工作中有一个需求,要判断客户是否有后续订单,就是查后面的订单是否此客户ID下单, 而且要把此客户的所有关联的客户也都判断上
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetCustomerConnectionRelations] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @CustomerId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ) -- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( WITH cte AS ( SELECT cc1.SourceCustomerId ,cc1.ConnectionCustomerId FROM co_crm.dbo.CustomerConnections AS cc1 WHERE cc1.SourceCustomerId=@CustomerId UNION ALL SELECT cc2.SourceCustomerId,cc2.ConnectionCustomerId FROM co_crm.dbo.CustomerConnections AS cc2 INNER JOIN cte AS c ON cc2.ConnectionCustomerId= c.SourceCustomerId ), cte2 AS ( SELECT cc1.SourceCustomerId ,cc1.ConnectionCustomerId FROM co_crm.dbo.CustomerConnections AS cc1 WHERE cc1.SourceCustomerId=@CustomerId UNION ALL SELECT cc2.SourceCustomerId,cc2.ConnectionCustomerId FROM co_crm.dbo.CustomerConnections AS cc2 INNER JOIN cte2 AS c ON cc2.SourceCustomerId= c.ConnectionCustomerId ) SELECT @CustomerId AS CustomerId UNION SELECT ConnectionCustomerId FROM cte UNION SELECT ConnectionCustomerId FROM cte2 )
SELECT CAST( ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM Orders o WHERE o.CustomerId IN (SELECT * FROM co_crm.dbo.GetCustomerConnectionRelations(t1.CustomerId))),0) AS BIT) AS '是否有后续订单' FROM Table1 t1
标签:SourceCustomerId,递归,父级,SqlServer,ConnectionCustomerId,cc1,cc2,CustomerId,SELECT From: https://www.cnblogs.com/caijt/p/17800125.html