说明[tips]标签:info,database,分区,partition,db,mysql From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lytcreate/p/17831081.html
提供mysql数据库的分区表最新分区查询,支持分区字段为DATE或TO_DAYS(date_str)类型的数据表新建分区,依赖库包括:"pandas", "pymysql", "sqlalchemy".
[Provide the latest partition query for the partition table of MySQL database, supporting partition fields of DATE or TO_ Create new partitions for DAYS (date str) type data tables, with dependency libraries including "pandas", "pymysql", and "sqlalchemy".]
pip install mysql-partition
在使用之前请准备好数据库连接字典db_info [Please prepare the database connection dictionary db_info before use.]
db_info = {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"username": "root",
"password": "lytcreate",
"database": "yt_zz"
1.获取指定数据库所有分区表的表名及最新分区[Obtain the table names and latest partitions of all partition tables in the specified database.]
import mysql_partition
res = mysql_partition.show(db_info) // return mysql partition dict.
2.创建指定数据库的所有分区表至指定分区日期,不指定日期则默认为执行当天[Create all partition tables for the specified database until the specified partition date. If no date is specified, it defaults to the execution day.]
import mysql_partition
mysql_partition.create(db_info, "2023-01-01") // Create all partition tables until January 1, 2023