- 验证应用的行为和期望一致的测试
- 确保异常行为已被修复且不再发生的测试
import unittest import json from flask_basic import app as tested_app class TestApp(unittest.TestCase): def test_help(self): # creating a client to interact with the app app = tested_app.test_client() # calling /api/ endpoint hello = app.get('/api') # asserting the body body = json.loads(str(hello.data, 'utf8')) self.assertEqual(body['Hello'], 'World!') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import json from flask_error import app as tested_app _404 = ('The requested URL was not found on the server. ' 'If you entered the URL manually please check your ' 'spelling and try again.') class TestApp(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # creating a client to interact with the app self.app = tested_app.test_client() def test_raise(self): # this won't raise a Python exception but return a 500 hello = self.app.get('/api') body = json.loads(str(hello.data, 'utf8')) self.assertEqual(body['code'], 500) def test_proper_404(self): # calling a non existing endpoint hello = self.app.get('/dwdwqqwdwqd') # yeah it's not there self.assertEqual(hello.status_code, 404) # but we still get a nice JSON body body = json.loads(str(hello.data, 'utf8')) self.assertEqual(body['code'], 404) self.assertEqual(body['message'], '404: Not Found') self.assertEqual(body['description'], _404) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
标签:body,__,app,功能测试,json,404,self From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qxh-beijing2016/p/16895792.html