.height);
let getwindData = () => {
  // let Data_Promise = Service(``)
  let Data_Promise = axios(`/data/jsonData/data.json`)
  Data_Promise.then((res) => {
    console.log('风的格点预报:', res.data);
    var windycanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    windycanvas.setAttribute("id", "windycanvas");
    windycanvas.style.position = 'fixed'
    windycanvas.style["pointer-events"] = "none";
    windycanvas.style["z-index"] = 10;
    windycanvas.style["bottom"] = 0;
    windycanvas.style["top"] = 0;
    windycanvas.style["left"] = 0;
    windycanvas.style["right"] = 0;
    window.onresize = resizeCanvas;
    let params = {
      viewer: viewer,
      canvas: windycanvas,
      canvasWidth: window.innerWidth,
      canvasHeight: window.innerHeight,
      speedRate: 5000,
      particlesNumber: 5000,
      maxAge: 120,
      frameRate: 10,
      color: '#3a92ff',
      lineWidth: 3,
    var windy
    setTimeout(() => {
      windy = new CanvasWindy(res.data, params);
    }, 2000);


    "header": {
      "productDefinitionTemplate": 0,
      "surface1Type": 100,
      "productStatus": 0,
      "disciplineName": "Meteorological products",
      "subDivisions": 0,
      "winds": "true",
      "parameterNumberName": "U-component_of_wind",
      "discipline": 0,
      "surface2Value": 0,
      "significanceOfRTName": "Start of forecast",
      "surface2TypeName": "Missing",
      "surface2Type": 255,
      "productTypeName": "Forecast products",
      "dx": 0.25,
      "dy": 0.25,
      "numberPoints": 62101,
      "productStatusName": "Operational products",
      "gribEdition": 2,
      "parameterUnit": "m.s-1",
      "forecastTime": 9,
      "refTime": "2022.01.11 00:00:00 UTC",
      "productType": 1,
      "genProcessTypeName": "Forecast",
      "scanMode": 0,
      "genProcessType": 2,
      "gribLength": 132662,
      "significanceOfRT": 1,
      "productDefinitionTemplateName": "Analysis/forecast at horizontal level/layer at a point in time",
      "centerName": "US National Weather Service - NCEP(WMC)",
      "la1": 55.0,
      "la2": 0.0,
      "lo2": 140.0,
      "gridUnits": "degrees",
      "surface1Value": 50000,
      "shapeName": "Earth spherical with radius of 6,371,229.0 m",
      "surface1TypeName": "Isobaric surface",
      "nx": 281,
      "ny": 221,
      "lo1": 70.0,
      "basicAngle": 0,
      "gridDefinitionTemplate": 0,
      "shape": 6,
      "parameterNumber": 2,
      "subcenter": 0,
      "parameterCategoryName": "Momentum",
      "parameterCategory": 2,
      "center": 7,
      "gridDefinitionTemplateName": "Latitude_Longitude",
      "resolution": 48
    "meta": { "date": "2022.01.11 00:00:00 UTC" },
    "data": [

原文网址 : https://blog.csdn.net/As_Xx_Ls/article/details/126405365

/**** *风场类 ****/export var CanvasWindy = function (json, params) {  //风场json数据  this.windData = json;  //可配置参数  this.viewer = params.viewer;  this.canvas = params.canvas;  this.extent = params.extent || []; //风场绘制时的地图范围,范围不应该大于风场数据的范围,顺序:west/east/south/north,有正负区分,如:[110,120,30,36]  this.canvasContext = params.canvas.getContext("2d"); //canvas上下文  this.canvasWidth = params.canvasWidth || 300; //画板宽度  this.canvasHeight = params.canvasHeight || 180; //画板高度  this.speedRate = params.speedRate || 100; //风前进速率,意思是将当前风场横向纵向分成100份,再乘以风速就能得到移动位置,无论地图缩放到哪一级别都是一样的速度,可以用该数值控制线流动的快慢,值越大,越慢,  this.particlesNumber = params.particlesNumber || 20000; //初始粒子总数,根据实际需要进行调节  this.maxAge = params.maxAge || 120; //每个粒子的最大生存周期  this.frameTime = 1000 / (params.frameRate || 10); //每秒刷新次数,因为requestAnimationFrame固定每秒60次的渲染,所以如果不想这么快,就把该数值调小一些  this.color = params.color || "#ffffff"; //线颜色,提供几个示例颜色['#14208e','#3ac32b','#e0761a']  this.lineWidth = params.lineWidth || 1; //线宽度  //内置参数  this.initExtent = []; //风场初始范围  this.calc_speedRate = [0, 0]; //根据speedRate参数计算经纬度步进长度  this.windField = null;  this.particles = [];  this.animateFrame = null; //requestAnimationFrame事件句柄,用来清除操作  this.isdistory = false; //是否销毁,进行删除操作  this._init();};CanvasWindy.prototype = {  constructor: CanvasWindy,  _init: function () {    var self = this;    // 创建风场网格    this.windField = this.createField();    this.initExtent = [      this.windField.west,      this.windField.east,      this.windField.south,      this.windField.north,    ];    //如果风场创建时,传入的参数有extent,就根据给定的extent,让随机生成的粒子落在extent范围内    if (this.extent.length != 0) {      this.extent = [        Math.max(this.initExtent[0], this.extent[0]),        Math.min(this.initExtent[1], this.extent[1]),        Math.max(this.initExtent[2], this.extent[2]),        Math.min(this.initExtent[3], this.extent[3]),      ];    }    // console.log(this.extent);    this._calcStep();    // 创建风场粒子    for (var i = 0; i < this.particlesNumber; i++) {      this.particles.push(this.randomParticle(new CanvasParticle()));    }    this.canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)";    this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.6;    this.animate();     var then = Date.now();    (function frame() {      if (!self.isdistory) {        self.animateFrame = requestAnimationFrame(frame);        var now = Date.now();        var delta = now - then;        if (delta > self.frameTime) {          then = now - (delta % self.frameTime);          self.animate();        }      } else {        self.removeLines();      }    })();  },  //计算经纬度步进长度  _calcStep: function () {    var isextent = this.extent.length != 0;    var calcExtent = isextent ? this.extent : this.initExtent;    var calcSpeed = this.speedRate;    this.calc_speedRate = [      (calcExtent[1] - calcExtent[0]) / calcSpeed,      (calcExtent[3] - calcExtent[2]) / calcSpeed,    ];  },  //根据现有参数重新生成风场  redraw: function () {    window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.animateFrame);    this.particles = [];    this._init();  },  createField: function () {    var data = this._parseWindJson();    return new CanvasWindField(data);  },  animate: function () {    var self = this,      field = self.windField;    var nextLng = null,      nextLat = null,      uv = null;    self.particles.forEach(function (particle) {      if (particle.age <= 0) {        self.randomParticle(particle);      }      if (particle.age > 0) {        var x = particle.x,          y = particle.y,          tlng = particle.tlng,          tlat = particle.tlat;        var gridpos = self._togrid(tlng, tlat);        var tx = gridpos[0];        var ty = gridpos[1];        if (!self.isInExtent(tlng, tlat)) {          particle.age = 0;        } else {          uv = field.getIn(tx, ty);          nextLng = tlng + self.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0];          nextLat = tlat + self.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1];          particle.lng = tlng;          particle.lat = tlat;          particle.x = tx;          particle.y = ty;          particle.tlng = nextLng;          particle.tlat = nextLat;          particle.age--;        }      }    });    if (self.particles.length <= 0) this.removeLines();    self._drawLines();  },  //粒子是否在地图范围内  isInExtent: function (lng, lat) {    var calcExtent = this.initExtent;    if (      lng >= calcExtent[0] &&      lng <= calcExtent[1] &&      lat >= calcExtent[2] &&      lat <= calcExtent[3]    )      return true;    return false;  },  _resize: function (width, height) {    this.canvasWidth = width;    this.canvasHeight = height;  },  _parseWindJson: function () {    var uComponent = null,      vComponent = null,      header = null;    this.windData.forEach(function (record) {      var type =        record.header.parameterCategory + "," + record.header.parameterNumber;      switch (type) {        case "2,2":          uComponent = record["data"];          header = record["header"];          break;        case "2,3":          vComponent = record["data"];          break;        default:          break;      }    });    return {      header: header,      uComponent: uComponent,      vComponent: vComponent,    };  },  removeLines: function () {    window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.animateFrame);    this.isdistory = true;    this.canvas.width = 1;    document.getElementById("content").removeChild(this.canvas);  },  //根据粒子当前所处的位置(棋盘网格位置),计算经纬度,在根据经纬度返回屏幕坐标  _tomap: function (lng, lat, particle) {    var ct3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lng, lat, 0);    // 判断当前点是否在地球可见端    var isVisible = new Cesium.EllipsoidalOccluder(      Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84,      this.viewer.camera.position    ).isPointVisible(ct3);    var pos = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(      this.viewer.scene,      ct3    );    if (!isVisible) {      particle.age = 0;    }    // console.log(pos);    return pos ? [pos.x, pos.y] : null;  },  //根据经纬度,算出棋盘格位置  _togrid: function (lng, lat) {    var field = this.windField;    var x =      ((lng - this.initExtent[0]) / (this.initExtent[1] - this.initExtent[0])) *      (field.cols - 1);    var y =      ((this.initExtent[3] - lat) / (this.initExtent[3] - this.initExtent[2])) *      (field.rows - 1);    return [x, y];  },  _drawLines: function () {    var self = this;    var particles = this.particles;    this.canvasContext.lineWidth = self.lineWidth;    //后绘制的图形和前绘制的图形如果发生遮挡的话,只显示后绘制的图形跟前一个绘制的图形重合的前绘制的图形部分,示例:https://www.w3school.com.cn/tiy/t.asp?f=html5_canvas_globalcompop_all    this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";    this.canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight);    this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; //重叠部分的颜色会被重新计算    this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.9;    this.canvasContext.beginPath();    this.canvasContext.strokeStyle = this.color;    particles.forEach(function (particle) {      var movetopos = self._tomap(particle.lng, particle.lat, particle);      var linetopos = self._tomap(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, particle);      // console.log(movetopos,linetopos);      if (movetopos != null && linetopos != null) {        self.canvasContext.moveTo(movetopos[0], movetopos[1]);        self.canvasContext.lineTo(linetopos[0], linetopos[1]);      }    });    this.canvasContext.stroke();  },  //随机数生成器(小数)  fRandomByfloat: function (under, over) {    return under + Math.random() * (over - under);  },  //随机数生成器(整数)  fRandomBy: function (under, over) {    switch (arguments.length) {      case 1:        return parseInt(Math.random() * under + 1);      case 2:        return parseInt(Math.random() * (over - under + 1) + under);      default:        return 0;    }  },  //根据当前风场extent随机生成粒子  randomParticle: function (particle) {    var safe = 30,      x = -1,      y = -1,      lng = null,      lat = null;    var hasextent = this.extent.length != 0;    var calc_extent = hasextent ? this.extent : this.initExtent;    do {      try {        if (hasextent) {          var pos_x = this.fRandomBy(0, this.canvasWidth);          var pos_y = this.fRandomBy(0, this.canvasHeight);          var cartesian = this.viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(            new Cesium.Cartesian2(pos_x, pos_y),            this.viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid          );          var cartographic =            this.viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(              cartesian            );          if (cartographic) {            //将弧度转为度的十进制度表示            lng = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude);            lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude);          }        } else {          lng = this.fRandomByfloat(calc_extent[0], calc_extent[1]);          lat = this.fRandomByfloat(calc_extent[2], calc_extent[3]);        }      } catch (e) {}      if (lng) {        var gridpos = this._togrid(lng, lat);        x = gridpos[0];        y = gridpos[1];      }    } while (this.windField.getIn(x, y)[2] <= 0 && safe++ < 30);    var field = this.windField;    var uv = field.getIn(x, y);    var nextLng = lng + this.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0];    var nextLat = lat + this.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1];    particle.lng = lng;    particle.lat = lat;    particle.x = x;    particle.y = y;    particle.tlng = nextLng;    particle.tlat = nextLat;    particle.speed = uv[2];    particle.age = Math.round(Math.random() * this.maxAge); //每一次生成都不一样    return particle;  },}; /**** *棋盘类 *根据风场数据生产风场棋盘网格 ****/var CanvasWindField = function (obj) {  this.west = null;  this.east = null;  this.south = null;  this.north = null;  this.rows = null;  this.cols = null;  this.dx = null;  this.dy = null;  this.unit = null;  this.date = null;   this.grid = null;  this._init(obj);};CanvasWindField.prototype = {  constructor: CanvasWindField,  _init: function (obj) {    var header = obj.header,      uComponent = obj["uComponent"],      vComponent = obj["vComponent"];     // debugger;    this.west = +header["lo1"];    this.east = +header["lo2"];    this.south = +header["la2"];    this.north = +header["la1"];    this.rows = +header["ny"];    this.cols = +header["nx"];    this.dx = +header["dx"];    this.dy = +header["dy"];    this.unit = header["parameterUnit"];    this.date = header["refTime"];     this.grid = [];    var k = 0,      rows = null,      uv = null;    for (var j = 0; j < this.rows; j++) {      rows = [];      for (var i = 0; i < this.cols; i++, k++) {        uv = this._calcUV(uComponent[k], vComponent[k]);        rows.push(uv);      }      this.grid.push(rows);    }  },  _calcUV: function (u, v) {    return [+u, +v, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)];  },  //二分差值算法计算给定节点的速度  _bilinearInterpolation: function (x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) {    var rx = 1 - x;    var ry = 1 - y;    var a = rx * ry,      b = x * ry,      c = rx * y,      d = x * y;    var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d;    var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d;    return this._calcUV(u, v);  },  getIn: function (x, y) {    if (x < 0 || x >= 359 || y >= 180) {      return [0, 0, 0];    }    var x0 = Math.floor(x),      y0 = Math.floor(y),      x1,      y1;    if (x0 === x && y0 === y) return this.grid[y][x];     x1 = x0 + 1;    y1 = y0 + 1;     var g00 = this.getIn(x0, y0),      g10 = this.getIn(x1, y0),      g01 = this.getIn(x0, y1),      g11 = this.getIn(x1, y1);    var result = null;    try {      result = this._bilinearInterpolation(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11);    } catch (e) {      console.log(x, y);    }    return result;  },  isInBound: function (x, y) {    if (x >= 0 && x < this.cols - 1 && y >= 0 && y < this.rows - 1) return true;    return false;  },}; /**** *粒子对象 ****/var CanvasParticle = function () {  this.lng = null; //粒子初始经度  this.lat = null; //粒子初始纬度  this.x = null; //粒子初始x位置(相对于棋盘网格,比如x方向有360个格,x取值就是0-360,这个是初始化时随机生成的)  this.y = null; //粒子初始y位置(同上)  this.tlng = null; //粒子下一步将要移动的经度,这个需要计算得来  this.tlat = null; //粒子下一步将要移动的y纬度,这个需要计算得来  this.age = null; //粒子生命周期计时器,每次-1  this.speed = null; //粒子移动速度,可以根据速度渲染不同颜色};

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhenyu/p/16999330.html
