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时间:2022-11-22 09:33:10浏览次数:48  
标签:Sdept -- Sno 练习 SQLServer Sname Student select

create table Student
Sno char(6) primary key,
Sname nvarchar(20) not null,
Ssex nchar(1) not null default '男' check(Ssex='男' or Ssex='女'),
Sbirthday smalldatetime,
Sdept nvarchar(20),
Memo text
select * from Student
insert into Student values('060101','钟文辉','男','1997-05-01','计算机系','优秀毕业生'),

create table Course(
Cno char(3) primary key,
Cname nvarchar(20) not null,
PreCno char(3),
Credit tinyint,
Semester tinyint
insert into Course values
select * from Course
create table SC(
Sno char(6),
Cno nchar(20),
Grade smallint check(Grade>=0 and Grade<=100),
primary key(Sno,Cno)
select * from SC
insert into SC values
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名 from student
select Cno 课程号,Cname 课程名,Semester 开课学期 from Course
select * from student
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名,Ssex 性别,Sbirthday 出生时间,Sdept 系部,Memo 备注 from Student
select Sname 姓名,year(getdate())-year(Sbirthday) 年龄 from Student
select Sname 姓名,year(getdate())-year(Sbirthday) 年龄,'今年是','2022' 年份 from Student
select Sname 姓名,Sdept 系部 from Student where Sdept= '计算机系'
select * from Course
select Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩 from SC where Grade<60
select Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩 from SC where Grade>=90
select Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩 from SC where Grade between 60 and 80
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名,Sbirthday 出生日期,Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sbirthday between '1997-01-01' and '1997-12-31'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名,Sbirthday 出生日期,Sdept 系部 from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997
select Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩 from SC where not Grade between 60 and 80
select Cname 课程名, Credit 学分, Semester 开课日期 from Course
where Credit between 2 and 3
select Cname 课程名, Credit 学分, Semester 开课日期 from Course
where not Credit between 2 and 3
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sdept in ('计算机系','机电系')
select Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩 from SC where Grade in (57,88,91)
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where not Sdept in ('计算机系','机电系')
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sname like '李%'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sname like '_冲%'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sno like '%0_'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sno like '%[2,3]'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sno like '_[6,7]%'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sno like '%[^1,2]_'
select Sno 学号, Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部 from Student
where Sno like '%[^2,3]'
select * from SC where Grade is null
select Sno,Sname,Memo from Student where Memo is not null
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Memo 备注 from Student
where Sdept='机电系' and Memo is not null
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Sbirthday 出生日期 from Student
where Sdept in('机电系','计算机系')
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Sbirthday 出生日期 from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997 and Sdept='计算机系'
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Sbirthday 出生日期 from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997 and Sdept='机电系'
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Sbirthday 出生日期 from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997 and Sdept in('机电系','计算机系')
select Sno 学号,Sname 姓名, Sdept 系部,Sbirthday 出生日期 from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997 and (Sdept ='计算机系'OR Sdept = '机电系');
select distinct Sdept from Student
select distinct Sno 学号 from SC where not Grade>=60
select distinct Sno 学号,Cno 课程号 from SC where not Grade>=60
--order by 列名 asc/desc
select Grade from SC where Cno='C01' order by Grade
select Grade from SC where Cno='C01' order by Grade desc

select COUNT(Sname) 学生个数 from Student
select * from Course
select count(Cno) 个数 from Course
select COUNT(distinct(Sdept)) 个数 from Student
select sum(Grade) 学生总分 from sc where Sno='060101'
select avg(grade) 平均分,max(grade) 最高分,min(grade) 最低分 from SC where Cno='C01'
--对数据分组group by <分组依据> [,...n] [having <组提取条件>]
/*select 目标列明1,目标列明2,...,聚合函数1,聚合函数2... from 表名 group by 分组依据列名
having 用于对分组自身进行限制*/
select Cno,count(Sno) 选课人数 from SC where Cno='C01' group by Cno
select Sno 学号,count(Cno) 选课门数 from SC group by Sno
select Sdept 系别,Ssex 性别,count(Ssex) 人数 from Student group by Sdept,Ssex
select sdept,count(*) 男生人数 from Student
where Ssex='男' group by Sdept,Ssex having Ssex='男'
select sdept,count(*) 男生人数 from Student
where Ssex='男' group by Sdept,Ssex having count(*)=2
select Sno 学号,count(Cno) 课程门数 from SC
group by Sno having count(Cno)>3
select Cno 课程号,count(Sno) 选课人数 from SC
group by Cno having count(Sno)>3
select Sno,Sname,Sdept from Student
where Sdept='计算机系'
select * from Student where year(Sbirthday)=1997
select Sno,Sname,Sdept,year(Sbirthday) 年龄 from Student
where Sno like '_[6,7]%'
select Sno,Sname,Sdept,Memo from Student
where Memo is not null
select Sno,Sname,Sdept,Memo from Student
where Sdept in('计算机系','机电系')
select * from Student
where year(Sbirthday)=1997 and Sdept in('计算机系','机电系')
select Sno,Sname,Sdept from Student
where Sdept in('计算机系','机电系')
order by Sdept asc
select Sno,Sname,Sdept from Student
where Sdept in('计算机系','机电系')
order by Sdept desc
select sdept 系名,Ssex 性别, count(Sno) 人数 from student
group by sdept,Ssex
select sdept 系名,Ssex 性别, count(Sno) 人数 from student
where Ssex='男' group by sdept,Ssex
select * from sc
select Cno,count(Cno) 选课人数 from SC
group by Cno
having count(cno)>3
select * from Student inner join SC on Student.Sno=SC.Sno
where Sdept='计算机系'
select * from Student join SC on Student.Sno=SC.Sno
select st.sno,st.sname,st.sdept,sc.Cno,sc.Grade from student st join sc on st.Sno=sc.Sno
select st.sno,st.sname,st.sdept,2022-year(st.Sbirthday),sc.Cno,sc.Grade from student st join sc on st.Sno=sc.Sno
select s2.Sname,s2.Sdept from Student s1 join Student s2 on s1.Sdept=s2.Sdept
where s1.Sname='王冲瑞'
select Sname,Sdept from Student
where Sdept=(select sdept from Student where Sname='王冲瑞')
select c2.Cname,c1.Semester from Course c1 join Course c2 on c1.Semester=c2.Semester
where c1.Cname='程序设计'
--left [outer] join
--right[outer] join
select s1.Sname,s1.Sno,s1.Sdept from Student s1 left join SC s2 on s1.Sno=s2.Sno
where s1.Sdept='计算机系'
select c.Cname from Course c left join SC on c.Cno=sc.Cno
where sc.Cno is null
select s1.Sno,COUNT(*) from Student s1 left join SC s2 on s1.Sno= s2.Sno
where s1.Sdept='计算机系' group by s1.Sno
select s1.Sno,COUNT(s1.sno) 选课门数 from Student s1 left join SC s2 on s1.Sno= s2.Sno
where s1.Sdept='机电系' group by s1.Sno having COUNT(s1.sno)<3 order by COUNT(*) desc

--top 的使用
--top n percent
select top n (percent) (with ties) 目标列名1,目标列名2.... from 表名

select 目标列名1,目标列名2,
case 测试表达式
when 值1 then 结果1
when 值2 then 结果2
when 值3 then 结果3
else 结果n
end 列名,.... from 来源表名
select 目标列名1,目标列名2,
when 测试表达式=值1 then 结果1
when 测试表达式=值2 then 结果2
when 测试表达式=值3 then 结果3
else 结果n
end 列名,.... from 来源表名

where 行选择条件
order by 排序依据列 asc/desc
group by 分组依据列
having 组内选择条件
select top 3 Sno,Grade from SC where Cno='C03' order by Grade desc
select top 4 c.Cname,c.Credit,c.Semester from SC join Course c on SC.Cno=c.Cno
select Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sbirthday,Sdept,
case Sdept
when '计算机系' then 'CS'
when '机电系' then 'ID'
when '信息管理系' then 'IM'
end '系代码',Memo
from Student
select Sno,Grade,
when Grade>=90 then '优'
when Grade between 80 and 89 then '良'
when Grade between 70 and 79 then '中'
when Grade between 60 and 69 then '及格'
when Grade<60 then '不及格'
end 等级 from SC where Cno='C04'
select st.Sno 学号,count(Cno) 选课门数,
when count(Cno)>4 then '多'
when count(Cno) between 2 and 4 then '一般'
when count(Cno) between 0 and 2 then '少'
when count(Cno)=0 then '未选'
end 选课情况 from Student st left join SC on st.Sno=SC.Sno
where st.Sdept='计算机系'
group by st.Sno order by count(Cno) desc

select * from Course
select * from sc
select * from Student

select Sno,Sname,Sdept from Student
select * from Student
select Sname,YEAR(Sbirthday) 出生年份 from Student
select Sname,YEAR(Sbirthday),Sdept from Student
select * from SC where not Grade is null
select Sname from Student where Sdept='计算机系'
select Sname, 2022-YEAR(Sbirthday) 年龄 from Student where 2022-YEAR(Sbirthday)>20
select Sno from SC where Grade<60
select Sname,Sdept,2022-YEAR(Sbirthday) 年龄 from Student where 2022-YEAR(Sbirthday) between 20 and 23


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lyhidea/p/16914130.html


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