## Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, syntax error: syntax error, error in :' UNION ALL ( select', expect UNION, actual UNION pos 1017, line 54, column 13, token UNION : insert into order_info ( customer_id, order_id, is_reissue ) ( select ?, ?, ?, ? from dual where not exists ( select order_no from order_info where order_no = ? and customer_id = ?) ) UNION ALL ( select ?, ?, ?, ? from dual where not exists ( select order_no from order_info where order_no = ? and customer_id = ?) )
<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List"> insert into order_info (customer_id,order_id,order_no,order_item_id, sku,shop_sku,goods_name,goods_num,logistics_company,waybill_no,order_child_no) <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=" UNION ALL "> (select #{item.customerId},#{item.orderId}, #{item.orderNo},#{item.orderItemId}, #{item.sku},#{item.shopSku}, #{item.goodsName},#{item.goodsNum},#{item.logisticsCompany},#{item.waybillNo},#{item.orderChildNo} from dual where not exists (select order_no from order_info where order_no = #{item.orderNo} and customer_id = #{item.customerId})) </foreach> </insert>
<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List"> insert into order_info (customer_id,order_id,order_no,order_item_id, sku,shop_sku,goods_name,goods_num,logistics_company,waybill_no,order_child_no) <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=" UNION ALL "> select #{item.customerId},#{item.orderId}, #{item.orderNo},#{item.orderItemId}, #{item.sku},#{item.shopSku}, #{item.goodsName},#{item.goodsNum},#{item.logisticsCompany},#{item.waybillNo},#{item.orderChildNo} from dual where not exists (select order_no from order_info where order_no = #{item.orderNo} and customer_id = #{item.customerId}) </foreach> </insert>
标签:no,union,druid,id,item,select,where,order,连接池 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yangxiaohui227/p/17164513.html