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Trim的使用 C#

时间:2024-03-24 15:11:36浏览次数:36  
标签:Trim string C# trimmed characters 使用 myString Hello whitespace


These methods are designed for trimming characters from strings.
Here's a breakdown of each method, along with examples of their usage:

1. Trim(char trimChar):

  • Removes all leading and trailing instances of a specific character from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "  Hello World!  ";
string trimmed = myString.Trim(' ');  // trimmed will be "Hello World!"

2. Trim(params char[]? trimChars):

  • Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of characters from a specified array.

  • If trimChars is null or empty, it removes whitespace characters.

  • Example:

string myString = ",,Hello,World,,";
string trimmed = myString.Trim(',');  // trimmed will be "Hello,World"

3. Trim():

  • Removes all leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "\t  This is a string with whitespace. \n";
string trimmed = myString.Trim();  // trimmed will be "This is a string with whitespace."

4. TrimEnd():

  • Removes all trailing whitespace characters from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "This is a string with trailing whitespace  ";
string trimmed = myString.TrimEnd();  // trimmed will be "This is a string with trailing whitespace"

5. TrimEnd(char trimChar):

  • Removes all trailing occurrences of a specific character from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "Hello!!!!";
string trimmed = myString.TrimEnd('!');  // trimmed will be "Hello"

6. TrimEnd(params char[]? trimChars):

  • Removes all trailing occurrences of characters from a specified array.

  • If trimChars is null or empty, it removes whitespace characters.

  • Example:

string myString = "Hello...World...";
string trimmed = myString.TrimEnd(new char[] { '.' });  // trimmed will be "Hello...World"

7. TrimStart():

  • Removes all leading whitespace characters from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "  This is a string with leading whitespace.";
string trimmed = myString.TrimStart();  // trimmed will be "This is a string with leading whitespace."

8. TrimStart(char trimChar):

  • Removes all leading occurrences of a specific character from a string.

  • Example:

string myString = "*********Hello World*********";
string trimmed = myString.TrimStart('*');  // trimmed will be "Hello World*********"

9. TrimStart(params char[]? trimChars):

  • Removes all leading occurrences of characters from a specified array.

  • If trimChars is null or empty, it removes whitespace characters.

  • Example:

string myString = "00012345";
string trimmed = myString.TrimStart(new char[] { '0' });  // trimmed will be "12345"

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuoss/p/18092446


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