## =====================================================================
## Title : Create-MSSQLJob-UsingSMO
## Description : Create a daily SQL job to call a powershell script
## Author : Idera
## Date : 9/1/2008
## Input : -server <server\instance>
## -jobName <jobname>
## -taskDesc <job description>
## -category <job category>
## -hrSched <n - hour military time>
## -minSched <n - minute military time>
## -psScript <path\script.ps1>
## -verbose
## -debug
## Output : SQL Job, job step and schedule for running a PowerShell script
## Usage : PS> .\Create-MSSQLJob-UsingSMO -server MyServer -jobname MyJob
## -taskDesc Perform something... -category Backup Job
## -hrSchedule 2 -psScript C:\TEMP\test.ps1 -minSchedule 0 -verbose -debug
## Notes : Adapted from an Allen White script
## Tag : SQL Server, SMO, SQL job
## Change Log :
## 4/1/2009 - Added input prompts and write-verbose statements
## =====================================================================
[string]$server = "$(Read-Host 'Server Instance' [e.g. (local)])",
[string]$jobname = "$(Read-Host 'Job Name' [e.g. PowerShellJob])",
[string]$taskDesc = "$(Read-Host 'Task Description' [e.g. Perform some task])",
[string]$category = "$(Read-Host 'Category' [e.g. [Uncategorized (Local)]])",
[string]$psScript = "$(Read-Host 'PS Script to Call' [e.g. C:\TEMP\test.ps1])",
[int]$hrSchedule = "$(Read-Host 'Scheduled Hour' [e.g. 2])",
[int]$minSchedule = "$(Read-Host 'Scheduled Minute' [e.g. 0])",
[switch]$verbose = $true,
[switch]$debug = $false
function main()
if ($verbose) {$VerbosePreference = "Continue"}
if ($debug) {$DebugPreference = "Continue"}
Write-Verbose "Create a daily SQL job to call a powershell script..."
Create-MSSQLJob-UsingSMO $server $jobName $taskDesc $category $psScript $hrSchedule $minSchedule
function Create-MSSQLJob-UsingSMO($server, $jobName, $taskDesc, $category, `
$psScript, $hrSched, $minSched)
# TIP: using PowerShell to create an exception handler
trap [Exception]
write-error $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.Message);
# Load SMO assembly
# Instantiate SMO server object
# TIP: instantiate object with parameters
$namedInstance = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') ($server)
# Instantiate an Agent Job object, set its properties, and create it
Write-Debug "Create SQL Agent job ..."
$job = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.Job') ($namedInstance.JobServer, $jobName)
$job.Description = $taskDesc
$job.Category = $category
$job.OwnerLoginName = 'sa'
# Create will fail if job already exists
# so don't build the job step or schedule
if (!$job.Create())
# Create the step to execute the PowerShell script
# and specify that we want the command shell with command to execute script,
Write-Debug "Create SQL Agent job step..."
$jobStep = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobStep') ($job, 'Step 1')
$jobStep.SubSystem = "CmdExec"
$runScript = "powershell " + "'" + $psScript + "'"
$jobStep.Command = $runScript
$jobStep.OnSuccessAction = "QuitWithSuccess"
$jobStep.OnFailAction = "QuitWithFailure"
# Alter the Job to set the target server and tell it what step should execute first
Write-Debug "Alter SQL Agent to use designated job step..."
$job.StartStepID = $jobStep.ID
# Create start and end timespan objects to use for scheduling
# TIP: using PowerShell to create a .Net Timespan object
Write-Debug "Create timespan objects for scheduling the time for 2am..."
$StartTS = new-object System.Timespan($hrSched, $minSched, 0)
$EndTS = new-object System.Timespan(23, 59, 59)
# Create a JobSchedule object and set its properties and create the schedule
Write-Debug "Create SQL Agent Job Schedule..."
$jobSchedule = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobSchedule') ($job, 'Sched 01')
$jobSchedule.FrequencyTypes = "Daily"
$jobSchedule.FrequencySubDayTypes = "Once"
$jobSchedule.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $StartTS
$jobSchedule.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = $EndTS
$jobSchedule.FrequencyInterval = 1
$jobSchedule.ActiveStartDate = get-date
Write-Host SQL Agent Job: $jobName was created
脚本是使用SMO创建一个天天执行的SQL JOB。整个脚本中暂时没有涉及到新的原生PowerShell的Cmdlets。更多的像使用C#的new创建对象。