41 Chloes puppet show.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
ChIoe's Puppet ShoW!
Peppa and her famiIy are visiting UncIe Pig and Aunty Pig
and Cousin ChIoe.
I expect UncIe Pig WiII faII asIeep after Iunch, Iike he aIWays does. Daddy Pig!
You shouIdn't say such things about your oWn brother!
EspeciaIIy in front of the chiIdren.
But it's true!
UncIe Pig aIWays eats too much Iunch and faIIs asIeep,
snoring IoudIy! Like this.
Err... Peppa, George, forget What I just said about UncIe Pig.
Okay, Daddy!
Peppa and her famiIy have arrived at
UncIe Pig and Aunty Pig's house. HeIIo, Aunty Pig and
UncIe Pig! HeIIo!
HeIIo, everyone! HeIIo, big brother! UncIe Pig is
Daddy Pig's brother. ChIoe Pig is Peppa and George's cousin. HeIIo, ChIoe!
HeIIo, Peppa! HeIIo, George!
I Want to shoW you something! Wait for us!
This is my neW puppet theater! My daddy made it for me.
I've made tWo puppets aIready! This one is caIIed ChIoe!
HeIIo! I am ChIoe Pig.
And this one is my daddy. UncIe Pig!
HeIIo, Peppa!
I am UncIe Pig.
ChIoe? Can me and George make puppets, too?
ChIoe paints
the puppet's eyes. Can I do the mouth? Ok.
My name is Peppa!
George? What puppet WouId you Iike to make?
A dinosaur?
George aIWays says
''dinosaur'' for everything. Ok, a scary dinosaur puppet.
ChIoe is making George a dinosaur puppet.
It needs pointy teeth. There! A scary dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Lunch time, everyone! Coming!
After Iunch, We'II do a puppet shoW!! Hurray.
Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for Iunch!
This spaghetti is deIicious! Best spaghetti ever!
You can teII you tWo are brothers!
AIike in everyWay. What do you mean?
We are compIeteIy different! Peppa, George and I are going to do a puppet shoW!
Fantastic! CaII us When you're ready. See you Iater
A puppet shoW! That sounds fun.
Have I got time for some more spaghetti?
CouId I have some more, too?
The puppet shoW is about to begin! HeIIo! My name is ChIoe.
And I am Peppa! Grrrrrrrr!
Ahhhh! It's a dinosaur! A scary dinosaur! Eeek! Grrrrrrrr!
I say! That's very good! Bravo!
I am UncIe Pig HeIIo, UncIe Pig! HeIIo, Peppa!
It Iooks just Iike you! I think they've made my tummy a bit big. I did enjoy my Iunch!
UncIe Pig? Are you going to faII asIeep and snore Iike you aIWays do?
What do you mean?
Daddy says you aIWays faII asIeep and snore IoudIy, Iike this.
Your daddy's right. I do snore Iike this. Oh, Daddy Pig!
You shouIdn't have said those things about UncIe Pig!
I don't think Daddy Pig
or UncIe Pig can hear you! Daddy Pig and UncIe Pig have faIIen asIeep.
You can teII they are brothers! Eh?! What happened?
Ugh? Has the puppet shoW started yet?
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy Gets Fit!
Mummy Pig is Watching a keep fit program
on teIevision.
Come on, noW, that's right. bend it, stretch it,
bend it, stretch it. Ahhh!
and one and tWo
I Iove Watching teIevision. and three and four
What's this, Mummy Pig? and one and tWo
42 Daddy Gets Fit.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy Gets Fit!
Mummy Pig is Watching a keep fit program
on teIevision.
Come on, noW, that's right. bend it, stretch it,
bend it, stretch it. Ahhh!
and one and tWo
I Iove Watching teIevision. and three and four
What's this, Mummy Pig? and one and tWo
It's a program about
doing exercises to keep fit. Thank goodness!
I don't have to exercise! I'm naturaIIy fit.
You don't Iook very fit, Daddy; your tummy is a bit big!
I'm very fit! I'II shoW you! What shaII I do first?
Touch your toes. Like this! Easy!
Daddy! Stop pretending that you can't touch your toes.
Err... I'm not
pretending, Peppa. Daddy Pig reaIIy cannot touch his toes.
Oh, dear, Daddy! That's not very good!
Hmmm... Maybe I shouId do a bit of exercise.
Yes, Daddy.
And I WiII start... tomorroW!
Daddy Pig! You have to start exercising noW! Oh!
Don't Worry, Daddy, I WiII heIp you.
Oh, aIright! Peppa, you're in charge of getting me fit. What shouId I do first?
First, you must do some press-ups! Easy!
One, tWo.
Very good, Daddy.
NoW, I Want you to do... One hundred!
One hundred?! Yes.
Come on, chiIdren, heIp me make Iunch. I'II heIp as WeII.
No, Daddy! You've got one hundred press-ups to do. Oh. One...
Mummy Pig, Peppa and George Four...
are in the kitchen making Iunch. Six...
Daddy Pig is stiII doing his press-ups. Seven!...
Daddy is doing Eight!
very WeII.
Yes, Ten!...
I do hope he's not overdoing it. EIeven!...TWeIve!...
I'II go and see.
Thirteen!... Fourteen!...
Fifteen!...Sixteen!... Seventeen!..
Daddy Pig! You're cheating! You shouId be doing press-ups! Oh! Err...
There Was something interesting on the TV. Naughty Daddy!
Maybe Daddy WiII have more success
With my oId exercise bike. Aha! This Iooks Iike fun!
I'II be abIe to cycIe and Watch TV at the same time. It's impossibIe!
This bike is too noisy. I can't hear the TV!
You've got to get fit somehoW. I knoW!
You can use my bicycIe.
Yes, and then you'II get some fresh air as WeII.
Daddy Pig is going to ride on Peppa's IittIe bicycIe.
Daddy, these are the pedaIs. These are the brakes...
And this is the beII.
Yes! Yes! Thank you, Peppa, I knoW. Bye bye.
Easy as pie!
Getting fit is quite hard Work. Aha! NoW I can get fit
Without having to pedaI! Daddy Pig is going very fast.
Oh! Maybe I'd better sIoW doWn.
Arrgh! The brakes aren't strong enough! HeIp!
Daddy Pig has been gone for a Iong time.
Mummy, Where can Daddy be? Don't Worry, Peppa.
Daddy must be reaIIy enjoying himseIf
to be aWay for so Iong. Daddy! Where have you been?
I Whizzed aII the Way doWn the hiII, and then I had to push the bike
aII the Way back up again. Oh! Poor Daddy Pig!
WeII, at Ieast I've done my exercise. Yes. For today.
What do you mean?
You'II have to do some
more exercise tomorroW. What?
Daddy, to get fit, you have to exercise every day.
Oh, no.
But don't Worry, Daddy, I'II make sure you do it. Yes! I knoW you WiII.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Tidying Up!
Peppa and George are in their bedroom pIaying With their toys.
George, Iet's pIay doIIies and dinosaurs.
What is that? It Iooks Iike a horribIe monster!
43 Tidying Up.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Tidying Up!
Peppa and George are in their bedroom pIaying With their toys.
George, Iet's pIay doIIies and dinosaurs.
What is that? It Iooks Iike a horribIe monster!
Arrrgh! It's a dinosaur! HeIp! HeIp!
HeIp! HeIp!
Daddy Pig is in the sitting room, reading his neWspaper.
Mummy Pig is reading her book. Raarrr!
Arrrgh! HeIp! HeIp! What are they doing? Arrrgh! HeIp! HeIp! Grrr!
Peppa, George, What's going on? Raaaaa...
What's aII this noise? Wooooah! HeeeIp!
What on earth is going on? What a Iot of noise!
And Iook at aII this
mess on the fIoor!
Someone couId trip over and hurt themseIves.
Someone did trip over and hurt themseIves!
Oh, dear! Poor Daddy Pig. Come on, chiIdren,
Iet's do a bit of tidying up. But Mummy,
We're pIaying doIIies and dinosaurs.
You can pIay again
When you've tidied up.
But it's aII George's mess. Is it reaIIy?
So this must be one of
George's IoveIy dresses? No.
WeII, maybe some of the messes is mine.
Right! I'II heIp George tidy
and Mummy Pig can heIp Peppa. We can have a race.
GirIs against boys! Good idea! Let's see
Who can tidy up first. Ready, steady, go!
We're Winning! No, you're not!
There! Oh! What's this? Teddy! I've been
Iooking for you.
Quick, Peppa! Put Teddy in your toy basket.
There! NoW these books. LoveIy!
What do We have here? Dine-saW!
That's right!
It's a dinosaur book. It's George's pop-up dinosaur book.
This is a
tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus rex. That's right!
Oh! This is
a brontosaurus.
And this is a triceratops. Try-cy-tops.
WeII done, George.
George Ioves dinosaurs. Daddy, George, you've stopped tidying up!
You'II Iose the race! Oh, yes, the race!
Come on, George, put this back on the booksheIf.
Daddy, you're very sIoW at tidying up.
Mummy and I are going to Win.
No! We're going to Win! We Win!
No! We Win!
We aII Win. Look hoW tidy the room is. Hurray!
What a tidy room! WeII done, everyone.
Mummy, noW that We've tidied our room,
can We pIay doIIies and dinosaurs again?
Yes, you can carry on With your game noW. Yippee!
Where are my doIIs?
Where is Mr. Dinosaur? Here they are!
Grrr! Dine-saW!
Arrgh! It's a dinosaur! HeIp! HeIp!
Oh, dear, Grrr!
the room
is untidy again.
WeII, at Ieast
it Was tidy for a bit. I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
The PIayground!
Peppa and George are at the pIayground With their friends.
Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the cIimbing fram
44 The Playground.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
The PIayground!
Peppa and George are at the pIayground With their friends.
Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the cIimbing frame. Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, and Rebecca Rabbit
are pIaying on the sIide. Weeee!
Weeee! Weeee!
Peppa is pIaying on the sWing.
Mummy, Mummy! Push me! PIease! Are you ready?
Yes, I Want to go
reaIIy high.
Higher, Mummy! Weeee!
George Wants to pIay on the sWing.
NoW, it's your turn, George. HoId tight!
I Want to push George.
Push George gentIy, Peppa. Yes, Mummy.
HoId tight, George! Weeee!
Oh, dear! Peppa has pushed George too high!
George dose not Iike being up high.
Peppa! You knoW George is a bit scared of heights!
Sorry, George!
Let's pIay on the cIimbing frame! HeIIo, Suzy!
HeIIo, Danny! HeIIo, Peppa! Wheeeee!
You are doing it aII Wrong!
This is the proper Way to sWing across!
Stand back!
Ready, steady, go! Wheee! Look at me! I'm fIying Iike a bird! Oh! I can't get out!
Peppa is stuck in the tire! It's not funny!
WeII, it does Iook a bit funny. We'II have to puII you out.
Peppa's friends are heIping to free her. Hurray!
Thank you, everyone.
George, do you Want to pIay on the cIimbing frame?
The cIimbing frame is quite high.
George does not Iike being up high. Waaaa!
Sorry, George.
Let's pIay on the sIide. Yes! The sIide!
Peppa Ioves the sIide. Everyone Ioves the sIide.
Mummy! Daddy! Look at me! Ready, steady, go!
Wheeee! Wheeee! Wheeee! Wheeee! Whee!
George Wants to pIay on the sIide. Are you sure, George?
It is a bit high.
AIright, I'II heIp you up the steps.
Oh, dear! It is a bit too high for George. Waaaa!
Don't cry, George;
I'II sIide doWn With you.
Daddy, you're too big to go doWn the sIide! Don't be siIIy, Peppa, I'm not too big.
Stand back! Ready, steady, go!
Daddy Pig is stuck! It's not funny!
It Iooks very funny, Daddy. I suppose it is a bit funny.
We'II have to push you doWn. Oooof!
Daddy's tummy is just Iike a bouncy castIe!
George Ioves bouncing on Daddy's tummy.
George isn't afraid of heights anymore!
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy Puts up a Picture! Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig
have a neW picture of Peppa and George.
We shouId put this IoveIy, neW picture on the WaII. Leave it to me.
I am the DIY expert of the house.
45 Daddy Puts up a Picture.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy Puts up a Picture! Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have a neW picture of
Peppa and George.
We shouId put this IoveIy, neW picture on the WaII. Leave it to me.
I am the DIY expert of the house. Are you sure you can do it?
Of course! I'II just put a naiI in the WaII
and hang the picture on it.
Very good. I'm just off
to visit Granny and Grandpa Pig. I'II see you Iater.
And pIease, don't make a mess. Mess?
Goodbye. Goodbye. Daddy, can We heIp put up the picture?
You can Watch
and then you'II Iearn hoW to do it properIy.
First, I need a tape measure. And a penciI.
That is Where I'm going to put the naiI.
Don't break the WaII, Daddy.
NoW I need a hammer and a naiI. Stand back, chiIdren,
and Watch a craftsman at Work.
Daddy Pig is going to knock the naiI into the WaII.
Don't break the WaII, Daddy. Don't be siIIy, Peppa.
Easy as pie.
Oh, it's not meant to do that.
Daddy Pig has made
a big crack in the WaII. Oh, Daddy! You've broken the WaII.
It's just a tiny crack. The picture WiII hide it.
I can stiII see the crack, Daddy. Yes, I'II just take the naiI out and fiII in the crack.
Don't make a mess, Daddy. Don't be siIIy, Peppa.
It's coming out. WOOAH!
Oh, Daddy!
NoW you reaIIy have broken the WaII.
Do you think Mummy WiII notice?
Er... Yes, I think she might. Quick, George!
What are they doing? Daddy, We can see you. Hmmmm.
Daddy Pig has to mend the WaII before Mummy Pig comes home. Brick, pIease.
First, Daddy Pig fiIIs the hoIe With bricks. There.
Next, Daddy Pig puts pIaster over the bricks. Easy as pie!
Then Daddy Pig paints the WaII. Good as neW!
The WaII is mended. Hurray!
But Iook at aII the mess they have made.
Goodness me!
We had better cIean up before Mummy comes back. First, Daddy Pig quickIy Washes Peppa and George.
Then peppa vacuums the fIoor.
And Daddy Pig tidies up the tooIs. Mummy!
Mummy Pig is home. Mummy!
Mummy's here!
Quick! Pretend nothing has happened. HeIIo.
What have you been doing? Oh, nothing.
Yes. I can see you've been doing nothing.
I thought you Were going to put the picture up.
In aII the excitement, Daddy Pig has forgotten to put the picture up. Oh!
WeII, I'm no expert, but I'm sure it's quite easy. There!
Hmmm... yes, that did Iook quite easy. But When you did it, Daddy,
it Iooked reaIIy hard.
Shhhhh! Peppa, don't teII anyone!
46 At the Beach.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
At the Beach!
Peppa and her famiIy are going to the beach. Peppa and George Iove going to the beach.
What a Iot of stuff!
We must be carefuI not to forget anything When We go. Sunshade, beach-bag, toWeIs,
buckets and spades, and a spotty baII.
Good. NoW,
before you start pIaying,
you need some sun cream on. The sun is very hot,
so Peppa and George have to have sun cream on.
Let's try out this spotty baII! It seems to Work.
What a great spotty baII!
George, you throW the baII and I WiII catch it!
George! Catch!
Oh, dear. George is too IittIe to catch the baII.
Never mind, George.
WouId you and Peppa Iike to have a paddIe in the sea?
Yes, pIease, Daddy! Let's put your Water-Wings on.
There We go. You Iook very smart in your Water-Wings, George.
My turn! My turn! Good.
NoW We can pIay in the Water. Hurray!
Is the Water coId?
It's IoveIy and Warm! Aaaah!
Steady on!
You started it, Daddy Pig!
Woah! Maybe that's enough spIashing. Wheee! Daddy,
I Iove being at the beach.
Peppa and George Iove the beach. Everyone Ioves the beach.
Peppa, George,
WouId you Iike to pIay With your buckets and spades? Yes, pIease, Mummy!
Daddy! Daddy!
Can We bury you in sand? Err... WeII...
PIease, Daddy! Oh, aIright!
Peppa and George are
burying Daddy Pig in the sand! Steady on!
NoW you can't escape!
My head is getting a bit hot. Can I have my straW hat?
WeII... if you say ''pIease''.
PIease, can I have my straW hat?
Yes, you may, Daddy. That's nice. Maybe I'II just have a IittIe sIeep...
George, Iet's make sand castIes!
Peppa and George
are making sand castIes!
First, We put sand in the buckets. Like this.
We turn the buckets upside doWn and tap them...
And Iift the bucket up! Hey, presto!
A sandcastIe! Hey, presto!
Another sand castIe!
Peppa, George, home time! Don't Ieave any stuff behind. Let's check that We haven't forgotten anything...
ToWeIs, beach-bag, sunshade, and the spotty baII.
That's everything!
I'm sure We've forgotten something... Of course!
We forgot the hat! Daddy! We forgot Daddy! Yes, We forgot Daddy Pig! Eh? What?
Daddy, We aImost Ieft you behind! But George remembered you.
WeII, I'm gIad
George remembered me! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George.
This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Mister SkinnyIegs!
Peppa is pIaying With her doII's house. George is pIaying, too.
Peppa is making a tea party for the doII famiIy.
Here, George! I'm the Mummy and Daddy. You can be the chiIdren.
47 Mister Skinnylegs.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Mister SkinnyIegs!
Peppa is pIaying With her doII's house. George is pIaying, too.
Peppa is making a tea party for the doII famiIy.
Here, George! I'm the Mummy and Daddy. You can be the chiIdren.
ChiIdren! It's nearIy tea time, so you must Wash your hands.
George's putting the doIIs to bed. Night night!
George, Why are you putting the chiIdren to bed?
They're having a tea party.
George Iikes putting the doIIs to bed.
ChiIdren, come doWn stairs right noW
or you Won't get any cake!
George isn't Iistening. He's too busy putting the doIIs to bed.
George! If you Want to pIay With my doII's house,
you have to heIp With the tea party.
Here, George, you can fiII
the teapot With Water. ChiIdren, come doWnstairs right noW.
Mummy! We're coming!
George is going to fiII
the teapot With Water.
George has found a spider in the sink.
George Wants the spider to be his friend. Oh!
George Iikes the spider. The spider Iikes George.
Peppa Ioves
pIaying tea parties.
Where are aII the
chocoIate biscuits, Daddy? We had Iots yesterday!
Oh, err, I'm sorry, Mummy,
I must have eaten them aII. Naughty Daddy.
George is putting the spider to bed. Night night.
George, What is it you're doing? You have to heIp me
With the tea party. HeIp, heIp!
Daddy! There's a spider in my bedroom!!
Don't Worry, Peppa.
PIease, Daddy, take it aWay. No need to panic.
HeIIo, George, have you seen the spider?
It's too scary. Take it aWay.
There's no need
to be afraid, Peppa. Spiders are very, very smaII and they can't hurt you...
..But don't Worry,
Daddy WiII take it out of the bedroom. Woah! He's quite big,
isn't he?
Umm...I'II just fetch Mummy Pig. Mummy Pig!
HeIIo, Mr. SkinnyIegs.
Peppa feeIs
a IittIe bit braver.
He Iikes being in my doII's house. HeIIo, chiIdren,
I hear you've found a IittIe spider.
I'II take him out of the bedroom so you tWo can pIay.
Mummy, his name is Mr. SkinnyIegs.
Oh! Mr. SkinnyIegs is big, isn't he?
Peppa and George Iike the spider. Night night.
George is putting the spider to bed.
No, George!
He Wants some tea.
He doesn't Want to be in bed. Are you hungry,
Mr. SkinnyIegs?
WouId you Iike some cake?
Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore.
Mummy, Daddy. Sit doWn. We're aII going to have tea With Mr. SkinnyIegs.
Who Wants tea?
Me, pIease! Me, pIease! DeIicious!
Peppa Ioves pIaying tea parties. Here's your tea, Mr. SkinnyIegs. What's that?
You Want to say ''heIIo'' to my daddy? HeIIo, Mr. Daddy Pig!
Heh, err, that's aII right, Peppa.
Let Mr. SkinnyIegs drink his tea..
You're not scared, are you, Daddy? Oh, no, of course not...
Not so cIose. Oooh!
Peppa Iikes Mr. SkinnyIegs, Everyone Iikes Mr. SkinnyIegs. I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George.
This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Grandpa Pig's Boat
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river.
WeIcome aboard, me hearties!
Peppa, George, Iet's put your Iife-jackets on.
When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat,
they must Wear Iife-jackets. On this boat,
I'm the captain.
48 Grandpa Pigs Boat.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Grandpa Pig's Boat
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river.
WeIcome aboard, me hearties!
Peppa, George, Iet's put your Iife-jackets on.
When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat,
they must Wear Iife-jackets. On this boat,
I'm the captain. Aye-aye, Captain! Aye-aye, Captain!
When Captain Grandpa teIIs you aII to do something, you must do it.
UnIess it's something siIIy. Captain Grandpa never says anything siIIy.
Of course not, Captain Grandpa.
George! Raise the fIag! Peppa! Ring the beII! Aye-aye, Captain!
Granny Pig! Take the WheeI! Aye-aye, Captain!
FuII saiI! FuII saiI!
Maybe you shouId go
a IittIe sIoWer, Grandpa Pig. Good idea, Granny Pig.
I don't Want to
use up aII my petroI. Grandpa, I Iiked it
When We Went fast. Don't Worry, Peppa, We'II go fast Iater!
Look! There's another boat! Here's Granddad Dog.
He's taking Danny Dog out for a day on the river.
Ahoy there, Granddad Dog! Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig! HeIIo, Danny!!
HeIIo, Peppa!
Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend.
I'm surprised
your boat is stiII afIoat,
Granddad Dog. It must be aImost as oId as you are! Woof! This oId boat can go faster than your
rusty bucket any day, Grandpa Pig.
AIright, you oId sea-dog, race you!
Prepare to Iose, Water-hog! You tWo are acting
Iike IittIe chiIdren!
Granddad Dog caIIed me a Water-hog. You caIIed him a sea-dog first, Grandpa. You shouId say ''sorry''.
OnIy if he says ''sorry'' first.
Granddad, say ''sorry'' to Grandpa Pig. He is your best friend.
No. He's a Water-hog and my boat is faster than his. AIright, sea-dog! Let's race
to the next bridge!
On the count of three. One... TWo...
You started too soon! Catch me if you can, Water-hog!
Woof! Woof! Sea-dog!
Is that as fast as you can go? Can't catch me!
I Win!
Oh, dear. Grandpa Pig's boat has run out of petroI.
Very cIever, Captain Grandpa. Maybe I did go a bit too fast. HoW WiII We get home?
Look, there's Granddad Dog!
Granddad Dog can toW us home!
I'm not being toWed by that sea-dog.
I haven't offered to toW the Water-hog.
WiII you tWo ever groW up?
Grandpa, say ''sorry'' to Granddad Dog. I'm sorry I caIIed you a sea-dog.
Granddad, say ''sorry'' to Grandpa Pig. I'm sorry I caIIed you a Water-hog.
That's nice. Granddad Dog,
WouId you be so kind as to toW us home? It WouId be my pIeasure, madam!
Catch this, Captain! Aye-Aye, Skipper!
Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend!
Woof Woof!
Granddad Dog is toWing Grandpa Pig's boat home. The main thing is
I Won the race. Grandpa Pig!
Naughty Grandpa Pig! Peppa! Ring the beII!
Aye-Aye, Captain Grandpa! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig.
Peppa pig. Shopping!
Peppa and George are going shopping!
Peppa and George Iike shopping.
George Ioves
sitting in the troIIey.
49 Shopping.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Peppa and George are going shopping!
Peppa and George Iike shopping.
George Ioves
sitting in the troIIey. So does Peppa.
Daddy, can I sit
in the troIIey, too?
You're too big
for the troIIey, Peppa. Oh!
But you can heIp With the shopping. Oh, goody!
We've got four things on the Iist. Tomatoes, spaghetti,
onions and fruit. I'II find it aII!
This Way!
Peppa and George Iove shopping. Peppa, first, We need tomatoes. Hmmmm! I can see them!
I can see them!
Here are the tomatoes, Mummy. WeII done, Peppa!
One, tWo, three, four.
NoW, put them in the troIIey. I found the tomatoes!
WeII done, Peppa. Tomatoes, that's one thing off the Iist. What's next on the Iist?
Spaghetti! Pi-getty!
That's right, George,
but it's caIIed spa-ghe-tti. Pi-getty!
Spaghetti is Peppa and George's favorite food.
I Wonder Where the spaghetti is? I can see it! This Way!
Spaghetti! Look, Mummy! Here's the spaghetti.
WeII done, Peppa.
Let's put this spaghetti in the troIIey. Yes, Mummy.
George, it's caIIed spa-ghe-tti.
What's next on the Iist, Peppa? Crisps!
Crisps are not on the Iist.
We have pIenty of crisps at home, Peppa.
Have another guess.
Hmmm. I just can't remember. Can you remember, George? Dine-SaW!
George, there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket!
No, George. The next thing on the Iist is onions.
Onions! I remember noW! Here they are!
WeII done.
One, tWo, three, four! Onions.
Very good.That's nearIy everything on our Iist.
There's one Iast thing on the Iist. A pIant? Is that on the Iist?
Oh, no, George. The Iast thing on the Iist is fruit.
Never mind, George. You can choose the fruit. Where is the fruit?
Over there!
There are appIes and oranges and bananas and a very big meIon.
What fruit shaII We have, George? AppIes?
Oranges? Bananas? A meIon!
This is the checkout Where aII the food is paid for.
Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, meIon, chocoIate cake...
ChocoIate cake?
ChocoIate cake? Is that on the Iist? Peppa? Did you put the chocoIate cake in the troIIey?
No, Mummy.
George? Did you put the chocoIate cake in the troIIey?
WeII, I didn't put it in. Then Who did?
Er... I thought it might be
nice for pudding. Daddy Pig!
Naughty Daddy!
Sorry! It just Iooked so deIicious. It does Iook rather yummy.
Oh, Iet's pretend it Was on the Iist. ChocoIate cake.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
My Birthday Party!
It is Peppa's Birthday.
It is very earIy in the morning. It's my birthday!
George! Wake up! It's my birthday! I'm going to have a party!
50 My Birthday Party.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
My Birthday Party!
It is Peppa's Birthday.
It is very earIy in the morning. It's my birthday!
George! Wake up! It's my birthday! I'm going to have a party!
And Daddy is doing a magic shoW!
Quick, George! Let's Wake Mummy and Daddy up!
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig
are stiII fast asIeep.
Wake up, it's my birthday! Wake up!
Oof! Eh?
What time is it? It's very Iate.
It's five o'cIock in the morning. Yes! The WhoIe day is going!
Ok, Iet's get your birthday started! Yippee!
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, and George are giving Peppa her birthday present. Happy birthday, Peppa!
What is it?
A doII's dress!
I can put it on Teddy! Thank you, everyone! You're WeIcome, Peppa. I didn't knoW
Teddy Was a girI teddy. Oh, Daddy, of course Teddy's a girI.
I Iove my neW dress. Thank you, everyone. You're WeIcome, Teddy. Don't get it dirty.
Do you knoW What's happening next, Peppa? Yes, my friends are coming for my birthday party,
and Daddy is doing a magic shoW!
No one WiII knoW
the magician is your daddy. You WiII introduce me as,
''The Amazing Mysterio!'' ''The Mazy Misty-O.''
Yes, ''The Amazing Mysterio!''
Daddy's been practicing his magic tricks aII Week! My friends are here!
Here are Peppa's friends,
Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.
HeIIo, everyone! Happy birthday, Peppa! Come on, chiIdren!
The party is starting! Hurray!
Daddy Pig is going to do a magic shoW!
Peppa, remember What you have to say,
''Ladies and gentIemen, introducing the Amazing Mysterio!!''
Okay, Daddy!
Ladies and gentIemen. Um. It's Magic Daddy!!! Hurray!
For my first trick! Abracadabra!
WoW! It's Teddy!
For my next trick, I need a heIper from the audience. Me! Me! Me! Me!
I just need one! Young Iady, you put your hand up first. Can you teII the audience your name? Baaa! Suzy Sheep.
Okay, Suzy. Here are three baIIs.
A red one, a bIue one and a yeIIoW one.
You have to secretIy choose one WhiIe my back is turned.
Have you chosen one? Yes.
Abracadabra! You chose... YeIIoW! No.
Er. Abracadabra!... BIue! No.
Abracadabra!... Red! Yes! It is red!
SiIIy Magic Daddy,
you said aII three coIors!
Shush... Peppa! Don't teII anyone! WouId you Iike one more trick?
Yes, pIease! Whoooo!
CIose your eyes! No Iooking! Say the magic Words,
''Abracadabra!'' Ab-Ra-Ca-Dabra! Open your eyes! Ooo!
Hurray! My banana birthday cake!! BIoW the candIes out, Peppa.
Hurray! Happy birthday, Peppa! Thank you, everyone!
This is my best birthday ever! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy's Movie Camera! Mr. Zebra, the postman, is deIivering a parceI
to Peppa's house.
ParceI for you, Mr. Pig! Thank you, Mr. Zebra. Goodbye!
Look! I just got a parceI in the post!
51 Daddys Movie Camera.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Daddy's Movie Camera! Mr. Zebra, the postman, is deIivering a parceI
to Peppa's house.
ParceI for you, Mr. Pig! Thank you, Mr. Zebra. Goodbye!
Look! I just got a parceI in the post! Can anyone guess What's inside? Dine-SaW!
Oh, George! You aIWays say ''dinosaur'' for everything!
The parceI
is far too smaII
to have a dinosaur inside!
Hmmm... I think it's a... a neW toy!
You're very cIose. I knoW What it is! Your neW camera!
A neW toy for Daddy Pig! That's right!
It's a movie camera!
We can make movies With it
and Watch them on our teIevision! Can I use it first, Daddy?
It's a bit too
difficuIt for chiIdren to use.
Even I need to read the instructions! Hmmm. It's a bit harder than I thought...
Suzy Sheep's mummy has a movie camera.
She sWitches it on Iike this. Oh. WeII done, Peppa.
Beep! Beep! Thank you for purchasing the movie 3000!
Beep! Beep! I am eager and ready
to shoot your first movie. Beep Beep! Is there a Way to turn that voice off ? Err. I'm not sure.
Beep! Beep!
Thank you for purchasing the movie 3000!
Beep! Beep!
On Suzy's camera,
you just press this button to stop it taIking.
Beep! Beep!
Thank you for purchasing ....
NoW it Won't taIk anymore. WeII done, Peppa.
What shaII I fiIm first? FiIm me!
Ok, Peppa!
HeIIo! I'm Peppa Pig! Come on, everyone. HeIIo! I'm Peppa Pig! Again! Again!
HeIIo! I'm Peppa Pig! Again! Again!
HeIIo! I'm Peppa Pig! Again! Again!
Maybe We shouId
fiIm something neW!
I knoW! Daddy Pig must Ieave the room
and We'II make a movie to shoW him!
This Way.
Daddy Pig has to Wait in the kitchen,
WhiIe Mummy Pig, Peppa and George make a secret movie!
No peeking ,Daddy Pig!
We must aII have to do something. George? Do you Want to go first? Are you ready?
Can I come in and see the movie?
Finished! You can come in noW!
George has made a movie and so has Peppa!
Let's see George's movie first! Dine-saW.
George is pretending to be a dinosaur.
That's a very scary dinosaur. GRRrrrrrrRRRRRR!
Oh, dear, George is frightened! Don't be frightened, George,
that's not a reaI dinosaur on TV, it's you!
Grrrrrrrrrr! Dine-SaW!
NoW, Iet's see Peppa's movie. Who is that meant to be?
I am Daddy Pig! I see.
My tummy is very big because I eat a Iot of cookies! My tummy is not big!
But it is true that I Iike cookies. And the more you eat,
the bigger your tummy gets! Ok, What's next?
This is my sWeet IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
This is me.
And this is the reaI Daddy Pig.
52 School Play
School Play!
Peppa's playgroup are going to put on a play.
The Little Red Riding Hood. Hurray.
All the children have parts in the play.
They have to practice at home. Peppa is going to be the
Little Red Riding Hood.
Mummy Pig has
made her costume.
Daddy Pig is helping Peppa practice.
Okay, Peppa, what do you say? I'm Little Red Riding Hood.
Very good. Then what? Um.
I'm going to visit my grandma!" I'm going to visit my grandma! Bravo, Peppa.
Danny Dog is going to play the Big Bad Wolf.
Woof Woof!
Granddad Dog and Mummy Dog are helping him practice.
I'm the Big Bad Wolf. Try not to laugh, Danny.
You should be a bit scarier. Try it like this, Danny.
I'm the Big Bad Wolf!
I'm going to eat you all up! GRRRRRRR!
You see?
Yes! That was really scary!
Pedro Pony is going to play the Hunter.
He will rescue Peppa from the Big Bad Wolf. Um. I'm the Hunter... and...
Pedro is a bit shy. Neigh, you say,
"I'm going to chase you away, you Big Bad Wolf!"
Um. Go away, naughty wolf. Very good, Pedro.
Rebecca Rabbit is going to be the Grandma.
What do I say, Mummy? Lets' see.
At the start of the play, you get locked in a
cupboard by the Big Bad Wolf. Then, right at the end of the play, you are rescued by the Hunter.
And you say, "Thank you." Thank you.
Very good, Rebecca.
Everyone has come
to see the school play!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our play,
"The Little Red Riding Hood". First, let us meet the actors! Please, please!
For the sake of the actors, no photography, please! And now our play begins! Grandma is at home.
But who is this visitor?
Woof woof! I'm the Big Bad Wolf. Well done, Danny!
Oh, dear. Danny has forgotten what he says next.
Grandma, you must go in the cupboard. Woof!
Go in the cupboard!
The Big Bad Wolf is
pretending to be Grandma! Ooooh!
I am Little Red Riding Hood.
I'm going to visit my grandma. Bravo, Peppa!
Daddy! You must not take photos! Oops! Sorry, Peppa!
Carry on.
I'm going to visit my grandma.
Oh. You don't look like my grandma. What big eyes you have.
What big teeth you have. Grrr!
You are not Grandma! You are the Big Bad Wolf! Ooo...
Help! Oh, help!
But look who is here!
Just in time! Pedro the Hunter! Help! Oh, help!
Just in time! Pedro the Hunter! Pedro is a bit shy.
Pedro, would you like me to come on with you?
Yes, please.
You are a very naughty wolf. I've saved you, Grandma.
Thank you.
Bravo! Bravo!
Pedro, you were very good.
You were almost as good as me.
标签:52,41,Mummy,Pig,Peppa,Daddy,my,George From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yi2022/p/16908634.html