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纯真IP库使用方法(Python 3.8)

时间:2024-05-31 15:12:34浏览次数:27  
标签:Python IP self ip QQwry data 3.8 qqwry

1- 将Python从2.7升级到3.8之后,之前的qqwry库需要重新安装:
pip3 install qqwry

2- 修改修改查询IP的代码:

2-1- 旧代码(适用于Python2.7):

q = QQwry()
if q.load_file(u'qqwry.dat')==True:
  version = q.get_lastone()
  print(('当前版本:%s,%s' % (version[0],version[1])))

result = q.lookup(ip)

2-2 新代码(适用于Python3.8):
q = QQwry('qqwry.dat')

result = q.ip_location(ip)

3- 新下载的qqwry.py库在使用过程中报错,修改后的文件如下:
A. / 改成 //
B. '\0'改成b'\x00'
C. unpack('I', "%s\0" % self.data[offset: offset + 3])[0]
改成 unpack('I', self.data[offset: offset + 3]+b'\x00')[0]

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*

# Author: Nixawk

QQWry is a binary file which contains ip-related locations information.
This module search it and get location information from it.


    >>> from qqwry import QQwry
    >>> qqWry = QQwry('qqwry.dat')
    >>> qqWry.ip_location('')

  Note: pleaes get qqwry ip database from trust sources.

import socket
from struct import unpack

class QQwry(object):
    def __init__(self, db_file):
        self.data           # ip database content
        self.startindex     # start index
        self.lastindex      # last index
        self.count          # index count

        with open(db_file, 'rb') as dbf:
            self.data = dbf.read()
            self.startindex, self.lastindex = unpack('II', self.data[:8])
            self.count = (self.lastindex - self.startindex) // 7 + 1

    def dichotomy(self, data, kwd, begin, end, index):
        """dichotomy search"""
        if end - begin <= 1:
            return begin


        half = (begin + end) // 2
        i = index + half * 7
        tmp = unpack('I', data[i: i+4])[0]

        if kwd <= tmp:
            return self.dichotomy(data, kwd, begin, half, index)
            return self.dichotomy(data, kwd, half, end, index)

    def getstring(self, offset):
        """get country / city string"""
        #gb2312_str = self.data[offset: self.data.find('\0', offset)]
        gb2312_str = self.data[offset: self.data.find(b'\x00', offset)]
            utf8_str = gb2312_str.decode('gb2312')
            utf8_str = ""
        return utf8_str

    def index(self, ip):
        """get ip index with ip offset"""
        return self.startindex + 7 * (
            self.dichotomy(self.data, unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0],
                           0, self.count - 1, self.startindex))

    def record(self, offset):
        """a record = [IP Start] + [IP Offset]"""
        #print(self.data[offset: offset + 3]+b'\x00')
        #return unpack('I', "%s\0" % self.data[offset: offset + 3])[0]
        return unpack('I', self.data[offset: offset + 3]+b'\x00')[0]

    def country_redirect(self, offset):
        """record redirect"""
        #byte = ord(self.data[offset])
        byte = self.data[offset]

        if byte == 1 or byte == 2:
            return self.country_redirect(self.record(offset + 1))
            return self.getstring(offset)

    def country_city(self, offset, ip=0):
        """get country / city from a record"""
        #byte = ord(self.data[offset])
        byte = self.data[offset]

        if byte == 1:
            return self.country_city(self.record(offset+1))

        elif byte == 2:
            return (self.country_redirect(self.record(offset+1)),
            return (self.getstring(offset),
                    self.country_redirect(self.data.find(b'\x00', offset) + 1))

    def ip_file(self, ipfile):
        """get multi ips locations in a file"""
        with open(ipfile) as f:
            for i in f:
                yield i.strip()

    def ip_location(self, ip):
        """get a single ip location"""
        (country, city) = self.country_city(
            self.record(self.index(ip) + 4) + 4)
        return (country, city)        

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luhongwei168/p/18224603
