首页 > 系统相关 >ubuntu系统升级软件sudo apt upgrade后GPU崩溃报错,显示驱动版本不匹配——ubuntu系统版本过低导致的问题

ubuntu系统升级软件sudo apt upgrade后GPU崩溃报错,显示驱动版本不匹配——ubuntu系统版本过低导致的问题

时间:2023-08-07 14:38:16浏览次数:47  
标签:kernel 07 module version 报错 lcwt ubuntu 版本 NVRM


ubuntu系统升级软件(sudo apt upgrade)后,GPU崩溃报错,查看系统日志:


Aug 2 06:25:02 lcwt rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.32.0" x-pid="2059" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPed
Aug 2 07:17:01 lcwt CRON[35084]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 2 07:20:24 lcwt kernel: [51371.511509] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 515.105.01, but
Aug 2 07:20:24 lcwt kernel: [51371.511509] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 515.76. Please
Aug 2 07:20:24 lcwt kernel: [51371.511509] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Aug 2 07:20:24 lcwt kernel: [51371.511509] NVRM: components have the same version.

Aug 2 07:22:24 lcwt kernel: [51491.717119] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 515.105.01, but
Aug 2 07:22:24 lcwt kernel: [51491.717119] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 515.76. Please
Aug 2 07:22:24 lcwt kernel: [51491.717119] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Aug 2 07:22:24 lcwt kernel: [51491.717119] NVRM: components have the same version.
Aug 2 07:22:27 lcwt kernel: [51494.080710] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 515.105.01, but
Aug 2 07:22:27 lcwt kernel: [51494.080710] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 515.76. Please
Aug 2 07:22:27 lcwt kernel: [51494.080710] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Aug 2 07:22:27 lcwt kernel: [51494.080710] NVRM: components have the same version.
Aug 2 07:38:53 lcwt kernel: [52480.365436] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 515.105.01, but
Aug 2 07:38:53 lcwt kernel: [52480.365436] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 515.76. Please
Aug 2 07:38:53 lcwt kernel: [52480.365436] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Aug 2 07:38:53 lcwt kernel: [52480.365436] NVRM: components have the same version.
Aug 2 07:39:06 lcwt systemd[1]: Started Session 45 of user lichangya.
Aug 2 07:39:13 lcwt kernel: [52500.424469] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 515.105.01, but
Aug 2 07:39:13 lcwt kernel: [52500.424469] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 515.76. Please
Aug 2 07:39:13 lcwt kernel: [52500.424469] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver
Aug 2 07:39:13 lcwt kernel: [52500.424469] NVRM: components have the same version.










ubuntu系统升级软件sudo apt upgrade后GPU崩溃报错,显示驱动版本不匹配——ubuntu系统版本过低导致的问题_杂谈




sudo do-release-upgrade





From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15642578/6993352


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