Converting a regular DB2 DMS tablespace to LARGE,running%3A%20alter%20tablespace%20tbspace_name%20CONVERT%20TO%20LARGE%3B
Question & Answer
Your regular DB2 DMS tablespace has reached the allowable size limit. What can you do?
There is a limit to how big a DMS tablespace can be.
Convert the tablespace to LARGE by running:
alter tablespace tbspace_name CONVERT TO LARGE;
i. The table space and its contents are locked during conversion.
ii. You cannot convert a table space that contains a data partition of a partitioned table that has data partitions in another table space.
iii. After conversion, it is recommended that you issue the COMMIT statement and then increase the storage capacity of the table space.
iv. Indexes for tables in a converted table space must be reorganized or rebuilt before they can support large record identifiers (RIDs).
- The indexes can be reorganized using the REORG INDEXES ALL command (without the CLEANUP ONLY clause). Specify the ALLOW NO ACCESS option for partitioned tables
- Alternatively, the tables can be reorganized (not INPLACE), which will rebuild all indexes and enable the tables to support more than 255 rows per page.
- Any rebuilt Type 1 index is automatically converted to a Type 2 index.
Please check the Alter tablespace command URL below for the full documentation on converting a DMS tablespace to LARGE.
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标签:space,LARGE,DMS,tablespace,table,regular From: