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标签:urovo tkinter 营销中心 python dept 窗体 new com row


# python 图形界面程序tkinter的使用
# python messagebox的使用
# python 进度条ProgressBar的使用
# openpyxl 对Excel表格的操作
# python 正则表达式的使用
# python发 送带附件的邮件
# openpyxl 知道表格列号,获取列标字母的方法get_column_letter(int)
# openpyxl 获取表格有数据的区域的最大行号的方法
# openpyxl 遍历表格指定区域
# openpyxl 合并单元格
# openpyxl 新建、保存表格
# openpyxl 设置单元格数值格式
# openpyxl 遍历表格所有有数据的区域,并调整字体、字号、边框、列宽
# python 将小数格式调整为保留两位小数的百分数形式

# 这个程序是用于周钊铌每周拆分应收逾期表格文件,并发送邮件给各部门# 营销中心各二级部门的数据不拆分成单独文件# v2022.9.16
# 核心知识点包括: # python 图形界面程序tkinter的使用 # python messagebox的使用 # python 进度条ProgressBar的使用 # openpyxl 对Excel表格的操作 # python 正则表达式的使用 # python发 送带附件的邮件 # openpyxl 知道表格列号,获取列标字母的方法get_column_letter(int) # openpyxl 获取表格有数据的区域的最大行号的方法 # openpyxl 遍历表格指定区域 # openpyxl 合并单元格 # openpyxl 新建、保存表格 # openpyxl 设置单元格数值格式 # openpyxl 遍历表格所有有数据的区域,并调整字体、字号、边框、列宽 # python 将小数格式调整为保留两位小数的百分数形式 import datetime import smtplib import re import tkinter.filedialog from email.header import Header from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox, ttk from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, PatternFill, Font, Border, Side from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter all_dept_arr = ["营销中心-华南区", "营销中心-西部区", "营销中心-华东区", "营销中心-华北区", "营销中心-华中区", "营销中心-行业客户二部", "营销中心-行业客户一部", "营销中心-渠道部", "营销中心-呼叫运营部", "营销中心-华东区行业客户部", "营销中心-打印机事业部", "营销中心-医疗事业部", "华东区大客户部", "战略大客户部", "创新开发事业部", "金融及大客户部", "金融大客户部", "海外发展部", "金融事业二部", "海外事业部"] sales_dept_arr = ["营销中心-华南区", "营销中心-西部区", "营销中心-华东区", "营销中心-华北区", "营销中心-华中区", "营销中心-行业客户二部", "营销中心-行业客户一部", "营销中心-渠道部", "营销中心-呼叫运营部", "营销中心-华东区行业客户部", "营销中心-打印机事业部", "营销中心-医疗事业部"] to_list = { "营销中心-华南区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-西部区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华北区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华中区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户二部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-渠道部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-呼叫运营部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区行业客户部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户一部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-打印机事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-医疗事业部": ["[email protected]"], "华东区大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "战略大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "创新开发事业部": ["[email protected]"], "金融及大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "金融大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "海外发展部": ["[email protected]"], "金融事业二部": ["[email protected]"], "海外事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心": ["[email protected]"] } to_list_test = { "营销中心-华南区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-西部区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华北区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华中区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户二部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-渠道部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-呼叫运营部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区行业客户部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户一部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-打印机事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-医疗事业部": ["[email protected]"], "华东区大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "战略大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "创新开发事业部": ["[email protected]"], "金融及大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "金融大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "海外发展部": ["[email protected]"], "金融事业二部": ["[email protected]"], "海外事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心": ["[email protected]"] } name_list = { "营销中心-华南区": "张三", "营销中心-西部区": "张三", "营销中心-华东区": "张三", "营销中心-华北区": "张三", "营销中心-华中区": "张三", "营销中心-行业客户二部": "张三", "营销中心-渠道部": "张三", "营销中心-呼叫运营部": "张三", "营销中心-华东区行业客户部": "张三", "营销中心-行业客户一部": "张三", "营销中心-打印机事业部": "张三", "营销中心-医疗事业部": "张三", "华东区大客户部": "张三", "战略大客户部": "张三", "创新开发事业部": "张三", "金融及大客户部": "张三", "金融大客户部": "张三", "海外发展部": "张三", "金融事业二部": "张三", "海外事业部": "张三", "营销中心": "张三" } cc_list = { "营销中心-华南区": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "营销中心-西部区": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-华东区": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-华北区": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-华中区": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-行业客户二部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-渠道部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-呼叫运营部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-华东区行业客户部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-行业客户一部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心-打印机事业部":["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"华东区大客户部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"战略大客户部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"创新开发事业部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"金融及大客户部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"金融大客户部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"海外发展部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"金融事业二部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"海外事业部": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"营销中心": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
} cc_list_test = { "营销中心-华南区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-西部区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华北区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华中区": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户二部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-渠道部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-呼叫运营部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-华东区行业客户部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-行业客户一部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-打印机事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心-医疗事业部": ["[email protected]"], "华东区大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "战略大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "创新开发事业部": ["[email protected]"], "金融及大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "金融大客户部": ["[email protected]"], "海外发展部": ["[email protected]"], "金融事业二部": ["[email protected]"], "海外事业部": ["[email protected]"], "营销中心": ["[email protected]"] } dept_arr = [] current_sales_dept = [] dept_arr_mail = [] addr_dict = dict() ar_balance = dict() overdue_amount = dict() overdue_percent = dict() overdue_date = "" # 程序主窗口 root = Tk() root.title("Python小助手@lidi v1.0") # 主窗口的标题 root.wm_geometry('500x450+500+250') # 主窗口的大小及位置,大小为500*450,距离屏幕左边500px,距离屏幕顶部250px root.resizable(False, False) # 这只主窗口不可以拉动改变大小 l_frame_1 = LabelFrame(root, text="拆分文件", padx=10, pady=10) # 设置一个frame控件,父容器为root,padx设置距离父容器左边的距离,单位为像素,pady设置距离父容器顶部的距离 l_frame_1.pack(pady=20) # 使用pack才算将该控件绑定到窗口上,距离顶部20像素 label_1 = Label(l_frame_1, text="请选择待拆分文件:") # 设置一个文本标签控件,父容器为l_frame_1,就是前面的frame控件 text_box = Entry(l_frame_1, bd=2) # 设置一个文本框控件,父容器为l_frame_1,就是前面的frame控件 label_1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=10) # 使用表格布局,设置文本控件在frame控件的第0行第0列,padx和pady分别设置左、上边距 text_box.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=10) # 原理同上 # 定义“浏览”按钮的功能为点击后打开一个文件选择框filedialog def btn_view_click(): text_box.delete(0, END) text_box.insert(0, tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename()) btn_view = Button(l_frame_1, text='浏览...', command=btn_view_click) # 设置一个“浏览”按钮,父容器为l_frame_1,绑定函数btn_view_click() btn_view.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=10) # 设置“浏览”按钮的位置 pgrs_bar = ttk.Progressbar(root) # 设置一个进度条 l_frame_2 = LabelFrame(root, text="发送邮件", padx=30, pady=10) label_name = Label(l_frame_2, text="发件人邮箱") label_pwd = Label(l_frame_2, text='发件人密码') label_addr_list = Label(l_frame_2, text='收件人地址簿') entry_name = Entry(l_frame_2, bd=2, state='readonly') # state设置文本框为只读,此处因为后续将邮箱账号写死在程序里了,不用手输了,所以这里设为只读了 entry_pwd = Entry(l_frame_2, bd=2, show='*', state='readonly') # show="*",用户输入字符后将显示为*号,用于密码输入 entry_addr_list = Entry(l_frame_2, bd=2, state='readonly') def btn_view2_click(): entry_addr_list.delete(0, END) entry_addr_list.insert(0, tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename()) def getLastMonday(): monday = datetime.date.today() # monday = datetime.date(2022, 6, 27) one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) while monday.weekday() != 0: monday -= one_day return datetime.datetime.strftime(monday, "%Y-%m-%d") def btn_send_click(): sender_account = "[email protected]" sender_pwd = "123456" sender_name = "测试账号<[email protected]>" # sender_name用于指示发件人名称,该名称一定要包含发件人邮箱地址,否则程序会报错 smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host="smtp.exmail.qq.com", port=465) smtp.login(sender_account, sender_pwd) pgrs_bar['value'] = 5 # 更新进度条进度 root.update() # 更新进度条进度后,需要刷新主窗体,才能正常显示进度条的变化 global overdue_date try: pgrs_step = 0 for dept in dept_arr_mail: pgrs_step = pgrs_step + 1 msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = sender_name msg['To'] = ";".join(to_list[dept]) # 此处正式上线时改为正式的收件人 msg['Cc'] = ";".join(cc_list[dept]) # 此处正式上线时改为正式的抄送人 msg['Subject'] = '逾期货款统计月报' + overdue_date # message_xlsx = pandas.read_excel(dept + ".xlsx").to_html() message_tips = "<hr /><p>温馨提示:</p><p>本邮件由系统自动发出,有可能遇到附件名称出现乱码的情况,此时双击附件,会提示选择用什么程序打开,此时选择wps或者Office " \ "Excel即可正常打开。</p>" \ "<p>建议将Foxmail升级到最新版客户端,或者使用网页邮箱查看邮件,附件名称都会正常显示</p>" \ "<p>最新版Foxmail下载地址:<a href='https://www.foxmail.com/'>https://www.foxmail.com/</a></p>" \ "<p>网页版邮箱登录地址:<a href='https://exmail.qq.com/'>https://exmail.qq.com/</a></p>" message_sign = '<hr />Best regards<br/>' \ '[email protected]<br/>' \ ' <br/>' \ '深圳市优博讯科技股份有限公司(股票代码:300531)<br/>' \ 'UROVO TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (Stock Code: 300531.SZ)<br/>' \ '深圳市南山区学府路63号高新区联合总部大厦36-37楼<br/>' \ 'Floor 36-37, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower,No.63 Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,' \ 'Guangdong,<br/>' \ 'ChinaTel:+86-755-86186300,<br/>' \ 'Web:http://www.urovo.com<br/>' \ '------------------------------------<br/>' \ '本邮件包含信息归优博讯所有,优博讯对该邮件拥有所有权利。请收件人注意保密,未经发件人书面许可,不得向任何第三方组织和个人透露本邮件所含全部或部分信息。<br/>' \ 'CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This message is intended exclusively for the named addressee and ' \ 'may contain confidential information. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised ' \ 'to receive for the addressee) you may not copy, use or disclose this message. If this ' \ 'e-mail was sent to you by mistake please notify the sender immediately and delete this ' \ 'e-mail. ' message = name_list[dept] + ':<br/><p>您好!截至' + overdue_date + ', ' + dept + '的应收账款为' + str( format(ar_balance[ dept], ",")) + '元,逾期金额为' + str(format(overdue_amount[dept], ",")) + '元,逾期率为' + str( overdue_percent[ dept]) + '</p><p>附件为应收款和逾期款明细,请查收,谢谢!</p><p>后续若有疑问,请及时与财务中心相关同事联系。</p><p>海外--李媛媛</p><p' \ '>国内--王博、段春雪、李堤。</p>' + message_sign msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'html', 'utf-8')) # print(message) xlsx_file = MIMEApplication(open(dept + '.xlsx', 'rb').read()) xlsx_file['Content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' xlsx_file.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=Header(dept + '.xlsx', 'utf-8').encode()) # 添加到header信息,此处filename必须用Header编码,不然会出现乱码 msg.attach(xlsx_file) # 正式上线时修改为正式的收件人和抄送人 # 此处sender_name参数的值必须包含发件人地址,否则会报错 smtp.sendmail(sender_name, to_list[dept] + cc_list[dept], msg.as_string()) pgrs_bar['value'] = 5 + pgrs_step / len(dept_arr) * 95 root.update() pgrs_bar['value'] = 5 + pgrs_step / len(dept_arr_mail) * 95 root.update() smtp.quit() messagebox.showinfo('发送成功', str(len(dept_arr_mail)) + '封邮件发送成功,请登录邮箱查看已发送邮件') except Exception as e: # smtp.quit() messagebox.showerror('错误', e) btn_view2 = Button(l_frame_2, text='从文件导入...') btn_send = Button(l_frame_2, text='发送邮件', command=btn_send_click) def show_mail_area(): l_frame_2.pack(pady=20) label_name.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) label_pwd.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) label_addr_list.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) entry_name.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) entry_pwd.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) entry_addr_list.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) btn_view2.grid(row=4, column=2, padx=10, pady=10) btn_send.grid(row=5, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) def btn_split_click(): file_name = text_box.get() if file_name != "": # try: # 显示进度条 pgrs_bar.pack(padx=100, pady=10) pgrs_bar['length'] = 300 pgrs_bar['maximum'] = 100 pgrs_bar['value'] = 3 root.update() wb = load_workbook(file_name, data_only=True) # print(wb.sheetnames) sheet1 = wb["应收汇总"] global overdue_date # 声明接下来使用的是外部的变量overdue_date,就是代码开头在函数外面声明的那个overdue_date overdue_date = re.search("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+", sheet1.cell(1, 1).value).group() # 正则表达式的使用 pgrs_bar['value'] = 5 root.update() # print(sheet1.title) max_row_B = max(bb.row for bb in sheet1['B'] if bb.value) # 获取B列有数据的最大行号 pgrs_bar['value'] = 8 root.update() # print(max_row_B) # 将B列的值全部作为key保存到dept_dict字典中,利用字典的key值唯一的特性,获取B列所有不重复的值 dept_dict = dict() for row in sheet1["B4:B" + str(max_row_B)]: for cell in row: if cell.value in all_dept_arr: dept_dict[cell.value] = "" for key in dept_dict.keys(): dept_arr.append(key) if key in sales_dept_arr: current_sales_dept.append(key) else: dept_arr_mail.append(key) del dept_dict dept_arr_mail.append("营销中心") # print(dept_arr) # print(current_sales_dept) # print(dept_arr_mail) pgrs_bar['value'] = 10 root.update() pgrs_step = 0 for dept in dept_arr_mail: pgrs_step = pgrs_step + 1 new_wb = Workbook() new_ws = new_wb.active new_ws.title = dept header1 = ["合并客户", "部门", "业务员", "应收金额(RMB)", "逾期(含发货超过90天", "逾期1:发货超过90天", "逾期2:超账期", "逾期期间", "", "", "", "", "6月回款(RMB)", "周回款情况", "", "", ""] header2 = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "1-30天", "31-90天", "91-180天", "181-365天", "1年以上", "6月回款(RMB)", "W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"] new_ws.append(header1) new_ws.append(header2) new_ws.merge_cells("A1:A2") new_ws.merge_cells("B1:B2") new_ws.merge_cells("C1:C2") new_ws.merge_cells("D1:D2") new_ws.merge_cells("E1:E2") new_ws.merge_cells("F1:F2") new_ws.merge_cells("G1:G2") new_ws.merge_cells("H1:L1") new_ws.merge_cells("M1:M2") new_ws.merge_cells("N1:Q1") for row3 in new_ws["A1:Q2"]: for cell4 in row3: cell4.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center', wrap_text=True) cell4.fill = PatternFill(start_color='C0C0C0', fill_type='solid') if dept != "营销中心": for row in sheet1["B4:B" + str(max_row_B)]: for cell in row: if cell.value == dept: data_arr = [] for cell2 in sheet1[cell.row]: data_arr.append(cell2.value) new_ws.append(data_arr) else: for row in sheet1["B4:B" + str(max_row_B)]: for cell in row: if cell.value in current_sales_dept: data_arr = [] for cell2 in sheet1[cell.row]: data_arr.append(cell2.value) new_ws.append(data_arr) max_row_B2 = max(bb.row for bb in new_ws['B'] if bb.value) # 设置合计行,get_column_letter(int)函数能获取列标字母 for row4 in new_ws["D" + str(max_row_B2 + 1) + ":Q" + str(max_row_B2 + 1)]: for cell5 in row4: cell5.value = '=sum(' + get_column_letter(cell5.column) + '3:' + get_column_letter( cell5.column) + str(max_row_B2) + ')' new_ws.cell(max_row_B2 + 1, 1).value = '合计' # 计算部门的应收余额和逾期金额 ar_balance[dept] = 0 overdue_amount[dept] = 0 # 累加D列的应收金额 for row5 in new_ws["D3:D" + str(max_row_B2)]: for cell6 in row5: # 有些单元格为空,Value不能直接做加法,空值做加法会报错,所以做个判断 if cell6.value: ar_balance[dept] += cell6.value # 累加E列的逾期金额 for row6 in new_ws["E3:E" + str(max_row_B2)]: for cell7 in row6: # 有些单元格为空,Value不能直接做加法,空值做加法会报错,所以做个判断 if cell7.value: overdue_amount[dept] += cell7.value ar_balance[dept] = round(ar_balance[dept], 2) overdue_amount[dept] = round(overdue_amount[dept], 2) print(dept) print(ar_balance[dept]) # 计算逾期率,并将结果转化为保留两位小数的百分数 overdue_percent[dept] = "%.2f%%" % round(overdue_amount[dept] / ar_balance[dept] * 100, 2) for row2 in new_ws[new_ws.dimensions]: for cell3 in row2: cell3.font = Font(size=9) cell3.number_format = "#,##0.00" cell3.border = Border(left=Side(style='thin'), right=Side(style='thin'), top=Side(style='thin'), bottom=Side(style='thin')) new_ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(cell3.column)].width = 15 new_ws.delete_cols(18) new_ws.cell(max_row_B2 + 2, 5).value = '=E' + str(max_row_B2 + 1) + '/D' + str(max_row_B2 + 1) new_ws.cell(max_row_B2 + 2, 5).number_format = "0.00%" new_ws.cell(max_row_B2 + 2, 5).font = Font(size=9) new_wb.save(dept + ".xlsx") pgrs_bar['value'] = 10 + pgrs_step / len(dept_arr_mail) * 90 root.update() messagebox.showinfo('拆分成功', '文件已拆分成功,请查看程序所在文件夹') # print(ar_balance) # print(overdue_amount) # print(overdue_percent) # 拆分完成后才显示发送邮件的功能区域 show_mail_area() # pgrs_bar.destroy() # except Exception as e: # messagebox.showerror('错误', e) # pgrs_bar.destroy() else: messagebox.showerror('错误', '请先选择需要拆分的文件') btn_split = Button(l_frame_1, text='开始拆分', command=btn_split_click) btn_split.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5, pady=10) root.mainloop()





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