mysql如果group by分类统计几万条以上数据太慢,因为条件查询会走全表搜索
使用explain 可以看到自己的sql效率问题出现在哪,如:它查了7万多条数据才把结果查出来
sql优化后: 使用select * from ( select xxx from table_name1 group by xxx) 这样优化就快多了,先把结果集查出,再运用条件查询去过滤结果
select rbw.location_name as locationName, t1.worklocation_id as worklocationId, ( select count( from t_b_robot_record_logrecord rrl where rrl.status = 1 and rrl.station_id = '1567701277018120194' and rrl.errorcode = 1 and rrl.worklocation_id = t1.worklocation_id ) as errorcode1, ( select count( from t_b_robot_record_logrecord rrl where rrl.status = 1 and rrl.station_id = '1567701277018120194' and rrl.errorcode = 2 and rrl.worklocation_id = t1.worklocation_id ) as errorcode2, ( select count( from t_b_robot_record_logrecord rrl where rrl.status = 1 and rrl.station_id = '1567701277018120194' and rrl.errorcode = 3 and rrl.worklocation_id = t1.worklocation_id ) as errorcode3 from ( select worklocation_id from t_b_robot_record_logrecord group by worklocation_id ) t1 left join t_b_robot_base_worklocation rbw on = t1.worklocation_id where t1.worklocation_id is not null
标签:rrl,group,t1,worklocation,mysql,数据处理,id,select From: