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时间:2022-08-25 19:13:30浏览次数:60  
标签:ni Crane but ng crane bird

  • Crane or cranes may refer to:
  • Crane (bird), a large, long-necked bird
  • Crane (machine), industrial machinery for lifting
  • Crane (rail), a crane suited for use on railroads
  • Crane (given name or surname)
  • Crane (places)
  • Fujian White Crane, a southern Chinese martial art
  • Crane shot, a shot taken with a camera mounted on a crane in motion pictures
  • Crane fly is a common name referring to any member of the insect family Tipulidae, of the order Diptera, true flies in the superfamily Tipuloidea. 鹤蝇是一个常见的名称,指的是双翅目昆虫科的任何一种昆虫,真蝇科的昆虫。

White Crane Style (Chinese: 白鶴拳) is a Southern Chinese martial art that originated in Yongchun [永春,不是咏春] County, Fujian (福建) province. According to oral tradition, the style was developed by Fang Qiniang (方七娘; Amoy [厦门] Min Nan [闽南]: Hng Chhit-niâ), a female martial artist. It is associated with traditional fighting techniques, including long range, but is most similar to close-quarter [近身] or hand-to-hand combat. It is most recognizable by the way the fighter imitates a bird's pecking or flapping of wings. While some white crane styles make use of traditional weapons, others have discontinued the use of weaponry.

Amoy应为厦门的闽南语发音。香港的淘大花园,淘大原名「淘化大同」,前身淘化在1908年於中国福建省厦门成立,除酿制豉油外,也兼营牛奶业务。1928年,淘化大同正式于香港成立,设厂制造豉油。为纪念公司发源地,淘化大同将其英文名称定为Amoy Food,其中Amoy是厦门的英文旧称。


Qīniáng and her father lived in Yongchun County, Fujian province, where many cranes live. Qīniáng's father knew the Southern Chinese martial arts and taught them to his daughter.

One day, while Qīniáng was doing her chores, a crane landed nearby. Qīniáng tried to scare the bird off using a stick and the skills she had learned from her father, but whatever she did, the crane would counter. Qīniáng tried to hit the crane on the head, but the bird moved its head out of the way and blocked the stick with its wings. Qīniáng tried to hit the crane's wings, but the crane stepped to the side and blocked the stick with its claws. Qīniáng tried to poke the crane's body, but the crane dodged backwards and struck the stick with its beak. From then on, Qīniáng carefully studied the crane's movements. She combined these movements with techniques learned from her father, ultimately creating the White Crane Style.

There are many versions of this legend. In some, the crane does not block a stick, but evades and counters it. The point of the style is to emphasize evasion and attack an opponent's vulnerabilities instead of using physical strength. Since it was created by a woman, White Crane fighting elements are especially popular in women's self-defense training because the movements do not require great strength. They more closely imitate the delicate pecking motion associated with this fighting style.

六级/考研单词: crane, railroad, surname, shot, mount, insect, province, accord, oral, combat, imitate, peck, flap, chore, nearby, scare, paw, poke, dodge, beak, legend, evade, physics, delicate

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16625419.html
