首页 > 其他分享 >基于matlab从图形坐标转换图像


时间:2022-11-22 18:25:20浏览次数:50  
标签:pixeliZedScratchPad graph targetFileName plotIndex matlab plotRowSize 图形 plotCoo


% Caveat: center of plot may be required
close all; clear all; clc;
plotRowSize = 2;
plotColSize = 2;
plotIndex = 0;
lowerRangeX = -3;
upperRangeX = 3;
lowerRangeY = -3;
upperRangeY = 3;
inputFolder = 'outputFiles';
targetFile = 'pixeliZedScratchPad.mat';
targetFileName = strcat(inputFolder, '\', targetFile);
targetFile = whos('-file', targetFileName);
targetFileContents = load (targetFileName); % load map
load (targetFileName); % load contents
% [UM: for the time being we deal with BW, ie. 2 levels]
figure('Name', 'Image to coordinated graph', 'NumberTitle','off');
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;
subplot(plotRowSize,plotColSize, plotIndex);
imshow(pixeliZedScratchPad, []);
% pixeliZedScratchPad = floor(pixeliZedScratchPad);
% image to graph coordinates
[plotCoordinates_x plotCoordinates_y] = mapPixelsToCoordinatedPlotGraph(pixeliZedScratchPad, ...
upperRangeX, lowerRangeX, lowerRangeY, upperRangeY);
% graph coordinates to image
imageSize = 200;
pixeliZedScratchPad_reconstructed = plotCoordinatesToImagePixels(plotCoordinates_x, plotCoordinates_y, imageSize);
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;
subplot(plotRowSize,plotColSize, plotIndex);
plot(plotCoordinates_x, plotCoordinates_y, 'x');
title('Coordinated graph');
axis([lowerRangeX-1 upperRangeX+1 lowerRangeY-1 upperRangeY+1]);
grid on;
% imshow(uint8(pixeliZedScratchPad), []);
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;
subplot(plotRowSize,plotColSize, plotIndex);
imshow(pixeliZedScratchPad_reconstructed, []);
title('Image constructed from graph coordinates');




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/matlabfpga/p/16916026.html
