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python | 算法大神左神(左程云)算法课程 第五节

时间:2022-08-18 21:13:45浏览次数:75  
标签:index None python self 左神 next 算法 key ._

Today New -> python | 算法大神左神(左程云)算法课程 第五节(第几节我已经搞不清了,随便吧。。)





⭐ 复制含有随机指针节点的链表

function 1 -> hash表

# 复制含有随机指针节点的链表
# 用hash表
class Node():
    def __init__(self, value=None, next=None, rand=None):
        self.value = value
        self.next = next
        self.rand = rand
def CopyList(head):
    hash = {} # key-value
    h = head
    while h is not None:
        hash[h] = Node(h.value) # key=old node; value=new node
        h = h.next
    h = head
    while h is not None:
        hash[h].next = h.next # new.next = old.next
        hash[h].rand = h.rand # new.rand = old.rand
        h = h.next
    return hash[head] # hash[old head] -> new head 

function 2 -> 不用hash表




def CopyList2(head):
    if head is None: return None
    # step1 create new nodes
    h = head
    while h is not None:
        next = h.next # next -> save next node
        h.next = Node(h.value) # h.next -> new node
        h.next.next = next # new node -> next
        h = next # h move next
    # step2 rand part
    h = head
    while h is not None:
        next = h.next.next # next -> save next node of old list
        cur_copy = h.next # cur_copy -> new node
        cur_copy.rand = h.rand.next if h.rand is not None else None # find rand space or None
        h = next
    # step3 next part and split
    h = head
    res = head.next # new list head node
    while h is not None:
        next = h.next.next
        cur_copy = h.next
        cur_copy.next = next.next if next is not None else None # new list
        h.next = next # old list
        h = next
    return res


参考链接 1

参考链接 2





# Python中实现hash表结构

class Array(): # Array -> use to save hash table items
    def __init__(self, size=32, init=None):
        self._size = size
        self._items = [init] * size
    def __len__(self):
        return self._size
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._items[index]
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        self._items[index] = value
    def clear(self, value=None):
        for i in range(len(self._items)):
            self._items[i] = value
    def __iter__(self):
        for item in self._items:
            yield item

class Slot(): # Slot -> save each key-value
    def __init__(self, key, value):
        self.key, self.value = key, value

class HashTable():
    Unused = None # Unused -> init (means an unused slot)
    Empty = Slot(None, None) # an empty slot
    def __init__(self):
        self._table = Array(size=8, init=HashTable.Unused)
        self.length = 0
    def _load_factor(self): # how much space has been used
        return self.length / float(len(self._table))
    def __len__(self): # num of not empty slot
        return self.length
    def _hash(self, key):
        return abs(hash(key)) % len(self._table)
    def _find_key(self, key):
        index = self._hash(key)
        _len = len(self._table)
        while self._table[index] is not HashTable.Unused: # an used slot
            if self._table[index] is HashTable.Empty: # this slot's key and value have been removed
                index = (index * 5 + 1) % _len # search another slot; cpython解决hash冲突的的一种方式。
                continue # while -> next loop
            elif self._table[index].key == key: # find it
                return index
                index = (index * 5 + 1) % _len
        return None
    def _slot_can_insert(self, index):
        return (self._table[index] is HashTable.Unused or self._table[index] is HashTable.Empty) # None or Slot(None, None)
    def _find_slot_for_insert(self, key):
        index = self._hash(key)
        _len = len(self._table)
        while not self._slot_can_insert(index): # collision
            index = (index * 5 + 1) % _len
        return index # Dont't worry, read follow -> add and _rehash
    def add(self, key, value):
        index = self._find_key(key)
        if index is not None: # this key already exists
            self._table[index].value = value # refresh value of this slot
            return False # not new key
            index = self._find_slot_for_insert(key)
            self._table[index] = Slot(key, value)
            self.length += 1
            if self._load_factor >= 0.8: # make sure always have space to add
            return True # new key-vlue
    def _rehash(self):
        old_table = self._table # save old hash table
        newsize = len(self._table) * 2
        self._table = Array(newsize, init=HashTable.Unused) # reinit
        self.length = 0

        for slot in old_table:
            if slot is not HashTable.Unused and slot is not HashTable.Empty: # not None and not Slot(None, None)
                index = self._find_slot_for_insert(slot.key)
                self._table[index] = slot
                self.length += 1

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        index = self._find_key(key)
        if index is None:
            return default # not find return what you want
            return self._table[index].value # find key's value

    def remove(self, key):
        index = self._find_key(key)
        if index is None:
            raise KeyError() # no this key to remove, so raise error
        value = self._table[index].value # save key's value
        self._table[index] = HashTable.Empty # this slot -> Slot(None, None)
        self.length -= 1
        return value

    def __iter__(self):
        for slot in self._table:
            if slot not in (HashTable.Unused, HashTable.Empty):
                yield slot.key

# 示例演示效果
def test_hash_table():
    h = HashTable()
    h.add('i', 0)
    h.add('miss', 1)
    h.add('u', 2)
    assert len(h) == 3
    assert h.get("i") == 0
    assert h.get("miss") == 1
    assert h.get("him", "No!") == "No!"

    assert h.get('i') is None
    assert len(h) == 2
    assert sorted(h) == ["miss", "u"]

    n = 50
    for i in range(n):
        h.add(i, i)
    print(len(h)) # 52
    for i in range(n):
        assert h.get(i) == i

if __name__ == '__main__':

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ljdsbfj/p/16600115.html


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