摘 要
Keeping pets can relieve the mood and bring companionship to people. However, in reality, many people abandon pets because of impulse, moving and other reasons. Buying pets and abandoning pets at the same time cause a vicious circle. The life of abandoned animals is very difficult. They often die after a short time, and the abandoned animals will also bring social insecurity. There are many caring people who like animals, but there is no effective way to rescue stray animals. This stray animal rescue WeChat applet is developed based on this to help abandoned animals.
This wandering animal rescue WeChat applet is developed in Java language, the database software is MySQL, the debugging environment is Eclipse, and the framework is SpringBoot. This system can provide users and managers with a more professional and comprehensive platform to help stray animals better and reduce the number of stray animals in the world. The system functions include information release management, adoption record management, animal circle management, and daily help management. The role of the system is administrator and user. Users can publish the stray animals they have picked up, apply for adoption, and apply for adoption. The administrator is responsible for the overall management and review of the system information. This system realizes the adoption and retrieval of stray animals and provides public welfare and love services.
Key words: information release management; Online adoption; Animal circle management; SpringBoot framework
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2课题研究现状与实现意义 1
1.3课题实现内容 2
1.4课题实现的目标 2
第2章 系统开发所使用关键技术、环境的选择 3
2.1关键技术、环境的选择原则 3
2.2 Java语言介绍 3
2.3 Eclipse软件介绍 3
2.4 Mysql数据库 4
2.5 SpringBoot框架 4
2.6微信小程序 4
第3章 系统全面分析 5
3.1系统需求分析 5
3.2系统可行性分析 5
3.2.1技术可行性分析 5
3.2.2操作可行性分析 5
3.2.3安全可行性 6
3.3系统非功能方面的分析 6
3.4系统功能分析 6
3.5系统流程分析 7
3.6系统数据活动分析 8
3.7系统权限用例分析 9
第4章 系统设计 11
4.1系统设计目标 11
4.2系统功能结构图 11
4.3系统的数据库设计 11
4.3.1数据库概念结构设计 11
4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 14
第5章 系统实现 18
5.1前台界面的实现 18
5.1.1主人寻宠功能的实现界面 18
5.1.2宠物寻主功能的实现界面 19
5.1.3领养记录功能的实现界面 20
5.1.4用户注册、登录功能的实现界面 21
5.1.5评论功能的实现界面 23
5.1.6信息发布功能的实现界面 24
5.1.7动物小圈功能的实现界面 25
5.2我的功能的实现界面 26
5.3管理员角色的功能实现界面 27
第6章 系统测试 28
6.1系统测试的目的与重要性 28
6.2系统测试的方法与步骤 28
6.3系统测试的条件和环境 28
6.4测试实例 28
6.4.1管理员信息发布管理功能的测试 28
6.4.2用户发布功能的测试 29
6.4.3申请领养功能的测试 30
6.5测试总结 30
总 结 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34