首页 > 数据库 >记录一次SQLServer复制监控器(replication monitor)复制延迟数值为NULL的异常处理

记录一次SQLServer复制监控器(replication monitor)复制延迟数值为NULL的异常处理

时间:2024-01-17 12:25:51浏览次数:27  
标签:status publisher sub monitor -- int 复制 监控器 publication



在SQLServer复制(订阅发布),在正常运行的情况下,发布节点一直有写入,订阅节点也正常复制到了这些数据,但分发节点的复制监控器面板(replication monitor)无法看到部分发布对象的延迟信息。如下,经过重启SQLServer服务,重启SQLServer Agent服务,重启操作系统等尝试后,均无效,依旧显示不出来复制的latency信息。

查询复制监控器面板后台的存储过程sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription(本质上上述图形界面显示的就是这个系统存储过程的结果),同样地,latency字段为NULL。 这就有点讲不通了,因为复制是正常的,发布节点一直有写入,订阅节点也正常复制到了这些数据,不管延迟或大或小,正常情况下延迟总是一个大于等于0的数字,这里为什么会是NULL?



查询一下相关的分发历史记录:问题开始出现端倪,发布历史日志显示的时间是未来一个很远的时间(当前时间是20231115),这明显不符合逻辑,问题很可能就在这里。 经询问是某个人因测试修改了服务器的系统时间,测试完成后又修改了回来。

大胆地猜测一下: 延迟信息是根据发布的历史执行时间跟当前时间对比,然后经过某种计算而得到的,由于修改了服务器时间,在生成的分发日志表的时间是“修改服务器时间之后的当前时间”,服务器时间修改过来之后,发布的历史记录的执行时间是一个将来的时间,那么计算出来的延迟就是一个超前的时间了,所以也就无法显示了   那么来看一下sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription是怎么计算的延迟时间的,从distrubution库扒出这个存储过程的代码,诡异的是,这个存储过程定义了临时表,#tmp_replication_monitordata,却没有赋值???????有兴趣的小伙伴可以看看这个临时表是怎么初始化数据进去的?
USE [distribution]

ALTER procedure [sys].[sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription] 
    @publisher sysname = NULL  -- pubisher -  cannot be null for sql server 2008 or before. for SQL 11 or later, means all publishers
    ,@publisher_db sysname = NULL -- NULL for wildcard entry
    ,@publication sysname = NULL -- NULL for wildcard entry
    ,@publication_type int = NULL -- cannot be null in wildcard entry
    ,@mode int = 0 -- various filter modes
    ,@topnum int = NULL  -- select only top topnum rows
    ,@exclude_anonymous bit = 0 -- exclude anonymous subscribers
    ,@refreshpolicy tinyint = 0 -- 0 = default cache refresh, 1 = optimistic force refresh, 2 = non-optimistic force refresh
    set nocount on
    declare @retcode int
                ,@curdate datetime
    -- constants

    declare @expiration int
                ,@latency int
                ,@distribution_agentname sysname
                ,@mergeexpirationChosen int
                ,@mergerundurationChosen int
                ,@mergestoppedcontinuousagentChosen int
                ,@mergerunspeedChosen int
                ,@modeallsubscription tinyint
                ,@modeinerroronly tinyint
                ,@modeinwarningonly tinyint
                ,@modeinerrorandwarningonly tinyint
                ,@modetop25worstperforming tinyint
                ,@modetop50worstperforming tinyint
                ,@modesynchronizing tinyint
                ,@modenotsynchronizing tinyint

    -- initialize constants
    select @expiration = 1
                ,@latency = 2
                ,@modeallsubscription = 0
                ,@modeinerroronly = 1
                ,@modeinwarningonly = 2
                ,@modeinerrorandwarningonly = 3
                ,@modetop25worstperforming = 4
                ,@modetop50worstperforming = 5
                ,@modesynchronizing = 6
                ,@modenotsynchronizing = 7

    -- security check : replmonitor
    if not (is_member(N'db_owner') = 1 or isnull(is_member(N'replmonitor'),0) = 1)
        raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
        return (1)
    -- security: Has to be executed from distribution database
    if sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (db_name()) != 1
        raiserror (21482, 16, -1, 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription', 'distribution')
        return 1
    -- validate @publication_type
    if (@publisher_db is NULL or @publication is NULL) 
        and @publication_type is NULL 
        raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@publication_type', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
        return (1)
    -- validate @mode
    if (@mode not in (@modeallsubscription,@modeinerroronly,@modeinwarningonly,@modeinerrorandwarningonly
        raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@mode', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
        return (1)
    -- initialize constants
    select @expiration = 1
                ,@latency = 2
                ,@curdate = getdate()
    -- create temp table to get the monitoring data
    create table #tmp_replication_monitordata  
        publication_id int
        ,publisher sysname
        ,publisher_srvid int
        ,publisher_db sysname 
        ,publication sysname 
        ,publication_type int
        ,agent_type int 
        ,agent_name sysname
        ,job_id uniqueidentifier
        ,status int
        ,isagentrunningnow bit
        ,warning int                        -- latest session's warning
        ,last_distsync datetime        -- last sync time
        ,agentstoptime datetime      -- agent stop time
        ,distdb sysname null
        ,retention int
        ,time_stamp datetime null
        ,worst_latency int
        ,best_latency int
        ,avg_latency int
        ,cur_latency int 
        ,mergePerformance int
        ,mergelatestsessionrunduration int
        ,mergelatestsessionrunspeed float
        ,mergelatestsessionconnectiontype int
        ,retention_period_unit tinyint
    if @@error != 0
        raiserror(20507, 16, 3, '#tmp_replication_monitordata', 'tempdb')
        return 1
    -- build indices
    create nonclustered index nc1tmp_replication_monitordata on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publisher_srvid) 
    create nonclustered index nc2tmp_replication_monitordata on #tmp_replication_monitordata(agent_type) 
    create nonclustered index nc4tmp_replication_monitordata on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publisher) 
    create nonclustered index nc5tmp_replication_monitordata on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publication, publisher_db) 
    create nonclustered index nc6tmp_replication_monitordata on #tmp_replication_monitordata(agent_name) 
    if (@@error != 0)
        return 1

    -- Get publisher without port number
    exec sys.sp_MSget_server_portinfo 
        @name = @publisher, 
        @srvname = @publisher OUTPUT

    -- Get refresh data
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_replmonitorrefreshdata @publisher=@publisher
                ,@refreshpolicy = @refreshpolicy
    if @@error != 0 or @retcode != 0
        return 1
    -- set @publication_type for specific publication query
    -- and validate 
    if (@publication_type is null)
        select @publication_type = publication_type
        from #tmp_replication_monitordata
        where upper(publisher) = upper(@publisher)
            and publisher_db = @publisher_db
            and publication = @publication
    else if (@publication_type not in (0,1,2))
        raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@publication_type', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
        return (1)
    -- Adjust the rows to return
    if (@mode in (@modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming))
        if (@mode = @modetop25worstperforming)
            select @topnum = case when (isnull(@topnum, 30) > 25) then 25 else @topnum end
            select @topnum = case when (isnull(@topnum, 60) > 50) then 50 else @topnum end
    -- process based on publication_type
    if (@publication_type in (0,1))
        create table #tmp_subscriptiondata
            -- static
            publisher_srvid int
            ,publisher_db sysname
            ,publication sysname
            ,publication_id int
            ,subscriber_id int
            ,subscriber sysname null
            ,subscriber_db sysname
            ,publication_type int -- Type of publication: 0 = Transactional, 1 = Snapshot, 2 = Merge
            ,subtype int -- Type of subscription: dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions.subscription_type
            -- 0 = Push, 1 = Pull, 2 = Anonymous
            ,subscription_time datetime
            -- dynamic
            ,status int
            ,warning int
            ,monitorranking int
            ,last_distsync datetime
            -- tran
            ,distribution_agentname sysname null
            ,logreaderagent_status int null
            ,latency int
            ,latencythreshold int
            ,agentnotrunning int
            ,agentnotrunningthreshold int
            ,timetoexpiration int
            ,expirationthreshold int
            -- merge
            -- fill mergesubscriptionfriendlyname by dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions.description
            ,mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname null
            ,mergeconnectiontype int null
            ,mergeagentname sysname null
            ,mergeagentlocation sysname null
            -- among all session of this subscription, depending on latest connection type
            -- calc average of run_speed among the subset,
            -- current_run_speed/avg_run_speed
            ,mergePerformance int null
            ,mergerunspeed float null --latest running session
            ,mergerunduration int null --latest running session
            -- Added later - see if we can reorder
            ,distributionagentjobid  binary(16) null
            ,mergeagentjobid binary(16) null
            ,distributionagentid int null
            ,distributionagentprofileid int null
            ,mergeagentid int null
            ,mergeagentprofileid int null
            ,logreaderagentname sysname null
            ---only for SQL11 or later
            ,publisher sysname null

        create clustered index csubscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (monitorranking desc)
        create index nc1subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (distribution_agentname)
        create index nc2subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (latency desc)
        create index nc3subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (mergePerformance)
        create index nc4subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (publisher_srvid, publisher_db, publication_id, subscriber_db, subscriber_id)
        create index nc5subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (mergeagentname)
        -- **************************************
        -- build #tmp_subscriptiondata for tran
        -- both snaphot and transactional subscriptions will have a distribution agent
        -- Get the subscription details based on the distribution agent
        insert into #tmp_subscriptiondata
        select distinct s.subscriber_id,
                case when s.anonymous_subid is not null then  -- anonymous subscription
                    upper(s.subscriber_name)    -- name is stored in subscriber_name instead of sys.servers
        from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r 
            join dbo.MSdistribution_agents as s with (nolock)
                on r.publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
                and r.publisher_db = s.publisher_db collate database_default
                and (r.publication = s.publication collate database_default or s.publication = 'ALL' collate database_default) 
                and s.subscriber_id >= 0    -- skip the virtual subscriptions
                and (r.agent_type & 3) = 3 -- we select the distribution agent entries to optimize
                and (@exclude_anonymous = 0 or s.anonymous_subid is null) -- anonymous
                and r.job_id = cast(s.job_id as uniqueidentifier)
            join MSreplservers as srv
                on srv.srvid = s.subscriber_id
        -- get the latest subscription_time for the subscription to each publication
        update #tmp_subscriptiondata 
        set subscription_time = (select max(s.subscription_time)
                                            from dbo.MSsubscriptions as s with (nolock)
                                            where subscriber_id = s.subscriber_id
                                                and subscriber_db = s.subscriber_db
                                                and publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
                                                and publisher_db = s.publisher_db
                                                and publication_id = s.publication_id 
                                                and subtype = s.subscription_type)
        -- The logreader agent status needs to incorporated in the subscription status
        update #tmp_subscriptiondata                                                 
        set logreaderagent_status = isnull(r.status,0)
            ,logreaderagentname = r.agent_name
        from #tmp_subscriptiondata as s
            join #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
                on s.publisher_srvid = r.publisher_srvid
                    and s.publisher_db = r.publisher_db
                    and r.agent_type=2
                    and s.publication_type = 0
        -- set the status of the subscription based on the type of 
        -- publication and agents status that are involved
        -- populate the threshold values
        -- populate other fields from #tmp_replication_monitordata
        update #tmp_subscriptiondata 
        set expirationthreshold = cast(sys.fn_replgetpublicationthreshold(r.publication_id, @expiration) as int)
            ,latencythreshold = cast(sys.fn_replgetpublicationthreshold(r.publication_id, @latency) as int)
            ,warning = r.warning
            ,status = case 
                                -- when snapshot publication - use distribution agent status
                                when (r.publication_type = 1) then r.status
                                -- else we have transactional publication
                                        -- Error = when any one agent has error
                                        when (r.status = 6 or logreaderagent_status = 6) then 6
                                        -- Retry = when any one agent has retry
                                        when (r.status = 5 or logreaderagent_status = 5) then 5
                                        -- Stopped = when any one agent has stopped
                                        when (r.status = 2 or logreaderagent_status = 2) then 2
                                        -- Idle (Running) = when both agents are idle
                                        when (r.status = 4 and logreaderagent_status = 4) then 4
                                        -- Inprogress (Running) = when any one agent is in progress and the other is still running
                                        when (r.status = 3 and logreaderagent_status in (3, 4) 
                                            or logreaderagent_status = 3 and r.status in (3, 4)) then 3
                                        -- Startup (Running) =  when any one agent is in startup and the other is still running
                                        when (r.status = 1 and logreaderagent_status in (1, 3, 4) 
                                            or logreaderagent_status = 1 and r.status in (1, 3, 4)) then 1
                                        -- we should not come here
                                        else 0
            ,latency = r.cur_latency
            ,agentnotrunning = case when (r.agentstoptime is null) then null else datediff(hour, r.agentstoptime, @curdate) end
            ,last_distsync = r.last_distsync
            ,timetoexpiration = case when (r.retention is null) then null else datediff(hour, @curdate, dateadd(hour, r.retention, subscription_time)) end
        from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
        where r.agent_name = distribution_agentname 
        -- Set the monitor ranking based on status, warning, publication_type
        update #tmp_subscriptiondata 
        set monitorranking = sys.fn_replmonitorsubscriptionranking(status, warning, publication_type)
        -- set the rowcount if necessary
        if @topnum is not null
            set rowcount @topnum
        -- return the rowset based on mode
        from #tmp_subscriptiondata
            @mode in (@modeallsubscription, @modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming)   -- return all subscriptions
            or (@mode = @modeinerroronly and monitorranking = 60) -- return only ones in error 
            or (@mode = @modeinwarningonly and monitorranking between 50 and 59 ) -- return only ones with warning 
            or (@mode = @modeinerrorandwarningonly and monitorranking between 50 and 60 ) -- return only ones with warning or error
            or (@mode = @modesynchronizing and status in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with running agents
            or (@mode = @modenotsynchronizing and status not in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with stopped agents
        order by monitorranking desc  -- highest rank will be shown first 
            ,latency desc -- highest latency first
        -- ************************************
        -- handle merge subscriptions
        declare @publisher_id smallint
        select @publisher_id = srvid from MSreplservers where
           UPPER(srvname collate database_default) = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default
        -- set the rowcount if necessary
        if @topnum is not null
            set rowcount @topnum
        -- return the rowset based on mode
            ,timetoexpiration =  case when (sub.retention is null) then null else (case when sub.retention_period_unit = 0 then datediff(hour, @curdate, dateadd(hour, sub.retention, sub.last_distsync)) else (datediff(hour, @curdate, sys.fn_add_units_to_date(sub.retention, sub.retention_period_unit, sub.last_distsync))) end) end 
                -- static
                subscriber = upper(agents.subscriber_name)
                ,subscriber_id = agents.subscriber_id
                ,subscriber_db = agents.subscriber_db
                ,publisher_srvid = r.publisher_srvid
                ,publisher_db = r.publisher_db
                ,publication = r.publication
                ,publication_id = r.publication_id
                ,publication_type = r.publication_type
                ,subtype = case when agents.anonymous_subid is not null then 2 else s.subscription_type end
                -- dynamic    
                ,status = r.status
                ,warning = r.warning
                ,agentnotrunning = case when (r.agentstoptime is null) then null else datediff(hour, @curdate, r.agentstoptime) end
                ,last_distsync = r.last_distsync
                ,subscription_time = s.subscription_time
                -- merge perf
                ,mergeagentname = agents.name
                ,mergeagentlocation = case when s.subscription_type=0 then @publisher else UPPER(agents.subscriber_name) end
                ,mergesubscriptionfriendlyname = s.description 
                ,mergeconnectiontype = mergelatestsessionconnectiontype
                ,mergerunduration = r.mergelatestsessionrunduration
                ,mergePerformance = r.mergePerformance
                ,mergeagentjobid = agents.job_id
                ,mergeagentid = agents.id
                ,mergeagentprofileid = agents.profile_id
                ,retention = r.retention
                ,retention_period_unit = r.retention_period_unit
                ,monitorranking = case when (r.status > 5 or r.warning > 0) then sys.fn_replmonitorsubscriptionranking(r.status, r.warning, r.publication_type) else (case when r.status = 0 then 50 else (case when r.status = 5 then 40 else (case when r.status = 2 then 20 else 30 end) end) end) end
                ,latency = NULL
                ,latencythreshold = NULL        
                ,agentnotrunningthreshold = NULL
                ,distribution_agentname = NULL
                ,distributionagentjobid = NULL
                ,distributionagentid = NULL
                ,distributionagentprofileid = NULL
                ,logreaderagentname = NULL
                ,expirationthreshold = NULL
            from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r 
                join dbo.MSmerge_agents agents with (nolock)
                    on agents.name = r.agent_name collate database_default
                    and (@exclude_anonymous = 0 or agents.anonymous_subid is null)
                    and ((@publisher is null and agents.publisher_id is not null) or (agents.publisher_id=@publisher_id))
                    and agents.publisher_db=r.publisher_db collate database_default
                    and agents.publication=r.publication collate database_default
                    and (r.agent_type & 4) = 4 -- for merge only
                left outer join dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions as s with (nolock)
                    on r.publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
                    and r.publisher_db = s.publisher_db collate database_default
                    and r.publication_id = s.publication_id 
                    and s.subscriber is not NULL    -- skip the virtual entries in dbo.MSsubscriptions
                    and UPPER(agents.subscriber_name)=UPPER(s.subscriber) 
                    and agents.subscriber_db=s.subscriber_db 

        ) as sub
            @mode = @modeallsubscription -- return all subscriptions
            or (@mode in (@modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming) and sub.mergePerformance is not null)   -- return worst 25/50 subscriptions based on perf.
            or (@mode = @modeinerroronly and sub.monitorranking = 60) -- return only ones in error 
            or (@mode = @modeinwarningonly and sub.monitorranking between 50 and 59 ) -- return only ones with warning 
            or (@mode = @modeinerrorandwarningonly and sub.monitorranking between 50 and 60 ) -- return only ones with warning or error
            or (@mode = @modesynchronizing and sub.status in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with running agents
            or (@mode = @modenotsynchronizing and sub.status not in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with stopped agents
        order by sub.monitorranking desc  -- highest rank will be shown first 
            ,sub.mergePerformance asc -- lowest mergePerformance first
    -- all done
    return 0
View Code 以上是并没有找打计算latency的相关逻辑,之前已经经过各种重启,disable/enable 复制相关的job,均不生效,


考虑到订阅发布的复制历史日志,仅供参考使用,并不是必须的,且存在自动过期清理,于是,手起刀落,直接删掉超出当前时间的日志 delete from msdistribution_history where time>'2024-01-16 10:57:44.220'



个人并非熟悉测试的套路,但是一直摒弃通过修改服务器时间来达到某种测试的目的,这种方式引起的问题是多方面和未知的。 同时话题展开一点,不止一次遇到过类似场景,由于表中存储一个从客户端获取的时间,而客户端的时间设置错乱,并非是一个准确的当前时间,导致记录到数据库里的数据,从当前看,逻辑上各种诡异(比如从自增IId大的数据的生成时间比Id小的要晚这种逻辑错误) 因此考虑在设计表的时候,增加一个跟业务逻辑无关的时间戳字段,并且这个字段只能服务器端默认生成,不能由客户端写入。  

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wy123/p/17968268


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