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Language:Solution must be completed in Java assignment contact me

时间:2024-11-21 14:47:13浏览次数:3  
标签:me Java Language level screen should will player your

Assignment Details

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Due date: 6th of December 2024Language:Solution must be completed in Java
Game Description

Defender is a classic arcade game where the player fies a spaceship destroying alien invaders over a planetDefender is a side-view, horizontally scrolling shooter set on the surface of an unnamed planet. The playercontrols a spaceship fving either to the left or right. 'The plaver can control the elevation of the ship as well asfre weapons and make a hyperspace jump.'The object is to destroy all alien invaders, while protecting astronauts on the landscape from abductionLanders pick up humans and attempt to carry them to the top of the screen at which point they turn intofast-moving mutants. A captured human can be freed by shooting the lander, then catching the human beforeit falls to its death, and dropping it off on the ground.Defeating the aliens allows the player to progress to the next level. Failing to protect the astronauts resultsin the level being lost (and started again if you have remaining lives). A ship is lost if it is hit by an enemy orits projectiles, or if a hyperspace jump goes wrong (as they randomly do). After exhausting all ships, the gameends.

The players ship can move up and down on the screen. When it does the screen does not move. 'The playersship can not go any lower than the bottom of the screen or any higher than the top of the screen.As the plaver moves left and right the screen should move to show more of the level. The plaver ship shouldbe kept in the middle half of the screen. That is when the player is in this area, the screen should not move.However, if the player is going to move outside of this area, then the view of the level should be changed so theplayer remains in the middle half of the screen.For the plavers ship moving left and right the important element of movement is momentum. The player'sship should continue travelling in the same direction at the same speed unless some acceleration is applied. Sowhen the players ship begins moving and no more thrust is applied, it will continue in the same direction andat the same speed forever unless the ship crashes into an alien. The direction that the ship travels is based onthe direction that the ship was facing when the thrust was applied. If no thrust is being applied, then the shipcan face in any direction while it keeps moving in the direction of the original thrust.
There are two types of enemies in the game, Landers and Mutants.
Landers will fre at the player's ship, but their primary goal is to grab on of the humans from the surfaceand carry them to the top of the screen. One the lander reaches the top of the screen carrying a human theywill become a mutant. If a lander is destroyed while they are carrying a human, the human is dropped andmust be caught by the player. If the player does not catch the human, they will die when they hit the ground.If the player catches a human, they can place them back on the ground by dropping down to that level.Mutants are much faster than landers. Instead of attempting to pick up humans, mutants only purpose isto kill the player. They will chase after and fre at the player.

Points are awarded for destroying the asteroids based on the following calculations:
Lander destroyed  >150 points each
Mutant destroyed ->300 points each
eHuman captured and mutated  >-150 points each
Human saved ->500 points each
The number of humans and enemy landers is based on the level. As levels increase there should be more landersand less humans on the level.
A level is not completed until all of the enemy ships have been destroyed. This may require the player tosearch across the landscape to find the remaining enemies.
To get an example of the how the defender game plays, go to the https://www.free80sarcade.com/defenderphp and play the game there. 'This version of the game has a larger number of enemy types and is quite dificultThe version l am requiring you to create only requires two types of enemies and can be made easier (by makingthe enemies move more slowly).

'The number of humans and enemy landers is based on the level. As levels increase there should be more landersand less humans on the level.
A level is not completed until all of the enemy ships have been destroyed. This may require the player tosearch across the landscape to find the remaining enemies.
To get an example of the how the defender game plays, go to the https://www.free80sarcade.com/defenderphp and play the game there. 'This version of the game has a larger number of enemy types and is quite difhicultThe version I am reguiring you to create only requires two types of enemies and can be made easier (by makingthe enemies move more slowly).
This section gives a breakdow of the approximate marking criteria for the assignment. The final markingscheme may vary slightly but will be relatively similar. Your submission should contain the following files
A zip file containing the entire project code and any other fles required for the code to be executed(exported from Intelli,] IDEA or Eclipse)

A report explaining what you have achieved for each of the criteria in the marking scheme (estimate failpass or excellent)based on the template provided
A short video (less than 3 min) showing a screen recording of the game with your explanation voiced over
Each file should be named only with your UOD student number and the correct file extension (e.g. 1234567.zip,1234567.pdf, and 1234567.mp4).
Zip File
This must contain all of the code required to execute the project. If I am unable to execute your code, it willreduce your grade. If there are any requirements to setup and execute your code you should include these in
the zip file.I will be testing the code using Intelli, IDEA (unless you specifically mention that I should use Eclipse). lwould recommend that you create the project using the Intellii IDEA IDE and export the entire project to azip file for submission.
Assignment Report
This document should be in PDF format and contain your name and student number as well as a table explainingwhat you estimate of how your project will be graded against the marking criteria in the next section. For eachof the criteria mark an X under Fail. Pass, or Eixcellent and optionally include some text to explain why youbelieve you have merited that level. You may also include details in this report of any additional functionalitythat you have added that you believe should be worth extra credit.

Additional Criteria
In addition to the above, your submission will also be considered under some more criteria. These however areonly used to reduce your grade if you have performed poorly and will otherwise have no effect.
Naming of variables, methods, class, interfaces, enumerated types or anything else in your code
Following naming conventions for the above
Code formatting and commenting
Correct formatting of submitted fles (e.g you will lose points for submitting a doc fle instead of a pdfmky instead of mp4, or rar instead of zip)
eIncorrect naming of any submitted fles
Not including name and student number in report (or including an incorrect student number

From: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_74315230/article/details/143945843


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