关键词: 数据和方法部分的写作自由度是比较大的,毕竟每个研究的方法往往是不一样的。但是,所有论文写作所遵循的核心要求是一致的,就是 逻辑性写作说起来容易,但是实际操作起来并不很容易。往往需要不同的人多看几遍,都觉得比较顺畅,能看懂了,才是好的。 “数据(Data)”或“材料(Materials)”的写作 对数据的介绍有两个作用: 用于测试方法或方法的应用。所以方法使用中涉及到的所有相关数据,都要一一明确描述。 用于支撑对结果部分的分析。所以涉及到对结果分析有作用的数据,描述要详尽。 “研究区(study area)”是必不可少的一项内容。研究区不仅仅是要介绍在哪里开展的研究,更重要的是明确研究区的 例如:(Morsdorf et al., 2004):The study area for the acquisition of the field data is located in the eastern Ofenpass valley, which is part of the Swiss National Park (SNP). The same area has been used as test site. The Ofenpass represents a dry inner-alpine valley with rather little precipitation (900 – 1100 mm/a). ………… "XX数据获取与预处理(XX data and preprocessing)"要务求详实。不能仅仅写获取了什么数据,更重要的是要明确数据是 例如:(Hopkinson et al., 2009):LiDAR data were collected at each site using two generations of Optech Inc. ALTMs operating at a wavelength of 1064 nm. ………… After data collection, the first data processing task was to differentially correct the aircraft GPS trajectories for each airborne survey to the respective GPS base station receiver/s on the ground. ………… Following LiDAR point position computation, the xyzi data files were imported into the Terrascan (Terrasolid, Finland) software package for plot subsetting and to separate canopy and below canopy returns. ………… "方法(Methods)"写作的关键是让读者 通常在方法写作时,不必去写为什么采用某一小方法或者策略或者技术,而是直接描述具体是如何做的即可。 典型的逻辑写作方式有: (Malenovsky et al., 2013):As this study exploits several interconnected remote sensing/ground observations, laboratory analyses, and computationally intensive methods, we first describe a general synopsis of principal methodological steps shown in Fig. 1. …………Finally, the accuracy of the Cab retrievals is validated with ground (laboratory) measured Cab, extracted from needle samples of ten spruce tree crowns. The following subsections are further detailing each methodological step illustrated in Fig. 1. ………… sub-sections 2.1 ~ 2.7 (Verger et al., 2014):2.1. Description of the UAS and the camera system;2.2. Flying the UAS to map a field;2.3. Geolocation of the pixels;2.4. Radiometric calibration;2.5. Radiative transfer model inversion;2.6. Cost functions: GAI estimation;2.7. Study area and ground validation measuremen (Suomalainen et al., 2021):2.1. Direct reflectance workflow: In remote sensing data, the reflectance factor (R) of interest is usually the ratio between at-target radiance and above-canopy irradiance. ………… Although, the workflow utilizes on-ground reference panels for determining the atmospheric correction parameters, it can still be used in real-time direct reflectance processing. 很多时候,我们自己会陷入到一个“ 在共同作者时间也很宝贵的前提下,如何实现对自己论文的论文写作
日期:Dec 20-21, 2022
1. 数据与材料的写作要注重细节
2. 方法的写作要紧握主线
呢? 我有一个屡试不爽的办法,就是将论文静置20天以上,不要去想它,也不要去看它碰它。这之后,讲论文打印下来,找个安静的地方,仔细地看,切勿图快,慢工才能出细活。