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From CodeForces Catlogs

时间:2022-11-16 14:46:03浏览次数:74  
标签:some CodeForces greedy solution try Catlogs something problem

On "is this greedy or DP", forcing and rubber bands

reading other people's thought processes
They look at the constraints or use some other, usually misguided, intuition to tell whether it is DP, greedy, or something else.

If you still want to ask however, a better wording would be "do you know of any solution using X"?

Not greedy does not imply DP

High-rated users can sometimes make it worse

however much easier to solve it by knowing only the stuff you didn't tell me — I could probably come up with the DSU portion myself.

Very few hard problems can be solved directly using greedy, DP or any common algorithm.

but you can't solve most problems by simply deciding to use greedy

Instead, what you should do is try to understand this structure
I mean really understand it. Not understand the words in the statement, understand what's going on inside
Gather observations,Maybe even forget for the moment what the problem is asking for and try to understand the situation in general.

A note about the word 'observation'
"Observation" is one of these words that has a somewhat specific meaning in mathematics. It might be a little different from the everyday usage you are familiar with.

You come up with some fact through a chain of reasoning. This chain of reasoning is called a proof. Usually, if you find an observation, you already know the proof.

The essence, the idea of the solution is somewhere else

you need to find and prove some equivalent condition and you have to rephrase the problem into something that you can actually make an algorithm out of.

How to exactly come up with this transformation and how to use DP for the new problem are beyond the scope of this blog, but I think this perfectly illustrates the "two-phase" thought process.
1.Gather observations, understand what's really going on, convert the problem into something you can make an algorithm out of.
2.Solve the new and simpler problem directly, with DP, greedy or some classical algorithm.

By the way, this is a very common technique in problems like "you are given operations X and Y, can you make t starting from s/what is the lexicographically smallest t you can make from s/how many different t can you make from s".
1.You identify some invariant, something that doesn't change when you apply the operation.
2.You prove, using some construction, that anything satisfying this invariant is actually reachable.

In all problems I have shown, there are essentially two parts to the solution.
1.Deeply understanding the problem, familiarizing yourself with the situation, making observations, reductions, rephrasing the problem.
2.Actual computation, often in a relatively standard way, possibly a greedy algorithm or DP.
Of course, this picture is simplified. In practice, the steps are very much intertwined, and it is usually hard to write down the two phases so explicitly separately. But the general idea stays the same. Doing greedy or DP happens at the end of your thought process, not at the beginning of it.

How to read problem statements

The result of reading the statement is usually pure math model. If story helps to build correct understanding, you can keep it, but still try to discard as many unnecessary details as possible.
Imagine you want to tell the problem to someone else. What parts you want to tell? (According to my PM, this rule won't help you).
Shorter = better.
Simpler = better.
Limitations are part of problem statement. Especially small limitations, because for small data you can try all the possibilities.
Samples are part of problem statement. After building math model, check that you model working correct on samples, at least on small samples where you can check everything fast.
Notes are part of problem statement.
Try to find familiar patterns, maybe objects you already know something about. If you are given some connected graph with exactly one simple path between each pair of vertices, it's called tree. 4 letters instead of 12 words, see?
Try even harder to spot something strange, something you not expecting. That probably will be the cornerstone of the problem.
If there is some part of the statement you don't like, try to change that to something you like. Start with understanding the object, then simplify it. There are some problems which can be completely solved by this technique.
If the model you get is very big, try to split it into some pieces. It would be great if pieces are independent, like 'solve problem1, then use its answer as input to problem2 and so on'.
On first stages it can be useful to write your new statement. On paper. By hand.
Problemsetters do not write random things in statements. But why would you believe me, since I'm a bad problemsetter? I don't know, maybe you shouldn't.













You don't have to read "solution" parts, but I warn you that my concept of reading statements works. I mean, "statement" parts will often contain huge hints to solution.“语句”部分通常包含解决方案的巨大提示

How to come up with the solutions: techniques

Technique 1: "Total Recall"
remember some similar problems that you had to solve
you can use your experience of solving a similar problem to solve this one

Technique 2: "From Specific to General"





Technique 3: "Bold Hypothesis"大胆假设

try to prove it — it may either work out well or give you an idea of how to disprove it. Do test the hypothesis on a wide set of tests as it would be a pain to waste time on implementing a solution based on a hypothesis and only after that disprove the hypothesis.


the solution always exists;
item the number of states isn't large.

Technique 4: "To solve a problem, you should think like a problem"要解决问题,你应该像问题一样思考

Try to process some small samples on your own. If the problem is about a game, play it. Sometimes I try to visualize a process or a model for better understanding. It's a little like how movies show the way scientists think. Try to think in images, imagine the solution, see it unfolding.

Technique 5: "Think together"

Sometimes your teammates will pick up ideas and develop them and this strategy can get you through the problem.

Technique 6: "Pick a Method"


Technique 7: "Print Out and Look"

In order not to keep the computer busy, a good strategy is to print out the acquired results and meditate this time on the print outs.
Sometimes it is a good idea to print not only the answer, but also some extra information, such as a manner of acquiring a solutions.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Diamondan/p/16895849.html


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