首页 > 其他分享 >什么时候用现在进行时表将来,什么时候用一般现在时表将来,什么时候用“will”


时间:2022-12-02 22:33:11浏览次数:40  
标签:get 时表 ll when will going 将来 时候 match


Be going to










我们用be going to来表示基于当前情况(我们能看到将要发生的事情)的预测:




We're going to win the match.

(We're playing really well.)

We'll win the match.

(We've got the best team.)

我们经常用be going to表示意图,will表示细节和评论:


我们经常用will和I'm sure, I think, I expect和probably连用:

We often use will with I'm sure, I think, I expect and probably:

I'm sure it'll be all right.

I expect we'll lose the match.

I think we'll get there on time.

I'll probably have a meal.


Look at this question and answer:

Melvyn:  Are you doing anything this evening?

Bill: Yes, I'm going to the ice hockey match. The Tigers are playing the Kings. I bought my ticket yesterday.


We use the present continuous for what someone has arranged to do. Here Bill has arranged to go to the match. (He has bought a ticket.)

I'm meeting Ann at six o'dlock.

Phil is coming round later on.

They're playing ice hockey tonight.

Judy is going to Malta next week.


The present continuous and be going to have similar meanings:

We're having a party soon. (We have made the arrangements.)

We're going to have a party soon. (We have decided to have one.)

Present simple for a timetable 

Polly:  What time does your train leave tomorrow?

Mike:  Ten twenty-five. And it arrives in  Gloucester at eleven ten.


We can use the present simple for the future when it is part of a timetable:

The train leaves at ten twenty-five tomorrow morning.

The match starts at seven thirty.

Next Friday is the thirteenth.


:not :

I buy my ticket tomorrow- or I give you a lift this evening。


Present simple after when, before etc.

We use the present simple for the future after :when, as, while, before, after, as soon as and  until:

We'll have coffee when the visitors get here.

I must get to the bank before it closes.

As soon as you hear any news, will you let me know?


Both actions are in the future. But we do not use will after when, as etc.

NOT We'll have coffee when the vistors will get here.


The same thing happens after if, who/ which and that:

If you see Elaine, can you give her a message?

The people who arrive early will get the best seats.

I'll make sure (that) everything is ready.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zaiyewujiang/p/16945851.html
