首页 > 其他分享 >Wallys/IPQ4018/IPQ4028 2x2 2.4Ghz 2x2 5Ghz Industrial WIFI5 router/Support 11ABGN/AC

Wallys/IPQ4018/IPQ4028 2x2 2.4Ghz 2x2 5Ghz Industrial WIFI5 router/Support 11ABGN/AC

时间:2022-12-19 14:32:31浏览次数:83  
标签:IPQ4018 AC power Wallys GHz IPQ4028 high 2x2



Wallys/IPQ4018/IPQ4028 2x2 2.4Ghz 2x2 5Ghz Industrial  WIFI5  router/Support 11ABGN/AC_ipq4018

Featuring with industrial-grade IPQ4018/IPQ4028 chipset

Integrated with 2x 2 5G high power Radio module and 2x2 2.4G high power Radio module

Support 4.940GHz to 5.825GHz Frequency Range;

Support 2.400GHz to 2.482GHz

Support 2 x 5G MMCX Connectors and 2x2.4G MMCX

20MHz/40MHz/80MHz Bandwidth

Support 11ABGN/AC

RoHS compliance ensure a high level protection of human health and the environment from risks that can be posed by chemicals

The  DR40X8H is a compact and powerful 2x2 MIMO solution with high-speed Wi-Fi data rates of up to 600Mbps. It is designed for use in indoor or outdoor locations where strong signal strength is required.

Featuring with industrial-grade IPQ4018/IPQ4028 chipset, the [product name] can be an excellent choice for your commercial and residential networks. The integrated 2x 2 5G high power Radio module and 2x2 2.4G high power Radio module provide stable signals for long-range wireless applications. It also supports 4.940GHz to 5.825GHz Frequency Range, allowing you to connect with devices from a distance of up to 300 meters (328 feet). The [product name] comes with two MMCX connectors and two MMCX connectors. These connectors can be used to connect antennas, amplifiers, repeaters, extenders and other accessories such as power amplifiers or GPS modules (optional).

DR40X8H supports 11ABGN/AC channels and provides 20MHz/40MHz/80MHz Bandwidth support, which allows it to handle multiple users simultaneously without affecting performance or throughput rate due to interference issues caused by other devices within range of its transmissions .

For more products please visit: ​https://www.wallystech.com/product.html

Follow us in the Youtube: ​https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClmu7LBz_OWxe2VckkQr3tw

Email: [email protected]

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15862006/5952636


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