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Unable to install CentOS 7 on VMWare fusion for Macbook M1

时间:2022-12-10 16:57:02浏览次数:59  
标签:10 CentOS 05 fusion Unable M1 2022 PM


Unable to install CentOS 7 on VMWare fusion for Macbook M1

I am unable to install centos 7 on VMWare Fusion on my Macbook Air M1.

On the installation screen I am hitting `enter` on 'Install Centos 7` but nothing is happening and the screen is circling on the same pageCircling on this screenCircling on this screen

                10 Replies   Mikero Community Manager Mikero Community Manager     ‎05-09-2022 12:06 PM  

CentOS isn't tested or supported.

We make no claims about this OS in the testing guide.

Michael Roy - PM/PMM: Fusion & Workstation
          Technogeezer Virtuoso Technogeezer Virtuoso     ‎05-09-2022 01:39 PM  

CentOS 7 or 8 will not boot on the Tech Preview because their kernels are built with a 64KB page size that Apple Silicon hardware does not support. RHEL 7 and 8 suffer from the same issue. 

RHEL 9 changed the page size on ARM architectures to 4KB. CentOS 9 Stream made the same change. They both will boot ( well they did before the recent round of kernel releases that cause pretty much all Linux distros to not boot on the TP - that’s another story altogether)

          IT-Pappa Contributor IT-Pappa Contributor     ‎05-10-2022 12:48 PM  

ah, so that why nothing works on fusion.

**bleep**.... Well, guess its time to look at other solutions for hypervisor.

          Technogeezer Virtuoso Technogeezer Virtuoso     ‎05-10-2022 12:56 PM  

If you can be patient, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next Fusion Tech Preview release (coming soon???) will make the kernel boot problems we're now seeing go away. Before these cropped up, the Tech Preview was working quite well for RHEL related releases such as Fedora, CentOS 9 Stream, and RHEL 9.  (as well as other distros).

You might want to check out the free UTM (which is a more user friendly front end to QEMU) to run the latest ARM Linux releases ( not CentOS/RHEL 7 or 8 )rather than paying for Parallels. UTM can run ARM Linux distros in virtualized mode, so it doesn't pay the penalty of trying to emulate a CPU. They've already fixed the issue that keeps newer Linux kernels from booting. It doesn't have all the features of Fusion, but It might tide you over until an updated Tech Preview. is released. 



          dlhotka Champion dlhotka Champion     ‎05-10-2022 01:03 PM  

That won't fix the page size issue for older OS's though, right?  So CentOS 7 is unlike to work with any hypervisor?

          Technogeezer Virtuoso Technogeezer Virtuoso     ‎05-10-2022 01:10 PM  

@dlhotka is correct. CentOS 7 or 8, RHEL 7 or 8, and Rocky Linux 8 won't run on M1 hardware under anyone's hypervisor. Period. That's a function of Apple Silicon hardware that it doesn't support a 64KB page size, and virtualization isn't going to be able to work around that. 

          dlhotka Champion dlhotka Champion     ‎05-10-2022 01:36 PM  

I think the M1 is going to be one of those major technical breaks that forces a lot of upgrading.  At some point we have to pay off the tech debt

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/z-cm/p/16971854.html
