# encoding: utf-8 # 版权所有 2025 ©涂聚文有限公司 # 许可信息查看:言語成了邀功盡責的功臣,還需要行爲每日來值班嗎 # 描述: pip install neo4j # pip install py2neo # Author : geovindu,Geovin Du 涂聚文. # IDE : PyCharm Community Edition 2024.3 python 3.11 # OS : windows 10 # database : mysql 9.0 sql server 2019, postgreSQL 17.0 oracle 11g oracle 20c Neo4j 5.0 # https://neo4j.com/docs/python-manual/current/query-simple/ # https://neo4j.com/docs/getting-started/languages-guides/neo4j-python/ # https://github.com/neo4j-graph-examples/northwind/blob/main/code/python/example.py#L16-L21 # Datetime : 2025/1/22 20:20 # User : geovindu # Product : PyCharm # Project : ictsimple # File : neo4jdemo.py # explain : 学习 from neo4j import GraphDatabase class GraphHelper: """ """ def __init__(self, uri, user, password): """ :param uri: :param user: :param password: """ self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password)) def close(self): """ :return: """ self.driver.close() def printGreeting(self, message): """ create_and_return_greeting :param message: :return: """ with self.driver.session() as session: greeting = session.execute_write(self.createQuery, message) print("greeting:",type(greeting)) def query(self): """ 查询 :param tx: :param message: :return: """ records, summary, keys = self.driver.execute_query( "MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p.name AS name", database_= "neo4j", ) # Loop through results and do something with them for record in records: print(record.data()) # obtain record as dict # Summary information print("The query `{query}` returned {records_count} records in {time} ms.".format( query=summary.query, records_count=len(records), time=summary.result_available_after )) return records @staticmethod def createQuery(tx, message): """ 返回是的对象 :param tx: :param message: :return: """ result = tx.run("MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 10", message=message) print(result) print("***********") for s in result: print(s.data()) print("***********") return result @staticmethod def create_and_return_greeting(tx, message): """ :param tx: :param message: :return: """ result = tx.run("CREATE (a:Greeting) " "SET a.message = $message " "RETURN a.message + ', from node ' + id(a)", message=message) return result.single()[0] # http://localhost:7474/browser/ greeter = GraphHelper("bolt://localhost:7687", "neo4j", "geovindu") greeter.printGreeting("hello, world") print("####################################") greeter.query() greeter.close()
标签:return,python,self,param,simple,query,neo4j,message,example From: https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/18686944