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Power Apps Studio vs Teams Apps Studio

时间:2022-11-09 10:37:07浏览次数:41  
标签:building Power Apps Teams vs Studio through

(1) Teams Apps Studio: It's not for building Apps, but for creating the packages to deploy Apps in Teams.
(2) Power Apps Studio in Teams: It's for building Power Apps in the scope of Teams, i.e, Microsoft Dataverse for Teams. A Power App create in Power Apps Studio in Teams cannot be used outside of Teams.
(3) "Global" Power Apps Studio: It's for building Power Apps that can be used standalone through the browser, that can be deployed to Teams as a Personal App or that can be embedded in Teams through a Power Apps Tab or in a SharePoint Site through the Power Apps Tab

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Javi/p/16872706.html


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