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python a* 寻址算法 我是按照像素来判断是不是障碍物

时间:2022-08-20 10:44:33浏览次数:64  
标签:map cost python self pos 像素 openlist 寻址 location

from random import randint
from PIL import Image
class SearchEntry():
    def __init__(self, x, y, g_cost, f_cost=0, pre_entry=None):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # cost move form start entry to this entry
        self.g_cost = g_cost
        self.f_cost = f_cost
        self.pre_entry = pre_entry
    def getPos(self):
        return (self.x, self.y)
class Map():
    # 默认初始
    def __init__(self):
        self.img = Image.open('xiaoditu.png')
        width, height = self.img.size
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.map = [[0 for y in range(self.height)] for x in range(self.width)]
    # 遍历图片吧黑色像素都设置1  障碍物
    def createBlock(self):
        pixels = self.img.load()
        for y in range(self.height):
          for x in range(self.width):
            r, g, b = pixels[x, y]
            # in case your image has an alpha channel
            # r, g, b, a = pixels[x, y]
#    最后再循环遍历map绘图  0是白色 可通行 1 障碍物 黑色不可通行 2 红色 可通行陆星
    def showMap(self):
        for y in range(self.height):
          for x in range(self.width):
                val = self.map[x][y]
        return self.pathlist
def AStarSearch(map, source, dest):
    def getNewPosition(map, locatioin, offset):
        x,y = (location.x + offset[0], location.y + offset[1])
        if x < 0 or x >= map.width or y < 0 or y >= map.height or map.map[y][x] == 1:
            return None
        return (x, y)
    def getPositions(map, location):
        # use four ways or eight ways to move
        offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]
        #offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1,-1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
        poslist = []
        for offset in offsets:
            pos = getNewPosition(map, location, offset)
            if pos is not None:         
        return poslist
    # imporve the heuristic distance more precisely in future
    def calHeuristic(pos, dest):
        return abs(dest.x - pos[0]) + abs(dest.y - pos[1])
    def getMoveCost(location, pos):
        if location.x != pos[0] and location.y != pos[1]:
            return 1.4
            return 1
    # check if the position is in list
    def isInList(list, pos):
        if pos in list:
            return list[pos]
        return None
    # add available adjacent positions
    def addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist):
        poslist = getPositions(map, location)
        for pos in poslist:
            # if position is already in closedlist, do nothing
            if isInList(closedlist, pos) is None:
                findEntry = isInList(openlist, pos)
                h_cost = calHeuristic(pos, dest)
                g_cost = location.g_cost + getMoveCost(location, pos)
                if findEntry is None :
                    # if position is not in openlist, add it to openlist
                    openlist[pos] = SearchEntry(pos[0], pos[1], g_cost, g_cost+h_cost, location)
                elif findEntry.g_cost > g_cost:
                    # if position is in openlist and cost is larger than current one,
                    # then update cost and previous position
                    findEntry.g_cost = g_cost
                    findEntry.f_cost = g_cost + h_cost
                    findEntry.pre_entry = location
    # find a least cost position in openlist, return None if openlist is empty
    def getFastPosition(openlist):
        fast = None
        for entry in openlist.values():
            if fast is None:
                fast = entry
            elif fast.f_cost > entry.f_cost:
                fast = entry
        return fast
    openlist = {}
    closedlist = {}
    location = SearchEntry(source[0], source[1], 0.0)
    dest = SearchEntry(dest[0], dest[1], 0.0)
    openlist[source] = location
    while True:
        location = getFastPosition(openlist)
        if location is None:
            # not found valid path
            print("can't find valid path")
        if location.x == dest.x and location.y == dest.y:
        closedlist[location.getPos()] = location
        addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist)
    #mark the found path at the map
    while location is not None:
        map.map[location.y][location.x] = 2
        location = location.pre_entry   
map = Map()
#  注意Y,X
source = (8,3)
dest =(142,200)
AStarSearch(map, source, dest)
# 返回路径数组 x y


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/newmiracle/p/16607281.html


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