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G20成果未达预期,难题留给COP26 | 经济学人全球早报精选

时间:2022-11-15 13:32:17浏览次数:50  
标签:1.5 未达 G20 countries Paris COP26 out

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)


The kicked can: COP26

G20成果未达预期,难题留给COP26 | 经济学人全球早报精选_微信公众号

As COP26, the United Nations climate change summit, opened in Glasgow on Sunday, world leaders were finishing up the G20 one in Rome. Their closing statement did not bode well for the climate conference. In it, the G20 countries—responsible for an estimated 80% of greenhouse-gas emissions—reaffirmed their commitment to the agreement, made in Paris in 2015, to “pursue efforts” to keep global temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. But they prevaricated about how, making only hand-waving commitments to “support” countries phasing out coal and to strengthen national plans to cut emissions “if necessary”.

Such evasion is at odds with the urgency of Alok Sharma, the COP26 president. His opening speech stressed the need to ensure that “where Paris promised, Glasgow delivers.” Participants at COP26 have two weeks to figure out how to keep the goals of the Paris agreement alive. There is no more time to procrastinate.

The kicked can: COP26











As COP26, the United Nations climate change summit, opened in Glasgow on Sunday, world leaders were finishing up the G20 one in Rome. Their closing statement did not bode well for the climate conference. In it, the G20 countries—responsible for an estimated 80% of greenhouse-gas emissions—reaffirmed their commitment to the agreement, made in Paris in 2015, to “pursue efforts” to keep global temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. But they prevaricated about how, making only hand-waving commitments to “support” countries phasing out coal and to strengthen national plans to cut emissions “if necessary”.


Bode 预示……的兆头

prevaricated 支吾搪塞;闪烁其词

responsible for 负责 ;  是造成…的原因 

if necessary 如果必要的话

Such evasion is at odds with the urgency of Alok Sharma, the COP26 president. His opening speech stressed the need to ensure that “where Paris promised, Glasgow delivers.” Participants at COP26 have two weeks to figure out how to keep the goals of the Paris agreement alive. There is no more time to procrastinate.

这种逃避与COP26主席阿洛克·夏尔马(Alok Sharma)的紧迫感并不相符。他的开幕词强调需要确保“巴黎承诺,格拉斯哥兑现”。COP26与会人员有两周时间思考如何持续完成巴黎协议的目标。没有时间拖延了。

evasion 逃避 ;  规避 ;  回避 ;  躲避 ;  遁词 ;  借口 ;  托词 

at odds with 与……不和,与……争吵 

urgency 紧迫性 ;  紧迫 ;  急迫 ;  急事 ;  紧要

opening speech 开幕词;陈述起诉要旨 

figure out 想出 ;  理解 ;  弄清

procrastinate 拖延 ;  耽搁


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15858664/5852403
