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【Oracle EBS R12】第三章 Primary Ledger Overview(英文版)

时间:2024-08-07 11:28:34浏览次数:22  
标签:Transaction Currency Overview Ledger Primary record set

Primary Ledger Overview

1. Transaction Components

To record an transaction Activities, below components are maditory.

  • Transaction date

  • Transaction Details

  • Transaction Amount

2. Transaction date

To record the transaction date, we need to set up the accounting calender in Oracle EBS.
before we set up the calendar, we must first consider what year type and period type we need to choose.

Year Type:

  • Fiscal Year (the start date and end date not in the same year,like:2024/4/1~2025/3/31)
  • Calendar Year (Like:2024/1/1~2024/12/12)

Period Type:

  • Monthly(Recommend)
  • Daily
  • Adjusting Period(Additional adjustment periods can be added by needs, so a year can be set to 13 or more periods.)

3. Transaction Details

we can record the transaction details by using the COA (Chart of Account.
Please refer to below picture for more details for COA structure.


4. Transaction Amount

To record the Transaction amount we need to enable the Oracle EBS currency.
All the currency are seeded in the application, So we can just enable it instead of creating a new currency.

Oracle EBS provided 3 types of Currency:

  • Functional/Local Currency (Like: RMB)
  • Foreign Currency (Like: USD, JPY)
  • STAT Currency (Like:EA,M3,Marks)

5. Summry

Before recording a transaction, we need to configure the system in advance.
If we want to record the transaction in GL(General Ledger) application, the set up for below 3Cs are manditory


Chart of Account (COA)

If we want to record the transaction in SubLedger applications (AP, AR, CM, FA, PO, OM, INV), one more extra set up is required Accounting Method. So we need to set up 4Cs in advance.


Chart of Account (COA)
ACcounting Method (to define the accounting related rules, like how to debit/credit)

6. Primary Ledger (PL)

To grouping these 4Cs, we are using Primary Ledger.
Primary Ledger can be set up in General Ledger applications.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/Hellen_201903/article/details/140977139


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