yum -y install pwgen yum -y install expect yum -y install openssl
[[email protected] src]# pwgen --help Usage: pwgen [ OPTIONS ] [ pw_length ] [ num_pw ] Options supported by pwgen: -c or --capitalize Include at least one capital letter in the password -A or --no-capitalize Don't include capital letters in the password -n or --numerals Include at least one number in the password -0 or --no-numerals Don't include numbers in the password -y or --symbols Include at least one special symbol in the password -r <chars> or --remove-chars=<chars> Remove characters from the set of characters to generate passwords -s or --secure Generate completely random passwords -B or --ambiguous Don't include ambiguous characters in the password -h or --help Print a help message -H or --sha1=path/to/file[#seed] Use sha1 hash of given file as a (not so) random generator -C Print the generated passwords in columns -1 Don't print the generated passwords in columns -v or --no-vowels Do not use any vowels so as to avoid accidental nasty words [[email protected] src]# pwgen -cnsBC 32 1 4CNaYyiaiY4kEkcp4aRAPwyndXfYv9Rj [[email protected] src]# pwgen -cnsBC 32 4 FozW7gwhcjdYHAckMvCdjCUELyA4nzpF ibzCeXfgK3Xsjg7Ep7izhcXMzhbJWeyX dgANtpnUxNWXmFdTMugk3WTei4oUh9vP fpEqddbsUaAoVHRFmg4EmWuaujJahzhu [[email protected] src]#
[[email protected] src]# date +%s |sha256sum|base64|head -c 32 ;echo MzQ2MGY1NTAxY2UzMTI2NzY2MjI3MDk5 [[email protected] src]#
strings /dev/urandom生成32位随机密码:只含大小写字母和数字:
[[email protected] src]# strings /dev/urandom | grep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | head -n 32 | tr -d '\n'; echo 3jxGc6Izosg58oZznQrJ6qSebY4U6dd1 [[email protected] src]#
标签:src,--,wh,密码,随机,dba,linux,root,cloud From: https://www.cnblogs.com/igoodful/p/17118229.html