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CMPSC Application overview

时间:2024-08-04 12:28:06浏览次数:21  
标签:application overview screen component sales will Application CMPSC user




Due Date:

Thursday, August 8th by 11:59pm


Final Project

  1. Application overview

You are going to create an application that will run 4 different programs. This program will be driven by a menu

screen. The user will be able to choose which program to enter using the menu screen. Also, the user will only be able

to exit using the menu screen.

(Note: The screen prints you see are only examples. Your application can and should look different than the


  1. Application Components
  2. Welcome Screen

Most applications welcome a user before the start of the application. You will create a welcome screen. The figures

below are examples of welcome screens.

(Note: Again, this is only an example. Your application cand and should look different from the one below)

  1. Menu

This application is driven by a menu. You also should have some sort of error checking.

Below is an example of the menu screen:C. Calculate Sales Tax on Multiple Items

This component will calculate the sales tax on multiple items.


  1. Introduction screen
  2. The user will enter the number of items
  3. The user will enter the name of the items
  4. The user will have the ability of entering in the sales tax rate
  5. The sales receipt will display the name and price of each item
  6. It will display to the user the total sales price before taxes
  7. It will display to the user the total sales price after taxes
  8. Ask the user to run the this component again

Below is an example of the menu screen:

(Note: Again, this is only an example. Your application cand and should look different from the one below)D. Calculate Sales Items from a File

In this component, you will calculate sales items from a file. The component will also calculate the sales tax, display a

printout to the screen, and save the output to a file.


  1. Introduction screen
  2. Read sales items and their prices from a file.

- See the figure below for the layout of the file.

- The name of the input file needs to be cost.txt.

  1. Calculate the sales prices for each sales item.
  2. Calculate the sales total.
  3. Calculate the sales tax total.
  4. Calculate the grand total.
  5. Your program’s output will resemble the figure below.
  6. Your program will also output to a second file.

- See the figure below for the layout of the second file.

- The second file needs to be called costout.txt.

  1. Ask the user to run this component again.E. Balance Check Book

In this component, you will create a program that will balance the user’s checkbook. The user will enter the necessary

information needed to balance a checkbook.


  1. The user will be asked to enter-in the necessary information to balance a checkbook. (e.g. beginning balance,


  1. Print a balance sheet report to the screen. (Below is an example of the report)
  2. Print a copy of the balance sheet report to a file
  3. Ask the user to run this component again

Below is an example of the output for this component

(Note: Again, this is only an example. Your application cand and should look different from the one below)

  1. Conversion Utility

This program will convert time from Military to

Civilian or from Civilian to Military times.


  1. Ask the user to either a time in Military or Civilian (As seen in the figure below)
  2. Show both time in Military or Civilian
  3. Ask the user to run the this component again

Below is an example of the output for this component

(Note: This is only an example. Your application should look different from the one below)G. Error Checking

Your application will need to have an error checking component. If the user types in an invalid entry, they will need to

be notified of this and ask to re-enter the Main Menu.

  1. Thank You Screen

Your application is required to have a screen thanking the user for using your application.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/vx-codehelp/p/18341626


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