/* openGauss、PostgreSQL数据库通用查表字段信息脚本-v20240619-1503 */
drop view if exists tab_info_v;
create view tab_info_v as
select case
when substr(version(), 0, 1) = '('
then substring(substr(version(), 2, length(version())) from '^[^ ]+')
else substring(version() from '^[^ ]+')
end as database_type
,ic.table_schema as schema
-- ,c.oid
,tab_com.description as table_comment
,ic.ordinal_position as column_num
when ic.data_type = 'bigint'
then 'INT8'
when ic.data_type in ('nvarchar2')
then upper(ic.data_type) || '(' || ic.character_maximum_length || ')'
when ic.data_type in ('character varying')
then 'VARCHAR(' || ic.character_maximum_length || ')'
when ic.data_type = 'timestamp without time zone'
then 'TIMESTAMP(' || ic.datetime_precision || ')'
when ic.data_type = 'time without time zone'
then 'TIME(' || ic.datetime_precision || ')'
when ic.data_type = 'numeric'
then 'NUMERIC(' || ic.numeric_precision || ',' || ic.numeric_scale || ')'
when ic.data_type = 'text'
then 'TEXT'
when ic.data_type = 'date'
then 'DATE'
else ic.data_type
end as data_type
,col_com.description as column_comment
-- 查表的主键详情
,case when (SELECT count(*)
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
WHERE tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
AND tc.table_name = ic.table_name
and kcu.column_name = ic.column_name
) > 0 then 'Y'
else NULL::text
END AS pkey
when pc.conname is null then null::text
else 'Y'
end as pkey
from information_schema.columns ic
join pg_class c
on ic.table_name = c.relname
join pg_namespace n
on c.relnamespace = n.oid
left join pg_description tab_com
on tab_com.objoid = c.oid
and tab_com.objsubid = 0
left join pg_description col_com
on col_com.objoid = c.oid
and col_com.objsubid = ic.ordinal_position
left join (
SELECT conname, conrelid , unnest(conkey) as column_num
FROM pg_constraint) as pc
on pc.conrelid = c.oid
and pc.column_num = ic.ordinal_position
where ic.table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG
and ic.table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA
and ic.table_name !~ '^act\_'
and n.nspname = CURRENT_USER
and c.relkind in ('r','p')
-- 把分区表过滤掉
-- 查结尾不是"p+4位数字"的,例如:p2023
and ic.table_name !~* '^.*[p][0-9]{4}$'
-- 查结尾不是"p+5位数字"的,例如:p20231
and ic.table_name !~* '^.*[p][0-9]{5}$'
-- 查结尾6位字符不是"others"的
and ic.table_name !~* '^.*[others]{6}$'
-- 查结尾5位字符不是"other"的
and ic.table_name !~* '^.*[other]{5}$'
-- 查结尾不是数字或者不是_bak的表名
and (ic.table_name !~ '^.*[0-9]{1}.*$' and ic.table_name !~ '^.*\_bak$')
order by ic.table_name, ic.ordinal_position;
-- select * from tab_info_v;
From: https://blog.csdn.net/tttzzzqqq2018/article/details/139745700