描述:579. 查询员工的累计薪水
编写一个解决方案,在一个统一的表中计算出每个员工的 累计工资汇总 。
员工的 累计工资汇总 可以计算如下:
对于该员工工作的每个月,将 该月 和 前两个月 的工资 加 起来。这是他们当月的 3 个月总工资和 。如果员工在前几个月没有为公司工作,那么他们在前几个月的有效工资为 0 。
不要 在摘要中包括员工 最近一个月 的 3 个月总工资和。
不要 包括雇员 没有工作 的任何一个月的 3 个月总工资和。
返回按 id 升序排序 的结果表。如果 id 相等,请按 month 降序排序。输出:
Create table If Not Exists Employee (id int, month int, salary int); Truncate table Employee; insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '1', '20') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('2', '1', '20') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '2', '30') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('2', '2', '30') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('3', '2', '40') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '3', '40') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('3', '3', '60') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '4', '60') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('3', '4', '70') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '7', '90') insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '8', '90')
select *, row_number() over (partition by id order by month desc)r1 from employee②过滤数据 将上述三行筛选掉,再通过sum()开窗函数计算前两个月和该月工资,最后进行排序整理与题目要求一致(这里使用range不是rows)
with t1 as( select *, row_number() over (partition by id order by month desc)r1 from employee ) select id, month, sum(salary) over(partition by id order by month range 2 preceding )Salary from t1 where r1 != 1 order by id,month desc
with t1 as(
select *,
row_number() over (partition by id order by month desc)r1
from employee
select id,
sum(salary) over(partition by id order by month range 2 preceding )Salary
from t1
where r1 != 1
order by id,month desc
insert into Employee (id, month, salary) values ('1', '5', '30')
drop database if exists db_1;
create database db_1;
use db_1;
Create table If Not Exists Matches (player_id int, match_day date, result ENUM('Win', 'Draw', 'Lose'));
Truncate table Matches;
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-17', 'Win');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-18', 'Win');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-25', 'Win');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-31', 'Draw');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-02-08', 'Win');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('2', '2022-02-06', 'Lose');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('2', '2022-02-08', 'Lose');
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('3', '2022-03-30', 'Win');
with t1 as( select *,row_number() over(partition by player_id order by match_day)r1 from Matches) ,t2 as ( select *,row_number() over (partition by player_id order by match_day)r2 from t1 where result = 'Win') select *,(r1-r2) r3 from t2②观察上表就可以根据player_id 和r3进行分组,用count求出各参赛选手连胜场次
select player_id,count(r3)con from t3 group by player_id,r3③max求各参赛选手最大连胜次数,同时右连接(select distinct player_id from Matches)表(该表有所有选手信息),完善代码,如果max为null那么记为0
select t5.player_id,ifnull(max(con),0)longest_streak from t4 right join (select distinct player_id from Matches)t5 on t5.player_id=t4.player_id group by player_id
with t1 as (select *, row_number() over (partition by player_id order by match_day) r1 from Matches)
, t2 as (select *, (r1 - row_number() over (partition by player_id order by match_day)) r3
from t1
where result = 'Win')
, t3 as (select player_id, count(r3) con
from t2
group by player_id, r3)
select t5.player_id, ifnull(max(con), 0) longest_streak
from t3
right join (select distinct player_id from Matches) t5
on t5.player_id = t3.player_id
group by player_id;
标签:insert,579,player,into,day07,month,2173,values,id From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_54353942/article/details/140718883如何判断连胜是关键:根据一个不加条件的row_number() 和一个加了过滤Win的row_number()做差得出的结果进行分类