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C++ 值,指针,引用的讨论

时间:2022-10-20 15:13:01浏览次数:70  
标签:use reference object C++ 引用 pass pointer 指针

源自 stackoverflow 论坛,很有意义


There are four main cases where you should use pass-by-reference over pass-by-value:

  1. If you are calling a function that needs to modify its arguments, use pass-by-reference or pass-by-pointer. Otherwise, you’ll get a copy of the argument.
  2. If you're calling a function that needs to take a large object as a parameter, pass it by const reference to avoid making an unnecessary copy of that object and taking a large efficiency hit.
  3. If you're writing a copy or move constructor which by definition must take a reference, use pass by reference.
  4. If you're writing a function that wants to operate on a polymorphic class, use pass by reference or pass by pointer to avoid slicing.

来源:Where should I prefer pass-by-reference or pass-by-value?

第二个问题,地址运算符(&)和引用运算符(&)的区别 代码解释,
int v = 5;

cout << v << endl; // prints 5
cout << &v << endl; // prints address of v

int* p;
p = &v; // stores address of v into p (p is a pointer to int)

int& r = v;

cout << r << endl; // prints 5

r = 6;

cout << r << endl; // prints 6
cout << v << endl; // prints 6 too because r is a reference to v

问题中更有意思的是对 *this 的解释,

Firstly, this is a pointer. The * dereferences the pointer, meaning return *this; returns the object, not a pointer to it.

Secondly, Test& is returning a reference to a Test instance. In your case, it is a reference to the object. To make it return a pointer, it should be Test*.

来源:Address-of operator (&) vs reference operator(&)

附 C++ 各个阶段学习的书籍推荐,来源论坛大牛的回答

C++ 并发编程实战感觉包含挺多工作上需要的知识点,比如,线程库、原子库、C++ 内存模型、锁和互斥锁,以及设计和调试多线程应用程序的问题,可以看看

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/strive-sun/p/16809942.html


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