二.分别解释 left join ,right join ,inner join,union
1.left join
原理 user left join score = 以user表为准,去查询所有user表成员的分数
select * from user left join score on user.name = score.student_name
2.right join
原理 user rightjoin score = 以score表为准,去查询所有score表成员的基本信息
select * from user right join score on user.name = score.student_name
3.inner join
原理:user inner join score = 交集,只有user和score都存在的成员,才会被查询出来
select * from user inner join score on user.name = score.student_name
select * from ( select "20241011" as date, count(*) as all_people_num, sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end) as jige_people_num from score where date_time="20241011" and subject_name="英语" )as t1 union( select "20241012" as date, count(*) as all_people_num, sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end) as jige_people_num from score where date_time="20241012" and subject_name="英语" )union( select "20241013" as date, count(*) as all_people_num, sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end) as jige_people_num from score where date_time="20241013" and subject_name="英语" )
标签:right,join,name,union,score,user,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wusenwusen/p/18502782