首页 > 系统相关 >通过注册表关闭Windows 11的LE Audio功能 How to Disable LE Audio on Windows 11

通过注册表关闭Windows 11的LE Audio功能 How to Disable LE Audio on Windows 11

时间:2023-08-10 18:56:20浏览次数:51  
标签:11 LE Windows 音频 Audio audio

LE Audio是蓝牙音频的下一代技术,具有以下主要特点和优势:

  • 低能耗:LE Audio 使用更高效的编解码器和低能量的蓝牙技术,从而降低了功耗,使设备的电池寿命更长。
  • 多设备连接:LE Audio 支持多设备之间的同步连接,允许用户将多个蓝牙设备连接到同一音频源。
  • 广播音频:通过 Auracast™ 广播音频技术,LE Audio 可以向附近的多个接收器同时发送音频信号,为公共场所的听障辅助和多人共享音频创造了新的应用场景。
  • 高音质:LE Audio 使用先进的编解码器,提供了与传统蓝牙音频相比更高的音质,即使在低带宽的情况下也能保持良好的音频体验。

Windows 11在22H2更新KB5026446中引入了对LE Audio的支持,但其兼容性存在问题,且没有提供关闭的选项。这可能一些蓝牙设备在windows上无法正常运行。这一问题可以通过在注册表中关闭LE Audio功能实现。更具体地,我们只需要在注册表的\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BthLEEnum目录下新增DWORD变量Enable,将值设置为0即可。

LE Audio is the next generation of Bluetooth audio technology, with the following main features and advantages:

  • Low Energy Consumption: LE Audio uses more efficient codecs and low-energy Bluetooth technology, thereby reducing power consumption and extending the battery life of the device.
  • Multi-Device Connection: LE Audio supports synchronized connections between multiple devices, allowing users to connect multiple Bluetooth devices to the same audio source.
  • Broadcast Audio: Through Auracast™ broadcast audio technology, LE Audio can simultaneously send audio signals to multiple nearby receivers, creating new application scenarios for hearing assistance in public places and multi-person audio sharing.
  • High Sound Quality: LE Audio uses advanced codecs, providing higher sound quality compared to traditional Bluetooth audio, maintaining a good audio experience even in low bandwidth situations.

Windows 11 introduced support for LE Audio in the 22H2 update KB5026446, but there are compatibility issues, and no option to turn it off. This may cause some Bluetooth devices to malfunction on Windows. This issue can be resolved by disabling the LE Audio feature in the registry. More specifically, we only need to add a DWORD variable named Enable in the registry under the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BthLEEnum directory, and set the value to 0.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ZeonfaiHo/p/17621248.html


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